Jan 3

SC EP:1119 The Flaming Gorge Creature

Early release, I will return on Sunday for the members. A listener writes “As a little girl my family would go camping at a place called “Flaming Gorge” it’s in Eastern Utah. It’s divided by a pretty huge Gorge (for Utah anyway) and has mountains all around it. I was somewhere between the age 4/5 when my family went down to the cliffs to Cliff Jump all day. This was back in the late 80’s early 90’s. Since I was so little I didn’t do the cliff jumping with my siblings. I was allowed to play around the cliffs as long as I stayed in eyesight. This was a really safe place with families that just camped in designated camping sections.

Well as little kids do, I was a wanderer. My Dad had given me a whistle in case I got lost so I could blow it and he’d know where I was.
I was just walking along the cliffs (which wrap around the entire Gorge) playing like little kids do. I obviously wasn’t paying attention, so when I looked up I realized I couldn’t see my family, and I could no longer recognize the cliffs.

It started getting darker and darker until dusk hit. I was blowing my whistle but no Dad came running. I remember being pretty close to the cliff edge but kind of hidden in the trees. I remembered that I wasn’t supposed to move once I got lost.

Right around sunset I noticed all the sounds had stopped. I couldn’t hear the waves crashing along the cliffs, the bugs had stopped chirping, and the trees stood silent. I could feel something watching me. I remember looking across the Gorge (about 100 feet) and saw this big black creature on 2 legs that resembled a gorilla I’d seen at the zoo staring at me. I’ll never forget the fear that came over me. I remember it’s eyes, and the meanness in it’s face so distinctly. I instantly stopped blowing my whistle and I just crouched down, covered my head in between my legs and just begged God to send my Dad to me. I’ll never forget the next moment. It felt like it took a lifetime but like it happened instantly at the same time. Arms wrapped around me and my dad’s voice whispered “keep your eyes closed and be quiet” and he took off running. I just clutched onto him until the noises came back before I dated look up. I remember him calmly telling me that I was okay, and I was safe.

It took us forever to get back to camp because by the time we got there, the sky was black, and EVERYONE from the entire campground was searching for me with flashlights. I don’t know how but apparently I had been gone since about noon and it was between 830 and 9 from what my family and Dad have told me. My brother’s and Dad remember it vividly. My Dad remembers the creature and my brothers remember me being lost. I’ll never forget it. I’ll mostly never forget the fear and his eyes.”






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72 Responses to “SC EP:1119 The Flaming Gorge Creature”

    • Mark H

      I would love to meet with you amd your family if you are willing.
      Meanwhile, I highly suggest going to “TheDrawingsOfBigfoot” and contact Michael Montoya. He does interview sketches of these things over the phone. He did one for me of a child Sasquatch I saw once and it turned out perfect. You can see my sighting sketch and my interview at “SC EP:807 – The Little Monkey” here on Sasquatch Chronicles or on YouTube.
      Please feel free to contact me if you wish.
      Mark Hillen
      Cedaredge Colorado
      970-209-7282 text and cell
      Thank you.

    • Mikey S

      Another killer episode Bud.. I gotta say 47:15min HAHAHAHA,
      That statement You say about your dog Is PURE GOLD!!! Made my day!!! Best thing I heard all day man… All the best 💪

  1. Mark R

    Unexpected episodes are the best! Thanks, Wes! I was just listening to Blurry Creatures interviewing Mondo Gonzales about the unblemished red heifers in Israel. Very good episode. I finished that and saw that SC was updated!

    Congratulations Maria G! Persistence pays off!

    • Lisa S

      Michigan has had fog also. Can be normal here depending on air temp/ if ground is frozen, BUT, there has been alot of it, and in SO many places across the US! It’s sad we have to be In fear this way, not trusting the ” officials” who are supposedly in charge and should be looking out for our best interest.

      • Mark R

        I live in the Manistee National Forest (surrounded by it, actually) and I’ve experienced fog but as you say, with the warmer air temps and light snow cover it’s to be expected. To be honest I haven’t noticed anything weird with it where I live but 50 miles west I noticed a very heavy, chemical smell in the parking lot where I work. It’s easy to pass that stuff off as the price of industrialism, especially with my employers record.

  2. Greg A

    so many people mentioned the fog, we had fog or heavy mist in central Florida a day ago, when I went out to walk the dogs it had a weird smell, almost like smoke from fireworks….

    • Mark R

      Funny you should ask…a young couple purchased my favorite bakery in the area after the original owners announced retirement and they have done a great job keeping the old recipes and adding Italian recipes from the husband’s family. They do a cannoli filling cake roll with a dusting of cinnamon sugar that is outrageous! I have to limit my visits to twice a month.

  3. Brent S

    Maybe I’m unusual, but I don’t remember ever one time in my life experiencing the feeling that someone was watching me. Of course, I am RH Positive… ; ) I couldn’t contact a spirit with an electric Ouija Board…

  4. Venzulo

    Yeaaaah Wes Wick, touch my dog and I’ll dissappear into the forest and say kill all the Sasquatch and let God sort em out. Gonna need a ouija board to contact your family members that cross my path…
    And BTW Jill, give your mom my number…
    Alpha Wes in full effect tonight boys. Jesus he’s so tuff.

  5. Blanche D

    UK person here, so no stinky fog yet. I do live in a geographical bowl, so we do get fog from time to time. I think that fog can carry particulates, so maybe those ufos left sumfink behind, or just dust from some freak weather condition.

    This episode is only ep that I recall when a dogman/ Anubis made the atmosphere quiet. There was that weird one with some movie folk returning from a set that experienced strong winds, then the creature appeared on road, not quite the same. So I wonder if a sasquash was in the area and assisted dad in recovery of daughter, given dad’s ESP. Who knows?

    So nice of Wes to offer solace to guest’s mum. What a diamond 👏😇

  6. Susan M

    Wes, You are not crazy!!! I would do the exact same. Don’t ever apologize for feeling like that as many of us feel the same. Way. My dogs are my best friends. It would be my mission to destroy them as well and let the cards fall.

  7. Dawn K

    Awesome show! Just curious, did she mention if the dogman creature had ears on top of its head like is usually reported? Some people describe its ears being like that of a German Shepherd or a Doberman Pincher. Maybe I missed that…

  8. Bert F

    There has been super dense fog all through Tampa Bay the last 2 weeks, now it is “winter” but daily advisories about the fog and I leave for work early and it is no joke thick. But tend to keep the windows up

  9. Mary K

    Friday night special! Always a great way to end the week. Old memories! Bring back Friday episodes!!!
    Jills childhood encounter was super scary. Thank heavens for the whistle and a quick thinking protective father.

  10. Brent J

    fog be damned!!!!

    I found this guy on Reddit who says that the bill and Melinda Gates foundation was researching nanoarticulates in the form of fog. I’m not sure if that source is good. but something interesting to look into. I saw videos on the fog in Florida and it looks very strange. we’ve been having what we call Vog over here on the big island of Hawaii. but that’s just because the freaking volcanoes blowing up right now! Peace out hippies!

    stay safe

  11. Patrick H

    I’ve heard about this fog as well as witnessed it firsthand. The smell and all. The week prior and including Christmas week had dense fog in my part of Wisconsin. It wasnt long after that when we all came down with somrthing that hasnt left us yet. Symptoms are off and on headaches, chest congestion, muscle and joint aches. It’s unlike any cold I’ve had in the past, including so called covid.

  12. Brent J

    sorry about putting three comments on the same episode! but I just want to say I thought it was really cool that you too made that connection with our four-legged family members.

    My wife and I actually decided not to have any more pets because it’s so difficult to recover from the loss of one. anyway, just thought I’d add that. Hope you guys have a wonderful night.

  13. Nancy S

    You said what you said Wes, and I’m RIGHT there with you. I would probably die getting revenge on losing any of my fur babies. I feel so bad for them losing their precious pets.

  14. Steve W

    There is an outbreak of Metapneumovirus (HMPV) virus in northern China, overwhelming health services. Like CV it is a raspatory effecting virus with mild cold like symptoms in most adults, but may effect infants and the elderly with pneumonia as the name suggests. Could there be a link between this and the Fog? and also these possible drones of Chinese origin?

  15. David T

    great episode Wes. Thank You Good Brother. Sad to hear about the two brothers. Never underestimate the power of nature. on the equipment that was stolen~ sounds like leftover antifa losers level of lowness. I hope karma delivers the max penalty.

  16. Karla G

    I couldn’t listen to the part about the dog. anytime I feel like there’s going to be a dead dog story coming up I fast forward it. so I didn’t hear that part, but I did hear Wes ranting about what he would do if something hurt his dog, and no, Wes, you don’t sound crazy. any of us who have dogs and love them to the extent that they deserve to be loved would feel the same way. I never ever in a million years want to hurt any animal of any kind. I don’t even like pulling leaves off of plants. I’ve been known to cry when I see a truck load of timber. I have the utmost empathy and reverence for life, BUT if something hurt one of my pets, and especially one of my dogs, I would beat them/it into oblivion and then rip it apart with my bare hands, or I would at least try to with everything within me. and I’m not being dramatic. or even better yet, I’d burn it alive. the more suffering the better. so no, loving your dog does not make you crazy. they are just about the purest sweetest and most innocent form of life in existence, and aside from the love for your kids, I don’t think there’s a more pure love that we can feel in the world. if I had to give my own life in trying to save one of my dogs, then so be it. that may be sounding crazy to people who don’t have dogs, but dogs become family, at least in my household. and my love for them knows no bounds. so wes, if you’re crazy, then so am I!!!

  17. Erin H

    I am thinking that the forest and everything around you doesn’t go quiet; but rather you go deaf and unable to feel anything because being paralyzed (infr-sound) ?????

  18. Andrea H

    Jill has a great way of describing things so you can get a mental picture as opposed to some others who just have no words at all for what it was they saw. I thought this was one of the best episodes mostly for that reason. Also, Guns and Roses songs bring back feel-good memories of my youth, so I thought I was going to hate any attempt at changing it up but I actually liked it a lot. To the SC member that said they decided to never have any more pets because of the heartbreaking loss, I totally get it. But the fact that there are so many out there that need saving, as long as I can provide food and shelter to a dog, I will have them. The companionship, laughter, loyalty, and experiences of having a dog bring into your life will far outweigh the grief eventually. Being there in the end is one of the hardest things you can do but be there so they don’t have to go out of this world alone. I figure my job is to make them as comfortable as I can while they are here on this earth, no matter how short or long that time may be. And if anyone hurts a domesticated animal in front of me, hell hath no fury….I will just claim temporary insanity.

  19. Dana B

    moving to the city doesn’t prevent predation of family pets, Dallas lets the Coyote, Bobcat and “we don’t have mountain lions” manage the feral, stray and outside of the home domestic animals , literally snatching them from the yard next to their owners. Dallas Animal Services says they Coyotes, Bobcats and other “no mountain lions or wolves here” are not dangerous , don’t hurt people and its the citizens fault for ordering food , feeding birds and having plants growing around their homes. seriously. Don’t let your dog off a leash or get loose or you can get fined, but a pack of coyotes cruising the streets and pack of Bobcats killing cats on your front yard is just fine.

  20. Dana B

    The joy of living and loving my pets, dogs and cats, the love and light they bring into my life far outweighs the pain and sadness of their passing. To not make friends or love family because someone might die seems a sad and lonely life. We have bad days, sorrow and sadness to also know when we are having good days of joy of happiness and love. Living without either wouldn’t be living at all, this is the human experience.

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