Jan 4

SC EP:1120 Police Officer Encounters Sasquatch

Paul writes “Hi Wes. I’ve been listening to your show for quite some time now. I’ve had two sightings in different locations here in Louisiana but have been reluctant to share with anyone for a few reasons.

I’m born and raised in South Louisiana and also spent a lot of time in East and NE Texas. I’ve spent a good amount of time outdoors and in the woods hunting, camping and fishing. I’m a Police officer which is one of my reasons for being reluctant to share.

The First event took place on June 1st 2019

I say event because I didn’t physically see anything. My son (he was 6 1/2 at the time) and I were remote camping in the Kisatchie National Forest. The location was located between Alexandria and Natchitoches LA. We had camped at this same location at least 3 times prior to this without any issues. It was not a designated camping spot but more of a clearing with bluffs on 3 sides. It’s a beautiful location that’s slightly off the beaten path of a remote fire road. We had met a friend of mine and his girlfriend there the day before for a couple of days of camping and off-roading. We set up camp on Friday afternoon, the day before. We both drove off-road Toyota 4runners. He had a roof top tent on his and we set up our large ground tent. Now me being a LEO I go pretty much everywhere heavily armed, especially remote camping. This trip I had my sidearm, a Sig P320 9mm, and also my suppressed .300 Blkout SBR M4 style rifle with two 30 round mags. Yes I’m a gun nerd. We all just hung out that evening around the fire and had sandwiches. That night we went to bed at about 10pm. I had my pistol and rifle in the tent with me. My son and I slept on a queen size inflatable mattress. We heard nothing outside of the normal forest sounds that night. The next day we went off for the day exploring and off-roading around the area. I left my tent and gear setup there, as I did many times before.

We got back to camp around 4pm Saturday afternoon. It seemed like a few items were scattered around but I couldn’t be sure and just thought maybe it was the wind or something. That evening rather than sandwiches again we cooked tacos and made smores. Yeah they were jam up!! We sat around the fire again just talking until about 9ish and then went to our tents. I’d say we were about 30-40 yards from each other. My son wanted to watch a movie on the iPad so we did that for a while until he fell asleep. I remember it was right at 11pm because I got out of the tent to put the iPad in the truck to charge. My phone was also in the truck because there was zero cell coverage there so it was pointless having it in the tent. I went back in the tent, took my pants and shirt off because it’s hot as shit here and got settled in for bed. Then it dawned on me I forgot my rifle in the locked case in my 4Runner. I had my 9mm with me so I said screw it as I didn’t feel like getting dressed again to go get it. Only real threat we have here would be black bears although I’d never seen one out there so I figured 16 rounds of 9mm would be more than sufficient for anything I might need.

I had no way at this point to tell the time but I’m guessing it was about 30 minutes or so later that things got really strange. I was just drifting off to sleep but an eerie sense of complete silence came over me. I mean nothing was making noise, no crickets, birds or anything. Then I heard something coming up from the slight bluff through thickett behind us. It was a moderately wooded area but not real thick. My kid was playing in that same area that afternoon so I was familiar with the area. Whatever was coming up from the woods was stealthy but still made some noise moving through the brush. I could easily tell it was big, at least big in the sense that it wasn’t a opossum or raccoon or something like that. My first thought was a bear. My second thought was I didn’t have my damn rifle and the truck was locked and at least 30 yards from the tent. I reached for my pistol and slid it out of the holster and layed it across my chest. I thought about getting the truck keys and setting off the panic mode, hoping that would scare off whatever it was. I reached around trying to find where I put my pants to get my keys but I couldn’t find them from where I was laying.

I was trying not to make any noise so I didn’t want to get up. It was at that time that I heard a loud pop, like when you step on a stick and it breaks. The movement at that time completely stopped. It was as if whatever it was knew it made a loud noise and paused walking. At least a minute or two went by without a single sound, then it started walking toward the tent again. As it got closer I could clearly tell that it was walking on 2 legs. It was definitely bipedal, no doubt. I thought this is a person but who hell would be coming out of the woods at midnight and approaching an unknown camp. The sound and weight of the foot steps as it got closer was no way a person. They were so heavy sounding.

As it stepped close to the tent you could feel them on the ground. Not shaking the ground per say but damn you could feel the percussion of them. It walked right next to the tent down one side, and I mean right next to it. Wes I’ve never been scared for my life until this night. My only thought was “please don’t let my son wake up”. I knew if he did he would make noise and I was trying to be completely quiet. I had a death grip on my pistol but something told me a 9mm was not nearly enough for whatever was out there. I made up my mind that shooting it was a last ditch resort. I thought my safest option was complete silence. It made its way around the head of the tent and then stepped away a little bit. Like maybe to check out the truck. I immediately heard it come closer to the tent again and start down the other side, walking the opposite way, like toward where it came from. It was then I almost died. It touched the outer roof of the tent as it walked the entire length of the tent.

I could only imagine that it drug its finger down the tent as it walked along. It was a pitch black night so I couldn’t see anything or even a shadow, but I could see the tent shake and it touched the roof. As it got to the end of that side it paused for a few seconds and then continued out towards the woods. This walk was different though. It was more hurried and seemed to not care about the noise it was making. As it hit the woods you could hear it pick up the pace as it made its way through the brush. I layed there completely still. Maybe after a few minutes or so the forest returned to its normal sounds.

The whole thing lasted what seemed like maybe 5 minutes but honestly I really don’t know. Other than the footsteps it made little to no sounds other than 2 maybe 3 slight huffs, if you know what I mean. There was a noticeable odor as it was close but nothing putrid as I’ve heard people report. Wes again I was terrified for my son’s safety the most. I swear I layed in that exact position until the sun came up. I don’t think I fell asleep at all. I wanted to get up and try to retrieve my rifle from the truck but I was scared that it was still watching. If my kid wouldn’t have been there I think I would have reacted differently but also probably foolishly as well. I feel him being there may have actually saved my life. I didn’t get out of the tent until I heard my buddy get out of his. I came out and looked around and nothing had been disturbed. I asked him if he heard anything last night. He said he thought he heard someone walking around but figured it was me getting up to pee or something. I looked around the tent to see if I saw prints of any kind but the ground was hard and grassy. I could see where the area around the tent was disturbed but no prints of any kind. I don’t know what that thing was but I know it was huge. There is no way anything that wasn’t walking upright could reach the roof of the tent. I know without a doubt it was not a person. If it was, he was huge!!!! Again I know I’m leaving out so many details here.

Second Sighting

This sighting was on November 8th 2020. It was just North of I-10 near the town of Rosedale. This is on the Eastern edge of Atchafalaya Basin and very close to the Sherburne Wildlife Management Area. The area is very rural, with wetland woods and sugarcane fields. I was on my way home from Texas traveling East on LA 76 about 1am. Again the road has no lighting and is very dark, with no traffic at that time of night. My 4Runner has ditch lights installed for off-roading. These are in intensity LED cubes mounted at the base of the windshield angled at 45 degree outward. They are to light up the ditch area out to the side of the truck when off-road. I normally wouldn’t run these on the highway but I usually do on this road because it’s so dark and there are deer everywhere along this stretch. Where I was the highway is elevate about 3-4′ higher that the surrounding field.I was traveling along a cane field which is separated from the road by a deep ditch, maybe 10′ deep and about 20′ wide, and there is about a 20 yard separation from the edge of the ditch to where the cane is planted.

November is right at harvest time so the cane is about 10-12′ tall at this point. I’m going about 45 mph along this cane field and coming up to a point where the cane ends and the woodline starts. I travel this road often so I know where the marker reflectors are but in the distance I see a pair of what I thought were amber reflectors in the field where I know they shouldn’t be. Now keep in mind I have way more lighting than the average vehicle so I’m seeing this at probably 100 yards or so. I know this isn’t right so I took my foot off of the gas and started slowing down a little bit to check this out. As I get closer I see that these are not reflectors. I very clearly see a huge creature standing at the corner of this cane field holding a dead deer in its arms. I’m completely in shock at what I’m looking at but I immediately know what it was. There was at least an 8′ Sasquatch standing there looking back at me.

It was standing against the cane close to where the woods were. It was maybe 2′ shorter than the cane so it was easily 8′ tall. It was holding a whitetail doe in both arms like it was cradling it. The deer’s head was twisted the wrong way from where it should have been, obviously its neck had been broken. My thought is it had chased the deer down from the cane or woods and I just happened along at that moment. It was looking at me with the same amazement as I was looking at it. It just had the oh shit I’m caught look. It was completely frozen as I was passing. I would have thought it was a statue except as I passed it took a step with its left foot to watch me pass, rather than turning its neck. I just drove past it until I couldn’t see it any longer and then thought to myself, “you idiot why didn’t you stop”.

Like before I just had this fear come over me. When I snapped but to my senses I knew I had to go back. Maybe another 100 yards past there was a culvert over the ditch that I was able to turn around at. I floored it back to where it was but it was gone. I pulled over another culvert right where it was, shining my lights down the stretch of dirt road between the cane and the woods but didn’t see anything. I really thought about driving back there or getting out and looking for tracks but all I had was my 9mm with me. There is almost zero chance that would have offered me any protection from this creature had it chosen to come after me. I sat there for 10 minutes just looking all around hoping for another glimpse.

Like I said it was at least 8′ tall with dark brown hair (I’d say cinnamon brown but darker). It was completely covered in hair except for the face around the eyes and cheek area. The skin there is what I’d describe as brown for several shades lighter than the hair, I guess maybe tan. The eyes were huge like the size of coffee cups and the eyes reflected a bright amber color, reflected not shined. The head was smaller in proportion to the shoulder width than it should have been with a slight pointy shape toward the top. It had a flat wide nose but more human shaped than ape shaped.

The arms were long looking but hard for me to say how long because they were curled up supporting the deer it was holding. The legs were massive looking with the upper leg length very out of proportion compared to a human. I guess I’m trying to say the knees looked much lower making the upper thigh area look longer. It stood with the knees slightly bent. Okay this will sound crazy but the only thing I have to compare it to would be Patty and Chewbacca. LOL It had the Patty look but the build of Chewbacca. It looked much taller and leaner than Patty. It was at least twice as wide as a large person though. This thing had to weigh 600 plus pounds easily. I was on the elevated roadway in my truck but almost looked eye level with it. Maybe it was taller than 8′.

I know I’m leaving out details here. I’d be happy to answer any questions that I could if you have any. I could also get pics of the area and pinpoint them on a map. The sugarcane has already been harvested this year so pics probably wouldn’t help much. Why didn’t I think to go back and document things better? I was in shock for so long I guess. I still have a hard time processing all of this and especially talking about the first incident. That was the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced. I hope all of this makes some sense and if you’d like any further detail just let me know. Thanks for your time Wes and thanks for putting out this podcast for us. I never thought listening to your show that I’d be writing this email. Hope you had a great Christmas and have a happy New Year.”






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143 Responses to “SC EP:1120 Police Officer Encounters Sasquatch”

    • Susan M

      Thank you Wes for posting this. I’m a huge follower of Shawn Ryan. The content is absolutely fascinating and horrifying. But it’s needed. I Am not left or right, I’m for people, all walk, all beliefs, hoping all will Coexist someday…I love your show and your platform is life changing and you have the power to ignite more minds and hearts than ever before. Proud to be a member and always will promote you and the courageous people who come forward to share their experiencesand lives..
      Happy new year. Stay safe.

      • Richard S

        The men in charge were paid off etc as part of the plan to cripple usa so China islamists Russia own owgov vat bank euro bankers Pandora etc wer are in so much trouble started with patriot act adg Iraq all set up China wants Taiwan and will cripple us to get it Panama canal wake up its independence day and I’m jeff goldblum

  1. Daren c

    Now the CIA is using podcasts to set people up . That email he was reading still had all the spell check squiggly lines. Ever received an email with them? No. An email WE write has them. Come on people. If a body burns beyond recognition an ID will too. Whats even “funnier” is everyone is talking about the White guy who supposedly blew himself up and injured no one but have now stopped talking about the actual terrorist who killed what? 11 and injured several more. And the “manifesto” lol …… remember the trans shooter ? It took 2 years to get it but this guy’s is out the next day ? Yeah , totally believable stuff, not.

      • Karen D

        Wes that’s interesting. Wow super crazy. The past few months with the drones has been crazy. All the illegals coming across the borders. Fighting age males. Hmmm… invisible weapons?! Time to stock up on some ammo and bug out items. I don’t like the idea or “feel” of it. Thoughts?

        • Nick H

          Start neighborhood watches, and get hand held walkie talkies, check in with each other on a regular basis, report anything suspicious to local authorities, and yes be prepared with a plan, ammo and bug out bags.

  2. Linda B

    Wes, i just listened to the intro and this is really scary. You know, Brother, I’ve been with ya since about 2015. I’ve shared with you some of the spiritual stuff I’ve experienced. This into video matches what I’m hearing in my prayer time. You can pull up one of my old texts (I rarely email) if you’re interested in hearing what I have to say about it. I have a 785 AC on my phone number. Man, I’d love to tell you about what i would say im “hearing” when I pray about this. Bottom line, I’d say Bingo.

  3. Craig F

    Lots of topics covered, sounds like a shifting target, lots of accusations without proof. A general sense of seeking out conspiracy. As in “ dazzle them with several different theories at once”. I could be completely wrong, my opinion just based on what I heard is that this is a bunch of baloney. Some truth but more untruth and people seeking to be “in the know “ to make drama. Reminds me of the accusations that the 2020 election was not the correct result. People making stuff up, claiming that the election was stolen.

    • James S

      Demanding the 2020 election was stolen? Have you looked into the numbers? Biden got more votes than any president in the history of the United States? Were you paying attention to his rallys & the attendance? I would ask you were the millions and millions of votes that were “totally not dead people/ fake” ballots that were cast in 2020, where are those millions of missing ballots (voters) in the 2024 election? And don’t tell me “fewer people hated Trump in 2024, so they just didn’t vote this time”. Or “they didn’t vote because Kamala”. When in reality, they didn’t vote because they DID NOT EXIST. If you honestly do not know this is a proven fact, please, do some research.
      Saying the election was above board is similar to hearing someone say “sure, men can get pregnant and chest feed a newborn”. Really? Count those ballots with that furry man nipple shoved in that poor disappointed baby’s face.. geeze

      • Craig F

        We have a system of courts and laws to settle disputes such as the 2020 election claims . The courts refused to listen to the claimants because they could not provide evidence that any widespread voter fraud occurred. I have a family member who worked for 30 years as a voter registrar. There isn’t any way to do what Trump and his followers claim was done. There is no way to cheat the vote. It is the claims of voter fraud that are false . Trump was a sore loser. Those who believe there was widespread fraud have been misled by propaganda. They aren’t bad people but have been and continue to be deceived.

  4. Daniel M

    Big fan of Shawn Ryan’s show as well. I listened to the episode last night. None of
    it suprises me. From the missiles, to Matt maybe still being alive, to China and the US having anti-gravity tech. you couldn’t make this stuff up. Shawn is really keeping people informed. Everyone needs to be aware and ready for possible hijinx.

  5. James G

    Shawn is a truth seeker, willing to follow leads wherever it may take him. I will say I agree with him on this, our country is in a precarious position right now for many reasons, but at the top the open border the past 4 yrs. Who knows who or what is in this country because of that. It’s time to be vigilant, especially around large crowds. Know where the exits are. Discuss emergency situations with your family. God help us

    • Amy J

      It’s funny to me that Shawn didn’t know what “Anti Gravitics” were seeing as he has had Steven Greer on his show twice with both interviews being in the top 15 of most viewed. I love Shawn Ryan though and can admit that I don’t always remember terms used especially when it’s something I haven’t heard of before. I watched the interview with Sam Shoemate the day it came out. I know I can trust Shawn to put the truth out and if something comes up that may be misleading he immediately posts a video to clarify things. That alone shows that all he seeks is the truth. Things in this world are stranger than they appear. Waiting for the day when he interviews a military guy with info on cryptids… that will be the day 😎👍

  6. James G

    George Soros receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom should tell you all you need to know about the state of our leaders. He is a chaos agent wherever he goes, destabilizing society in his wake


    Thank you for sharing what you did in the first 27 minutes. That is scary stuff. I will definitely try to get people I know to listen to at least the first 27 minutes of this show. Take care of yourself!

  8. Eric R

    Shawn is a godsend. if it wasn’t for him and his podcast Noone in the avg population would even know about the 45-60 million dollars that’s being sent to Afghanistan our govt!!! what the f@%* are they thinking? open the boarders without Vetting anyone coming into our homeland… the blood that will unfortuatly spill is on the government’s hands. wtf!!! we have to revamp this system or our childrens children will be speaking mandarin, and not by choice!!! we have to stop this ridiculous funding with our money!!! people it’s not even their money, it’s ours,we earned it ,they take it and fund terrorism with it!!they are supposed to do whats in the best intrest of the citizens,we have to band together ,a voice is twice as loud when theres two of them. It enrages me that i struggle from paycheck to paycheck because a quarter of my earnings gets taken and sent to terrorist, when we have so many problems that would be eradicated with that money that instead is surely sealing our fate.We can’t lie down and expect everything will be ok. it will not people. we have forgotten how to stand and fight for what we believe in.. If not for yourself then do it for the future of a peaceful and unified mankind. God bless the victims that are surely to come.

    • James G

      Originally the dollar amount quoted being sent to the Taliban was somewhere in the neighborhood of $40-60 million per WEEK. Blinken said it was only $10 million a week. Absolutely heartbreaking to spend the blood and treasure on that place we did, only to leave, the original extremist end up back in power. And we end up sending them hundreds of millions/year. It’s treasonous

  9. James G

    I have been following the impending silence for yrs now, being I have advance degrees in the sciences, I have tried to look at it thru a physical science and physics lens. It is one of the characteristics of sightings I pay particular attention to. It is 100% NOT natural. I call it their “Sphere of Influence”. It is like a bubble of silence that moves along with them, just like the unnatural smell that sometimes occurs, you can walk into and out of the smell, like a wall. I’ve heard people describe it like pressure when you’re in an airplane taking off. Underwater is a great example. I’ve heard people describe the wind stop blowing, or the sounds of a nearby river flowing disappearing. I think one day physics will explain this. One of my thoughts is related to Einstein-Rosen Bridges ie wormholes or proximity to an anti-gravity craft. Theoretically, both of these would bend space/time requiring tremendous inputs of energy producing an electromagnetic field in turn affecting the nearby world in ways we don’t understand yet. I know in parts of this community this sounds nuts, but to those with an open mind I find it imperative to rule nothing out. Especially considering in the decades since PG, little to no information has been gained and the ball remains on the 5 yrd line. It’s well past time to start thinking outside the box

    • Blanche D

      Hi Jeremy, you know EU robins have cells in their eyes able to sense Earth’s magnetic field affecting migration. Therefore, it’s not beyond the realms of possibilities that our hairy cousins not only have similar cells but some aggregate quantum cells possibly in their vocal cords, (ears, and eyes) that can emit a sound/vocal wave able to cloak all other sounds, yet they can still hear specific sound waves useful for hunting, like heart beats. A question arises – did the bigfoot know this fella was awake when he ran his finger along the tent?

    • Charles R

      Not sure if you have been watching the Mystery of Skinwalker Ranch series, 5 seasons so far on the History Channel, but it just may be that they have mapped a worm hole, portal above the triangle area of the ranch with lidar, and also very strange anomolies, to us, above the ranch. The lidar this past season mapped the outside edges of an otherwise invisible cone structure a few hundred feet high. I only had normal physics in 12th grade back in the 1970s, but I find this new Quantum Physics as the closest physics to describe high strangeness about so many things. Especially for us Bigfoot tracks in snow stopping, and some observers who have seen them disappear. Also the way UFOs travel from either distant worlds or other dimensions, and it would explain heaven, and how an entity can be in 2 or multiple places at once.

  10. Elizabeth B

    Awesome show! Thank you Paul! I love when police come forward. That’s enormous. Wes, I follow Shawn Ryan’s show as well. This information is chilling. Sarah Adam’s stuff is chilling too. There is very real evil in this world. A small step is controlling your own thoughts and words. Think love, light, protection, prosperity, healing…And, carry big effing weapons at all times. I ❤️ Wes Germer

  11. Ronald K

    I grew up near the Kisatchie National Forest, Red Dirt District, and I also had an experience of a Sasquatch walking in my camp during squirrel season. Hard to believe something that large can stay elusive until you encounter one.

  12. Lindsey B

    wow the intro to your show this evening is very worrying for everyone.
    brilliant show as always. well done wes, happy new year to you and your family and to all your fans 👍

  13. Stephen G

    Those of you who would like to have a little clarity on what’s really going on in this world I would suggest that you take a look at Gaia. Dr. Stephen Greer M.D. American hero, will open your eyes to the truth about just how f cked up this planet has become. Follow along with with disclosure testimony of real American patriots who have devoted their lives to the truth. Hey Wes I’ve been with the show since the beginning and don’t know how I missed 491, but it sure is a headliner. Thanks again. Sg

  14. Bryan G

    this is what happens when we as the people ignore the truth! MAY GOD HELP US ALL 🙏 wake the fuck up people! stop staring at your posts on social media or worrying about pronouns! absolutely ridiculous that we’ve been worried about that while this has been going on in the mean time. That’s what the government does… gives society something stupid to argue about to keep us distracted and hating each other while there planning our demise. who suffers? our children cause of our ignorance and delusional incompetence! Pronouns and racism to keep everyone acting like morons and here were are! Good job society! least you losers get to be called him/her blah blah blah. happy now? not gonna matter when cause if shit hits the fan they won’t be able to tell what sex or color you are when your in a million pieces! ffs 🤦🏼‍♂️ thats whyi have zero social media. poison!

  15. Jonathan C

    I hope you guys keep on your toes and think critically. Both Shawn and Sam have been (still are?) intelligence assets for US government agencies. Take everything you hear from them with a grain of salt. I’m quite confident that we are rapidly heading into massive multi-faceted deception targeting the public.

    Personally, I believe anyone like Shawn that’s got a show with such massive reach (also considering how fast he grew) I am always wary of them being compromised and used as a tool of deceptive influence on the public. Shawn and Rogan both glow in the dark in my opinion.

    Stay sharp.

  16. William D

    I don’t believe for one second the SUPPOSED DRONES in the air are from China. WHY? IF they were, I highly doubt they’d play these silly games. They would have detonated a nuclear device OVER the middle of the U.S. a LONG time ago, created an E.M.P. and GAME OVER. Almost EVERYONE would be dead in a year and the U.S. would be China 2.

  17. Chad W

    I’ve driven through the Atchafalaya Basin on I-10 several times, and it’s a wild, wild area. Mile after mile of dark swamp. Anything could be living in those swamps.


    Great guest, I’m going to listen to Shawn’s full interview today thx for the heads up. The intro didn’t discuss the orbs. The orange orbs, like many things unless you see it it’s hard to wrap your head around the reality. My gf and I witnessed one in 2017 in the keys . I don’t believe they are ours or China’s not for a second . Parts of that email could be a distraction parts like Iran weapons are 100% believable.

  19. Craig F

    Crapload of snow coming down in central Va. not sure if I will be carrying mail tomorrow. Needing a mid tarsal break on my car tires. Oh well, just have to see how it looks in the morning 🦅

  20. Robin D

    I am with you about this information being important. I JUST listened to that Shawn Ryan episode yesterday and don’t know what I think about the cyber truck guy. HOWEVER the Shawn Ryan episodes with Sarah Adams, a CIA targeter, is TERRIFYING. We are giving $40,000 a week to Taliban “govt” which goes directly to Al Qaeda and Isis and those groups laugh about how we are funding our demise. Intel says there are at least 1000 jihad fighters who have made it here to hit the U.S. homeland. Scary stuff, get under your school desk, or duck and cover, or stop, drop, and roll

  21. Shelly T

    All though I suspect nobody will ever read this, I will put it out there in the universe. Are we not a spiritual being that experiences time and space in physical form using our 5 senses? Some are still equipped with a 6th ability which we have all experienced personally or anecdotally. Mankind has not evolved .The impossible ancient megalithic structures around the world and various stone artifacts made with such precision only our current state of the art instruments can measure how truly precise they are but no consus how they were constructed or with what or when. The proverbial dumb ape staring at the Pyramids in wonder and amazement. Maybe A1 will solve it for us

  22. Andrea H

    Thanks, Wes, I hope u feel better soon. Does anyone else find themselves quickly scrolling to the comments to see if they might be ‘first’ or even in the top five and then see 85 comments already posted? Dang it. 😉

  23. Conor O

    and all the things China can do the USA can do to….. but alas you guys voted an orange lunatic into office so suck it up butter cup…… prefer Sasquatch stories personally………

  24. Kris G

    Thank you, Wes. I’ve been listening since the beginning…love hearing your voice and program…..and feel as if you’re my brother even tho we will never meet. Have a good year!

  25. Blanche D

    Interesting episode. I don’t know what to make of the first segment. Secrecy with a capital s can mislead a conspiratorial mind. I don’t know why this fella blew himself up, or killed by a bungled FBI team. But I do wonder why the Chinese would use such an extreme approach to international relations, particularly as America is a huge market for them. I doubt your next president will introduce those tariffs, or if he does, then not for a long period because everyone knows a trade war will tank your economy. Once the tangerine umpalumpa sees the stock market crash, he will switcharoo. I don’t know if those drones are a special op, or ETs drip feeding us their existence but I am curious to know why the military weren’t able to shoot them down, nor zap their electronics, hack or otherwise remove them from protected airspace. I lean toward ETs able to morph matter. Thanks to gest for sharing his encounters. Happy New Year ❤🇬🇧

    • Charles R

      Every nation has tariffs on products from the United States at anywhere from 12 to 144 percent. The U.S. has used tariffs since Alexander Hamilton was George Washingtons Secretary of State. During some Presidency’s they would go down some and other Presidents would raise them. In fact the monies that funded the entire United State’s Government for the most part would come from tariffs we levied on imports since that time as the Original Constitution outlawed any direct taxes on it’s citizens. Seeing how we obtained the highest standard of living and world economy in about a century, I would say these tariffs worked quite well. When Abraham Lincoln proposed the transcontinental railroad his advisors wanted him to buy the iron rails from England as it was cheaper. Mr Lincoln then stated well we would have the rails and England would have the money. Or we could make the rails and have the money two. It was only after WW2 that with the likes of the Council of Foreign Relations, that we backed off on tariffs to give the rest of the world that hade seen their economies decimated a chance to grow sooner. Unfortanately we kept these policies way to long which Ross Perot talked about in the election of 1992. In fact I remember so vididly my College Economics teacher ( I got a minor in Economics ) use to rail about how we had the most stupid trade representives in the history of the world. Anyway for the most part Trump is going to us tariffs as a leverage point and try to bring more manufacturing back to the US and cut way down on our trade deficits.

  26. Stacy C

    Blanche D

    the Tangerine umpalumpa.. since you decided to go there and Wes decided to leave your post up.. how about you take your opinions about my President and shove them firmly up your ass

  27. Jonathan S

    I’m gonna be honest, Wes: That clip is just a bunch of boomer fud. China has nuclear icbm’s. They don’t need drones or balloons to engage in some hollywood-style posturing. And Iran has no reason to sneak missiles into the US. That’s the last thing they want. They already have to grapple with constant assassinations, terrorism, and attempted color-revolutions from the West. They have no wish to give Washington or Tel Aviv an excuse to ramp up the violence even more. And even if they did, this wouldn’t make sense. If they wanted to force a confrontation, they’d contest the Straight of Hormuz.

    I could tell you where the concept of antigravitics, as implied by the clip you played, comes from, but I guarantee you wouldn’t talk about it on air. It would also probably lead to some pretty uncomfortable conclusions for you, if your outlook is really as you present it on the show.

    • Wes

      Good point Jonathan, I would love to hear your thoughts, email me your contact info. The drones to me feel like the balloon from s couple of years ago.

  28. Dona D

    Thank you Wes for your intro…
    I think the possible truth is too much for most people to comprehend since they have been feed so much lies for so long. Anything is possible in this messed up world especially since how our country has been manipulated for so long. I for one just started to research the past several years both sides of the coin and do not like what I have uncovered. May the good Lord protect our country and our World!!
    Thank you for all you do! ✌🏼🇺🇸

  29. Rebecca E

    We had an encounter in the Atchafalaya Basin in the spring of 1983. We were camping/crawfishing in the Basin. Took an afternoon boat ride to fish about 20 miles deep in the Basin. On the way back to camp our boat bottomed out bc we stayed later than we should and the tide was out. As we were sitting there with the sun going down we heard something walking in the water towards our boat, we got quiet to listen and it stopped. So we start speculating what that could be and it starts walking closer, we get quiet, it stops. Whatever it was got right to the edge of the treetops and stood there. To explain the landscape, the Basin floods every spring when snowmelt from the upper Mississippi River overflows and spreads out over the swampy Basin. There are hunting cabins way back in there but when it’s flooded all you can see of the cabins are rooftops. So some of the time there is land. That’s why I said it got to the edge of the treetops. Anyway, we could hear it moving around but we never saw it. My dad got out of the boat and dragged us to deeper water and we left. Not saying it was 100% a Bigfoot but I don’t know what else it could have been. We were making a lot of noise trying to get the boat off the bottom and sound just echoing through the quiet dusky Basin. I think it was coming to see what was disturbing the peace.

  30. Steven J

    Very crazy, more so scary. And thanks to the government here in Washington, they’re trying to take away more of our gun rights, they’re posting 6 more bills that now is democratically ran. So you know they’re going to pass.so bad sh*t’s happening, and we’re not going to have ways to defend ourself thanks, democratic Washington, and the idiots that voted them in.
    You’re the man Wes. Thanks for being you : )

  31. Bigs B

    Funny how many whistleblowers we get all the time ever since the modernization of the Smith-Mundt Act. I’ll never be able to unsee the film, Mirage Men.

  32. Dana B

    God bless the USA and God bless President Trump and the incoming Congress elected by a landslide of American voters. For all ya’ll still drinking the kool aid, bless your hearts. We gotta stand together as Americans and freedom loving people globally, because something wicked this way comes…
    BTW, near the end of the (WWII) war, Gravitic Propulsion Systems supposedly was developed by the Nazi’s called the “Bell” and purportedly had interdimensional travel but they were unable to stabilize it.

  33. William D

    Regarding the INTRO.
    So essentially we’re being thrown into PANIC MODE B-E-F-O-R-E ANYTHING even happens. Something really DOESN’T seem RIGHT with this fortuitous so called revelation.

  34. Carey A

    I agree with what he’s saying I have clairvoyant abilities an do feel we should prepared to defend ourselves an have a survival bag for each family member to survive as if we were living as bigfoots do basically. it’s the calm before the storm

  35. Rebecca E

    We took the Sherburne exit and drove along the levee (which is illegal but we didn’t know that) and camped on Bayou Sorrel. From there we crossed the bayou and went up river until we found a pipeline road, flooded of course, and rode way back in to a big pond, caught some nice catfish. The pipeline road was probably 20 or 25 feet wide, lots of willow trees and cypress trees. Beautiful but not a lot of wiggle room with that thing standing over at the edge of the woods at sundown. We could hear water dripping off of it into the water as it stood there watching us.

  36. Maryanne N

    Thank you Wes. I really appreciate the clip from the Shawn Ryan Show.
    Also love your regular content. Great show as always.
    Very sweet of you to make shows for non-members as well.
    PS-loved the intro for this episode too!!

  37. Donald M

    The intro was interesting. I heard (on good authority(?)) that the “drones” were a psychological warfare exercise. I heard that the drones were from an Iranian drone carrier off the coast of New Jersey. I heard the drones were actually constellations that appear in the night sky. Maybe they are even real UFOs? I know techie types that love to cause mischief and scare local towns and cities. I also found it interesting that the person was only interested in getting the information out to Fox News, not the media at large.

    Please keep to cryptids.


  38. Noelle J

    Hey Wes. I have listened to you talking about the drones in other states, but no mention of North Carolina. My son, two of his friends and I all saw these slow moving, large triangular shaped craft passing over us about a week after the devastation here in the mountains of Western North Carolina. It was night time, quiet and eerie. Don’t know if there was any correlation to the flood. But our city was hit hard and then there are those rumors that it was weather manipulation and I don’t doubt it. But there are a lot of valuable resources in our mountains here.

  39. John A

    same here with the profile image, it’s come and gone over the years. but as of late it’s just gone. soon as I click send it’ll show up making a lier orut of me probably.
    shows up on my account side though. this app has always been buggy as hell for me, barely works so I don’t mess with it so long as I can listen.

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