Tonight I will be speaking with Jeremy. Jeremy and his children were on a hike when a large creature charged them. Jeremy said “We tried to leave without being seen because there was more then one of them. As we tried to leave that’s when they saw us. I have never been so terrified in my life.”
Jeremy writes “Hi wes, I’ll keep this as short as possible. Me and my two kids last year around July 4th went on vacation to Northern Wisconsin. We usually stay in a cabin on a lake for a week.
We like to go to lake Superior in Michigan.. and we travel around the area looking at waterfalls.. we heard about this place called lake in the clouds I believe it’s one of the highest elevated lakes in the United States.. after we stayed and looked at the scenery at the top of this mountain we left and about a mile down the road there’s a river and this waterfall I believe it goes into lake in the clouds.. I’m not exactly sure but I believe it does or it might even go into lake Superior lake In The clouds is extremely close to lake Superior.. from the parking lot to the waterfall was about a 2 mile hike.. we decided to walk upstream and just do some hiking after about 1 hour of relaxing at the site with I guess you call them big boulders not just rocks.
We had a very terrifying encounter with what you call a Sasquatch I guess I believe it was a family of Sasquatch.. it killed a deer it looked like it prayed over the deer after killing it noticed us and the leader or the dad/father / husband Sasquatch came charging at us.. it was horrifying after this encounter me and my kids were really never the same since that happened.. we have talked to a counselor/therapist which actually helped a lot talking about it and my daughter still goes to this day.. my friend told me about your channel I don’t know 6 months ago maybe longer.. and after a hearing some of other people’s encounters I talk to my kids about contacting you… Kids told me I should not give real names.. so I would like our names kept out of the story… I think it will help me talking to you.. I truly believe the therapist / counselor believes our story… I could care less if she did or not… I’m just rambling on so I apologize there’s only a couple people we told about this.. but if you would be so kind to get back to me I would appreciate it thank you and thank you for helping many other people.
Stream Player
Joseph K
Here we go! Thanks Wes!!
Sharon K
Wes it’s was great you could hear in his voice and how he said they all touch the deer to give thanks ! Wow I listen all the time good job
Steve W
Brian L
Whoop Whoop!! Thanks Wes
Wendell F
Thanks Wes
Leslie M
Hi Wes!!
Douglas K
Let’s go!
Douglas K
906 ❤️ YOOP!
Aw yeah beb
Thanks Wes
Great job Jeremy, best encounter story in a while. So close. I can’t help but think how different things might have gone if your kids weren’t with you…
Thanx Wes!!!
Maria G
Thx Wes…hi guys. Looking forward to hearing tonight’s episode. Have a great night guys
Craig F
Thanks Wes, you da bes
Laura K
Good afternoon Wes! Hi everyone tuned in as well! Looking forward to today episode!! Thanks!
Laura K
Wow. Great show!
Laura K
What do you think about that trailcam photo from NC?
RubenD S
Thanks Wes!
Lesley V
Wow what a terrifying encounter. Thank you for all the details and descriptions of how they looked and things they did. Great episode, Thanks Wes!
Craig F
The frightening thing for me is that although we hear about bluff charges, if they weren’t bluffing nobody would survive to report about it. We don’t hear about the charges that are not bluff charges
Geoffrey P
So true @Craig F!
Lisa B
Wahoo Wes!
Maria G
Wow what an amazing story and such a scary encounter. My heart goes out to all 3 of them especially his little babies..poor kids. I’m so happy they are talking to a counselor about this… sending love to all the SC family from Maine 🤗
👍 My sentiments, Exactly! 👍
Lisa B
I like Brent 🥰
Julie R
Whoa scary…I am hoping that family stays in the Western U.P.😀..we leave for our very remore Cabin in the Eastern U.P. this week..😬..I Love Sasquatch Chronicles and all the encounters..But have no, zero, nada, desire to see one…Thank you for sharing..Lake of the Clouds is absolutely gorgeous
@Julia R ~ Who wrote, ” we leave for our very remote Cabin in the Eastern U.P. this week…” Good for you guys!
My oldest brother spent time in Michigan hunting on a friends private property in the Upper Peninsula area of Michigan. He described it as absolutely gorgeous.
Once, while hunting by himself, he sat down by a tree in the very wooded area, placed his hunting rifle across his lap, and took a little cat nap. Shortly later, he was startled by the sound of something approaching. Instinctually he stayed still and kept his eyes closed, except for a little bit, watching for whatever was coming near him. As he held his breath, something walked right passed him, it didn’t see him, and he assumed didn’t smell him as it continued on without incident. He said he sat there perfectly still for a while before he got up to go back to his truck. He didn’t know what it was, but it was huge, and it walked like a person, he said. However, he concluded it must have been a bear. It was hairy like a bear.
Having listened to many episodes @ SC, I’ve concluded, since he was a hunter, and loved being alone in nature, he shut out the truth. Bears don’t walk like that. He wasn’t going to imagine it was a Bigfoot, wouldn’t face it if it were, because that’d mean he couldn’t go out in the woods anymore to hunt. He’s long passed away, so we can’t talk about it again, but I’ll never forget what he said. I think God was protecting him because he hadn’t been there very long, and he suddenly needed a break. But, that’s my take on the deal.
He was in the Navy at the time, and had been all over the world. He said Michigan was his favorite place. 🙂
Charles R
JI Julie R. I’ve been by Lake of the Clouds way back in July of 1998 on our Honeymoon. Western UP is certainly far more elevated than the Eastern UP. My wife’s Grandfather and her Uncles built a lake house on Big Manistique lake, Curtis, MI, eastern part of the U.P. back in the 60s. Ususally for a week in July most years we took our turn. I’ve tried calling the Bigfoots in around there and the Sceney Wildlife Refuge with no luck. Although in years past numerous sighting were taking place in that Refuge and from Newberry upwards to Taquanomon Falls. Have you ever been to Oswald’s Bear Ranch in Newberry? I have thought for years this would be a night draw for the Upper Bigfoot. Do enjoy your remote Eastern UP cabin.
Elizabeth B
I love the detail about the deer (honoring it or whatever). What an amazing encounter.
dan b
^ Elizabeth ^ “I love the detail about the deer (honoring it or whatever)! I do too!!!
Wes always asks what the guest thinks BF is? Well, I loved the guys answer as he mentioned Lloyd Pye. I liked that he also said the creatures are what is known as Neanderthal, though they weren’t reported to be as big as BF. Lloyd Pye was a Scientist, but didn’t mind giving his take, and he thought “aliens” had a hand in creating things.
I’ve long since thought the same thing, but aliens aren’t exactly what others think aliens are (my opinion). Jeremy was spot on (again opine). It’s as good a theory as any, and much better than humans evolving into what we are today. So to me, bottom line, they’re actually a type of human.
Giving thanks is natural for humans do to, whether Christian or not. I’m Christian, and give thanks, but there are (as I’m sure you know), others, including self proclaimed ‘ Pagans’ who give thanks to the “Universe” And how about Native Cultures who give thanks to the creator, then thank the animal for the sacrifice?
Anyway, this family saw what many have only dreamed of seeing. Then to top it off, the giving thanks. 🙏
Cheers! _m99
Jeremy L
They are neanderthal I bet everything on it..Wes was mistaken….they have several bones that show them to be ten ft tall… people want to see Bigfoot bones…we have thousands of them. Neanderthal bones
Charles R
Do you have any links to these 10 foot tall Neanderthals? I’m sure Paleontologist suggest more robust than homo sapiens, but more in line with our size.
Jeremy L
Watch Lloyd pies theory and the proof how mainstream scientists rearrange the bones to make them look shorter and more like us they raise the arms up so they look more humanish but all the bones I have found they are taller than what they say to start with and they have found plenty of Bones of old humans being 10 ft tall even taller
Patrick H
Whoa! Where I live, this is less than a 2 hour drive from that lake!
@Patric H _ Yes! And that has to be the best compliment to the one sharing his experience, and well as to the host, our Wes. Thx! _m99
@ Tom S. _Yes! And that has to be the best compliment to the one sharing his experience, and well as to the host, our Wes. Thx! _m99
PS _ whoops, sorry for the placement. I’m trying to hurry. I’m outside and skeeters are eating me up. LOL. Cheers@
Tom S
Am I the only one that has ever done this — listen to the same episode TWICE during the same day?
Anyway thanks for the episode Wes and as always for all these years for keeping the best podcast there is on this subject matter still churning!
@Tim S _ whoops. I put my ans above your comment! ^
Seamus J. C
@Tom S Yeah, I am listening to this one twice, cuz wow.
Linda B
Wow, I just read the email and I’m getting ready to listen. Sounds horrible. Poor family. I’m sure it helped Jeremy a lot to talk about it, Wes. Thank you for making all of this possible. 🙂 getting ready to listen….
Linda B
P.s. I did want to say (before listening so hope this fits) that I don’t know if all hunters do this but my five deer hunting brothers always pray before killing a deer/taking life in the woods.
Greg A
I always smile when I hear you use that intro! 😀
Mike S
No lake in Wisconsin is even close to the highest elevation lake in the U.S.
Mike S
Sorry, I didn’t mean to come off like a jerky, but reading my comment back made me wince. Who cares? Great episode and thanks for sharing your story!
Jana P
Not a problem, Brother. We all do it.
Mark R
It’s in Michigan.
Gabriel H
The UP in Michigan is where he was
Lisa B
Fantastic show Wes! Thank you Jeremy for sharing your amazing encounter! It’s now in my top favorites! Fear is a powerful emotion. Once that door opens it unlocks a series of emotions and they never go away. They fade a bit over time but you’re left with emotional scars and ptsd. I sure hope and pray for you and your family to have some healing and peace of mind. 🙏🏻❤️🩹
Randy Z
I was just at lake in the clouds memorial day weekend visiting my daughter and son in law. They live pretty close to there. I remember saying that would be a great place to do some call blasting for Bigfoot. It’s very dense forest up there and sparsely populated perfect habitat for sure. awesome show btw
Classic opening…
Poor Tony 🙁
Tracey S
What a terrifying experience! I’d love to hear the kids speak about it, but I’m sure it would be traumatic. Love the Upper Peninsula.
I believe him
daniel t
Love the A Team intro 😂 👍🏼
Mark R
I used to live in the UP and have vacationed in it many times. It’s special enough that I hesitate to recommend it to outsiders.
Lake Superior is an amazing piece of water. It contains more volume of water than all the other Great Lakes combined.
I had to laugh when the guest described Lake of the Clouds as being in Southern Michigan. Couldn’t be more upside down.
Gabriel H
I heard that too, but he must’ve meant the Southern UP? That doesn’t make sense either, since Lake Superior is North
Jeremy L
Yes I apologize…was thinking south when you enter the state from the north of another lol…plus I was nervous
Episode 1048….I think I started watching around episode 100? Or 200?
I can’t remember exactly.
Sheila L
Excellent show, Sir Wes! Thanks Jeremy for coming on. Holy flipping crap. 😳 That was intense.
Kevin L
Craig S
Thank you Wes
Thomas H
I was thrown for a 7 today and am late to the party. Let’s begin.
I would’ve loved to have heard what the counselor said when you went to the counselor and what did they think?
Jeremy L
She looked at us like we were crazy..but she has helped us big time ..she don’t judge
Lettie M
would it be OK for the kids to come on?
Greg O
Sounds like Brent had a classical AOL experience. LOL!
Jana P
I LOVED that dial-up modem communication sound bite. Oh, the memories… 🙂
Blanche D
Stand out episode with guest Jeremy’s encounter. When I hear a new behaviour detail I learn more about these incredible creatures; the stealthy movements to rock shape of the group, the stepping back of the alpha to Jeremy’s protest and the alpha female’s whistle call. I felt so enriched by hearing such details accompanied by the individual descriptions of each member of the group. Great observations when consumed with fear and terror. This father, in my opinion, did not put his children in danger, the states did by denying advice to its citizens about how to react to an encounter. I can’t imagine the emotional fallout this family is experiencing, however I wish them freedom from the trauma and hope the counselling is successful. Thank you for sharing your encounter. ❤🇬🇧
Nickolas P
His story could’ve been about 30 min shorter if he wrote down what happened chronologically beforehand lol not gonna lie, this was a cool encounter, but awfully painful to listen to
Nickolas P
No disrespect to Jeremy, but I was getting confused throughout the encounter.
Jeremy L
I was nervous and never told the whole story like that except for 3 people..
Geoffrey P
Wow, Wes ~ another “instant classic” one bites the dust! Stellar show! He provided some really great descriptions, it must have been so terrifying for them all. I could feel he was genuine in his emotions through is recounting of the story and could easily imagine you sampling a clip from this episode for your epic intro, which has always set SC apart – since they’re all SC accounts. You are the GOAT at getting people to feel comfortable to capture incredibly fascinating experiences. TY man!
Sue L
loved this episode, I can’t help to think about what was said around the dinner that night- GBF- I can’t believe I was the first to see the humans and did you see my rock impersonation? BBF- Did you see their ugly faces when dad charged them? BlAa Haa Haa MBF- Yes Jr, but your father was quick to get back under control when I reminded him there were children around. DBF- This is just a good reminder, never to hunt around a babbling brook where you can’t hear and never throw a rock so big it hurts your arm so much it distracts you! Thank you Wes and Jeremy great show!
Charles R
Very neat interpretation Ms Sue L. I like this and you are probably right.
Chad W
Wow, an incredible encounter. One of the most compelling shows in a long time. It really is reminiscent of Claire’s experience in many ways. Almost an upper Midwest version of her experience, but with children involved this time. Terrifying yet fascinating. Thank you for sharing your experience, Jeremy, and thank you for the outstanding interview, Wes.
Candice W
1 Of The Most Fascinating Encounters/ Sightings I’ve Heard of.. Kinda Makes U Rethink ,The Part where We All ASSUME they Know When Their Being watched/ They know When Ur In the forest..Im Convinced Not ALL Of them Have Abilities.. But I’ll Be Looking For SO CALLED BOULDERS grouped Together FOR DAMN SURE.. That Was WICKED cool Too Hear.. I wonder If they Sit
Sean O.
Their abilities seem so magnificent because we don’t know anything about them if we were able to study them like this without their being aware of us, I think we would find it’s not so magical after all just very appropriate abilities for their environment.
Lorelei H
This is an amazing story. I feel so sorry that they had to experience this, especially his daughter. This has some very interesting details about Sasquatch: language, movement, body features, laying hands on the deer, etc. Jeremy, thank you for sharing your story.
Rodger f
Great show Wes and thanks to the guest for having the guts to come on because I’m sure it was hard reliving this encounter. The part where they paid respect to the deer. I figured they do this and it just makes me think we are the problem. I doubt they have anyone regulating how many deer they take. Here In Ohio I’m sure they only take what they need because it wouldn’t be hard for something of that size and abilities to just wipe and area out.
This makes sense to me why they look at us in disgust. They watch us just destroy this place, taking everything we desire. My great-grandmother was full blooded Cherokee and that inspired me. I don’t use any western medicine and collect a lot of my food and medicine from nature. I actually used reishi and turkey tail to fight off covid. My whole family had covid twice and I did not get it. I also work at a treatment facility for troubled youth and did not get infected there as well when it was all over the building.
I say all this because I wish I could communicate with the ones in my area and learn from then. I’m sure they know way more then we do about the beneficial properties of plants, mushrooms,and trees out there. I clean up my area of trash as my dues for harvesting what I do and I think this is why they leave me alone. They have let me know they are there but have never harmed or scared me.
It’s just a wild time to be alive knowing what we know now. Yes times can suck nowadays but at the same time its the best time to be alive! Be grateful people! It’s a miracle you are here and we are all the same. Whatever is coming down the pipe we are gonna need each other. The powers that be know we are strong when we are one so they throw propaganda out there to keep us fighting and looking over “there.” Dont fall for it! Be good to one another! It’s contagious! God bless!
Jackie K
the family in this episode reminds me of the family the motorcycle guy knew in Ohio. He found a small one crying in a tree abs the mom and sister showed up. He spoke the same way about the young female. She had light hair like this one and was shapely. The old woman was helping them and had them in her house plus he said the dad was huge and intimidating. Anyway very scary encounter. Anytime your children are with you makes it ten times worse. I pray for their sanity and peace after going through that. I’m fascinated about this subject but pray I never encounter any.
Charles R
Indeed Jackie K, that was a great episode, althogh it took place in Northern Kentucky, 50 miles south of the Ohio River. During the interview the witness got so darn fixated on the beauty of the young female. And at 8 years old she was already 6 foot 8 inches. You are correct as when he finally saw the size of the male is scared the heck out of him and he never went back. Such a shame as much more could have been learned. I wish the lady who ran that Bigfoot Day Care would come forward some time, if she is still alive, but I certainly understand why she would not.
Jeff K
Incredible episode.
I proposed an elaboration of Lloyd Pye’s theory many years ago. Sasquatch is perfectly adapted for the environment of earth. WE, humans, cannot survive in the wild without clothing, shelter, parents. We, seem to be alien for this planet…
Our Neanderthal ancestors were base line in intelligence until a sudden spike in evolutionary adaptability.
To understand Sasquatch, we must understand our origin.
James G
I agree, we are the ones that doesn’t fit
Jeremy L
I believe they are neanderthal …Wes was incorrect on his thought about them not being tall…the bones don’t lie …I truly believe they are the neanderthal…just the science community is full of crap saying their human ..tthe bones are so dense to hold the weight and muscle of those creatures… people want bones from Bigfoot…we have thousands of them
Stacey C
I know Tony has interviewed Martin Groves, but there’s more to his story, especially about his partner. His partner blamed Martin for the encounter he also refused to have anything to do with Martin , until he just before he passed away, he also had a stroke after the encounter etc…. Would just love to hear you interview him…
Loved this episode, his poor daughter, all of them but I can’t even imagine ‼️‼️
Thanks Wes…
Charles F
possibly the best show ever Wes!
Delia D
holy moly, scary encounter! thanks for sharing Jeremy and as usual thanks Wes!
James G
Absolutely amazing encounter. There’s a LOT going on there. First, the way the female treated the males injury. That behavior indicates SO much more than animal behavior. Second, and I find this amazing and don’t think I’ve ever heard this, the way they seemingly showed respect to the deer for giving its life. Third, the communication and dropping down to the “rock” pose. Fourth, and maybe I’m making this a bigger deal than it is, but he calls it a dreadlock, is it possible that some type of braid or something that communicates its alpha or elder status?? Fifth, the female calling the male off, indicates as with Claire, the elder females hold some type of elevated social status within the family structure or clans. Just a lot of information witnessed at very close range. A ton of encounters happens close to moving water. I think it helps mask us or messes with their senses.
Charles R
I agree with your statements James G. Much to be learned from this fabulous encounter and some parts have been reinforced by others encounters.
Rick F
I whole heartedly agree. Which is why i have listened to it twice and will be listening to it again. How he had the wits about him to notice these details is what amazes me. I would also like to add that I was stunned by his comment that he screamed back. This to was amazing to hear.
I think if he were alone, his mindset would have been different. However, having his children present made him take on a different mindset which I’m sure gave him the ability to recognize such details. This encounter will definateley go in my 10 ten SC Episodes
John A
Fascinating show Wes! Great presentation Jeremy! We all love the 100% authentic encounters being told.
No question about this one.
Sean O.
I’m just wondering what their therapist is suggesting as to how to deal with this kind of trauma? It makes me wonder is this person telling the children to try to forget about it what they saw was in their imagination or is it more supportive? It just seems to me most therapists wouldn’t believe the story so if you found one that did they should help a lot more people than just you!!!
Dovie D
I’m a mental health therapist and I would. But I know they are real ❤️
John L
@ people smarter than me: is there a search function/bar for episodes or do you just scroll?
Andrea H
You can enter numbers or words in the episode search box. I think it is usually towards the bottom of the page. Example put in key word like 419 or terrified or missing etc. I love it.
Steve O
Best episode since the brothers!
Jayne H
What an encounter!!! Thanks Wes and Jeremy
Charles R
Excuse my enthusiasm but Jeremy, you and your families Bigfoot family encounter is off the charts. I live for interactions such as this, and there is certainly aspects of the Bigfoot culture that I learned and can be learned from this episode. You have a complete Bigfoot family structure in the state I grew up in and love and still visit oftern. You witnessed them hunting and killing a deer in the general way they do it, blow to the neck. Then see the male hoist it up and like so many other witnesses, over the shoulders. 75 feet away is so close to make some great observations. It is also interesting to note that the 7 foot daughter was prettier ( you stated decent ). This reminds me of the episode 5 years ago or more of the Northern Kentucky Bigfoot day care that a gentleman (forget his name, Anthony comes to mind) was standing next to a young female and just went gaga over how beautiful she was. She was 8 years old according to the woman who ran the day care and already 6 foot 8 inches tall. Jeremy witnessed how they dress a wound it seems, water from the
wife’s mouth and then sand or dirt. Does a Bigfoot have some kind of natural antibiotic in their saliva? He got to hear there language, and not surprising it was a lot like the Sierra Sounds, then the Mother make loud mouth pops, and maybe made the noise that called the Father off. I have heard this before in the episode a few years ago in Virginia when a witness crying over her life took to the woods and witnessed an unseen female Bigfoot stepped out in front of an advancing male Bigfoot and scolded him up and down for his behavior and then left. Jeremy, you had really good details and observations all over this encounter for us. Something totally new for me was how both females tried to camoflauge themselves to look like a boulder as you witnessed them getting into this stance. Just an overall fantastic encounter and I do hope you and family have come to terms with it, sure seems like you have. I have been to the Upper Peninsula many times, it is place all to its own and I met my wife up their as her Parents and Uncles have lake house property on Manistique Lake, and we got married up there, always Manistique Lake in the eastern part. We already have plans for the middle of next July and because of your adventure I told her we are taking a side adventure to the Lake of the Clouds. `
Ida O
Very good episode. Thank you Wes!
Lisa H
Jeremy u r an amazing guest TU for being here & sharing I pray that u & your children recover from this terrifying encounter Greetings from Carbondale CO
Kimberly M
I can’t get the video to play
George & Shekinah
When he described the young female I thought of episode 419. It’s one of my top three favorites. It’s definitely one of the most wild and harder to accept for most people is my wager. But for me- that’s what makes it believable.
Extraordinary. Truth stranger than fiction!
Shawn R
WOW, another great episode. Just what we needed, thank you Wes. Have a BEAUTIFUL day EVERYONE 🤩
Brandon A
bit of background to the lake of the clouds and the Porcupine Mountains, they are starting to clear land for a mine they are trying to get permitted. disturbing and destroying old growth forest. some of the oldest old growth in the UP.
Gabriel H
Kimberly M
WOW, what an unbelievable story. I wish he could get with the woman who does the sketches and do a rendering of what he saw! I feel so bad for the little girl and boy. Poor kids. Thanks for sharing this story.
Charles R
I too have read about this Brandon A and hope it never comes to fruition. Leave the U.P. alone. It is a very special place with heavy forest and swamps and fabulous clean lakes and rivers and only 200,000 population in an area larger than probably all of the individual New England States.
Brandon A
research copperwood mine
Adrian P
Holy Crap Wes, this episode was especially incredible. One of the best, top 5
Chris B
Amazing episode. There was so much detail that about the only thing I can remember is that Tony Merkel stinks🤣
Dana B
God bless this family.
April B
had to rewind and listen to the details twice. incredible detail on this family group. thank you Wes and thank you to the guest for sharing your experience with us!
Jeremy L
Very welcome
Scott B
Sharon H
Thanks Wes for the interview. Thanks to Jeremy for coming on and telling his story, it was amazing!
Wes, I really like the intro about you and your brother. You could use that when you don’t have someone to announce the show.
Paul S
Definitely jumps to one of my favorite episodes. God bless this guy and his family. I like how he describes them all getting around the deer and giving thanks . Obviously we don’t fully know but it’s a lil bit of a sigh of relief that they seem somewhat spiritual. Idk just my own thoughts on this amazing and horrifying encounter.
Dovie D
I’ve heard a few other men on your podcast who saw a young female Sasquatch explained that way. Curvy etc. how scary especially with your children. I can’t even imagine.
I agree what a nightmare 🙏
I use a Fannie pack when I hike
Andrea H
Love this podcast. Wes is a great interviewer. I just wish Wes would not tell us what is going to happen in the intro right before the guest starts speaking. Kind of spoils it for me. Maybe just say where they are from and let them tell their story. I don’t want to hear what happens in a book or movie before I even start it. Thanks!!
Janelle K
I was peeing myself laughing at the promo. Good work. 😂😂😂
Jay H
I’m just confused at how calm he is telling this story. I’m not judging but Id have shit my pants and have serious PTSD
George & Shekinah
Wow wow wow!
To look a Sasquatch directly in the eyes and so close holy crap that would be intense!!
The mouth noise the mom made, I believe that’s what I heard while hiking in the sequoias. Echoed in the forest like a knock but not quite a knock.
Jennifer H
One of my new favorites. Terrifying though. Thank you Wes and Jeremy.
Crystal G
This was an intense episode! Also, new characteristics that were fascinating. I had to listen twice. Great job telling your encounter. I would love to someday hear your children’s perspective after they heal.
Jeremy L
Thank you for the kind words everyone..
william Y
That was incredible, when he said the way, they reacted around the dead deer how they didn’t rip it apart like a bunch of hyenas. I wonder if Jeremy whacked him in the koolyahns with that machete if it would slow him up. 10 feet tall his koolyahns gotta be around 5 to 6 feet off the ground
Lisa M
Lord have mercy that was exhausting. so intense! incredible! possibly my favorite episode. God Bless that family. 🙏🏻
Mario P
finally got to listen to it this afternoon. what a nightmare to experience with your kids. could feel the weight lifting off you as you spoke. love to see you describe the creatures to someone like sybilla irwin to bring it to life. thanks for sharing Jeremy. thank you too Wes.
Jeremy L
How would I contact that person
Charles R
Hi Jeremy. You can probably reach her as a sketch artist through her youtube channel. She has done some amazing work in the past and good to know she is still avtive.
Jeremy L
I emailed her and she got back to me pretty damn quick we are going to have a phone interview sometime this week thank you for letting me know about her..
Samantha S
really good episode
David L
great episode, I have no doubts that its sincere
Graham F
This has gone straight into my favourites! cheers!
Jeff K
The DUF1220 gene code.
Vickie D
Amazing encounter!!! Thank you, Jeremy, for sharing!!! Great job once again, Wes!!! This is definitely in my top 3. I’ve listened to it twice and plan to listen to it again. All the details are phenomenal. Jeremy, will you please share the sketch if one is made? I pray you and your kids are able to get past this. I hope talking to Wes and seeing the support here helps.
Jeremy L
I definitely will…we been playing email tag with each other..but I’ll be talking with sketching encounters very soon ..she listened to this episode to get a head start on things…..
Trenton S
This story reminds of some of the stories on SubArticAlaskanSasaquatch on YouTube. It’s about encounters with “hairymen” in Alaska and how different and aggressive they are compared to those in the lower 48. One of my favorite sasquatch channels along with SC of course.
Amy T
Tony Merkel Stinks – That is funny! Thanks for the giggle!
Wow!!!! What a terrifying encounter!
Love the Soldiers of Fortune A Team