Jan 12

SC EP:1122 Getting Served

The witness had an encounter in Alabama in August 2024. She was serving papers to the homeowner when the encounter happened. Celena writes “Hello Wes, you were a referral by several individuals, they seem to think you would want to know what happened to me on the job. I was surrounded by a Clan of Bigfoot while attempting to serve court documents. Pictures provided.”




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142 Responses to “SC EP:1122 Getting Served”

    • Sheila L

      Miss Celena, you did an excellent job telling your encounter. 😃👍 I’ve been in your area before going to the Talladega Superspeedway for the races. Lot of thick forests in your area. Thanks for coming on with Wes!

      • KRISTA J

        Very interesting… I believe her, and she definitely caught stuff in her pictures. If the family knows this clan, they won’t want harm brought. We know what this pertains to. Thx Ms Celena. Was a recent cool sighting. Everyones sighting matters.

  1. Karla G

    dang it, I was so excited for tonight’s episode and it turns out it’s this same lady I’ve heard several times very recently on other Bigfoot shows. 😞 I guess I’ll have to pass on tonight’s show. it was a good account the first time I heard it, but at this point I can quote it word for word. well, have a good week everyone!! stay safe, stay warm!! Til next time…

  2. Linda B

    What a great way to spend a frosty winter evening, with the “gang”. Thanks, Wes. Thanks for coming on the show, Celina. Pictures look pretty good. Process serving can be dangerous, but this puts a different spin on it. Can’t wait to listen.

  3. Linda B

    Can’t help but wonder about “the little gray one” having the deer horns on it’s head….if it was like a crown or if the horns were permanent, if anyone could tell. Maybe it was a mutation being and as such, thin and sickly. Ofcourse, not like Celena or anyone else would be composed under these circumstances to differentiate. Celena, good job getting out your phone and looks like for a bonus you snapped the pictures of the family’s ghostly deceased members. Creepy for sure.
    Thanks again, Wes.

  4. Melanie S

    I’m sorry but I’m speechless. Just literally speechless. I don’t know what to say. I just, I’m just at a loss. I wish I could see what’s being described but I just don’t. What a shame. I’m sorry.

  5. Steve N

    Respect for Wess finally , let’s see maybe she has something that’s gonna make Todd standings cry like a baby and if nothing comes over like Wess said this industry is filled with loonies So the verdict is still out on this one, but at least it was very entertaining. I don’t agree with A lot of her generalization I don’t think I’ve ever heard of one completely covered with hair. They have 4 to 8 inch whispering hair off their back arms. ,,, 🦧Everyone knows where they’re here usually presents it is and they are not covered with hair. Let’s see the pictures.💫 Let’s see the pictures. Turns her into a 🦧jukebox. 🐒

  6. Nate H

    I never see anything in pictures. Blurry pictures are almost worse than none at all because it gives skeptics something to dismiss. Not saying one way or the other but I’ve rarely seen anything in a picture or video.

  7. John L

    Miss Celena, I live not far from this area. I saw one chasing a group of deer in the 90s and it cleared a five foot barb wired fence running after three or four does.

  8. m99

    Loved this episode Wes. I also like your style and variation of your music. I bet you’d be a gas to party with. Blessings to you and yours. I’m still so amazed by your podcast. There is No One else like you. Thank you for your kindness you demonstrated to Ms. Celine. Loved it.

    And love you Ms. Celine too. Your accent is just adorable. I too have a southern accent, but I’m not from Alabama. You are the salt of the earth and I thank you for your service in law enforcement. During the whole time of the un-woke idiots, and the putting down of police officers, I was unhappy. One day I was in the hardware store, and I looked up, and in in walks a troop of Sherriff officers. I said, oh my, looky here! They stopped and looked at me and I said, Bless you guys, thank you for your service. About six of them were there and I got a group smile. 🙂 _m

    PS & BTW ~ surely you know, huh? Guys like those southern accents. Just sayin’. ☺

  9. Dana B

    Sending love and prayers to Los Angeles and our SC family in LA. May God Bless and keep you safe, prayers to the firefighters and all those working to help people.

  10. Gabriel H

    Don’t see the barn or shed pic. Even if she sent the original pics to here friend via text, they won’t be as clear as they were in her phone (if clear at all). The only way to protect the quality of a digital photo is to email it (large file)

    • Amy J

      @Gabriel H Yes!!! I am no longer surprised at how many people don’t know this. As soon as a photo is uploaded somewhere, sent to someone or run through a photo app the image quality is diminished. (These photos look like they were run through an app or have had a filter applied) Also, email will also downsize the photo unless you choose to send the original. 😎👍

  11. Sharon H

    Thanks Wes. Always a good show. I’m sorry but I don’t see anything in the pictures except for the picture of the big X in the trees. I believe she saw something though.

  12. Elizabeth B

    “That’s it for tonight everyone,” Booooo, I’m like a little kid at the movies, Star Wars just ended and I have to go home. This show is amazing! Celena thank you! Holy Moly, I felt your words. AWESOME SHOW! ❤️

  13. Hope C

    Thanks Wes, awesome show again!
    I do see a Sasquatch approaching the grassy area. It’s kind of far off in the distance. I can see its silhouette.
    Ms. Selena , I loved your encounter and I know it must of been a horrific thing to see . Especially being all alone out there.
    Love your beautiful accent!

    • Ahrion G

      I don’t want to be mean but the pictures suck and the way she made it seem like the pictures were good and great makes me doubt everything she said after reviewing the blurry mess. What’s nuts is she when admitted that her eyesight was bad. Not sure if I can trust her testimony.

  14. Leroy N

    Ms Selena, you have to take what these people say with a grain of salt ! you sound like a very credible witness. the same thing happened to me when I posted my encounters. the only real good images of a Sasquatch was from bluff creek. maybe we should bag the phones

  15. John A

    we clearly have inexperienced Bigfoot photo viewers in here. I see them all but you have to know what to look for. take the two shown in the picture with the bike in it, those dark places aren’t holes into the woods, you can see the shadow of the left most creature casting onto the bushes behind it to it’s left.
    these creators absorb light and do not reflect well and your looking for a human type picture as you’ve seen all your lives. the creatures are always wearing a ghillie suit which breaks up the hard lines you’d normally see had they been human with clothes on.
    they’re most always much larger than a human, head and all. not to mention these pictures are zoomed and blown up causing pixelation. on top of that they aren’t standing up straight posing as they’re bent over on all fours.

    • Donald P

      John A – you are correct. Anyone who has spent time looking at Sasquatch photos knows what to look for. At first I couldn’t see anything in the pictures people posted until someone pointed out what to look for. I’d suggest people look at some of Ron Carpenters photos. These creatures don’t all look like Patty, so don’t expect to see that all the time. Some look rather cartoonish, some ghoulish or demonic, and others could pass for a very a large human.

      This was a great encounter and I have no doubt about what she saw. Would love to see Wes’ enhancement of the photos.

  16. Dona D

    Ms. Celena, your recent encounter is an amazing one for sure! I look forward to seeing the original pictures you get from your friend. Please don’t listen to the negative comments, people can be very disrespectful. Have a blessed day! You too Wes 😊

  17. Katherine G

    Wes I agree with you. I just don’t see what she is describing as Sasquatch. especially the one with the Vehicles in it. She said they stepped out to the grass. There’s nothing there, not even black blurs. Definately don’t see a grey one. A few pics may have caught something like a ghost in the bottom of the shed and the black blob “hiding”, but I just don’t see anything definite and I’m wearing my glasses. It’s too bad, it was a great story and she seems so cute.

  18. Sue P

    question for Ms Celena….did the gentleman confirm that the family group has been around continuously, all along, or, not since grandpa died, and now they are back? it sounds like they are amazed that they are still here…i may have missed this part….thank you! great episode and frightening, im sure!

  19. Rodger f

    Thanks Wes and thank you very much to the guest. When I heard about the young sickly looking one it made me wonder if there not experiencing the same problems we are pertaining to the gmo food and other pollution out there. The deer are eating the round up corn and soybean and it goes right down the line. I wonder if there having cancer and other diseases show up in there clans. I feel for them because I’m sure there are some evil bad ones, who have killed people, but I’m sure there are good ones that want left alone. I hunt in Ohio and I’m 99.9% sure they have been around me and never bothered me. Seemed more curious then anything. I wish those ones the best! Great show!

  20. Jessica B

    I could listen to your voice for hours, Celina. It’s so lovely to hear someone so observant of aesthetics, beauty tell her story. The way you treat people sounds rather lovely too, despite this judgment you’ve had about the subjects of Sasquatch, etc. I know my lovely sisters are bored and turned off by the subject—they think it’s a foolish way to be weird for whatever purpose, and being courteous and sociable is importsnt to them. Anyway, you paint a picture even as photographs cannot convey everything that you experience with your refined senses! ! Thank you!

  21. Brent J

    What a peach!!!

    Just want to say, I do property Management for a living and take thousands of photos a year. One thing I’ve learned about sharing photos with people is you have to create a link through Google photos and send the full quality. The people will receive the same quality as your phone had taken. so if you have it set at 4K they will receive 4K photos.

    Peace out! hippies

  22. Dana B

    I was wondering if the skinny gray one was a gray alien? I was also thinking of wendigo but that’s odd for South to have wendigo’s, I thought they were more of a north west woods thing… the whole antler thing was super creepy

  23. Natalie J

    I could listen to this guest talk about almost anything— I LOVE her voice! I completely believe her account. Rarely comment here, but I just love this guest. Breaks my heart to hear she gets shot at for simply doing her job. This is literally what is meant by, “ don’t shoot the messenger”. What is wrong with people?

  24. R Gloria

    Thanks Wes, great interview Celena, sounds credible to me. Can barely make out the one holding a smaller one. Can’t wait to see the originals. Like the many nationalities of humans, there are different ones of Sasquatch as well. Check out Tara on FoB.

  25. Larry R

    I just love her voice, she sounds like a very nice gal. I just hope we get to see the other picturesI really love her voice; she sounds like a nice person. I hope we get to see the other pictures.

  26. richard r

    pictures are just too blurry ,but listening to her she must be brave to go out to some places like that. i listened to this around 2 AM i got the willies trying to get all the way through this.

  27. Jesse D

    I truly don’t understand the ignorance of people who don’t listen to the show. Let’s try educating ourselves before attacking someone who has the courage not only to take pictures but to go on the show. What is infrasound? What does infrasound do to camera lenses? I just watched a video of these things doing weird shit with reflecting light and basically breaking a $600 camera ON PURPOSE. She’s not lying and the evidence is right in front of you. Your lack of education isn’t on someone else.

  28. Grace L C

    Hey all – been a long time listener from WAY back and member for about just as long. Don’t know who this “Macho Man” is in the intro, but….yeah… that could be discarded. Not cool. The rest of this show was a pleasure to listen to. Keep up the fantastic work, Wes!

  29. Candice W

    I appreciate your apology!!! I have a 14-year-old child that has seen one when he was about approximately 10. I’ve seen one my own parents made a stupid comment about (did you take a picture) And that hurt. And I don’t think I’ll ever let that go because they’re supposed to know who I am and that I don’t make stuff up! and regarding you scanning the woods

  30. Nguyen C

    Man I was excited to see the pictures when I heard this. The way she described it, I was thinking jackpot, actual good iPhone pics of Bigfoot but boy was I disappointed when I saw what was posted. For the record I believe her but I’m not seeing wha she’s seeing.

    • Andrea H

      I have a theory. The grandparents were feeding this clan and when they died, the ghost hung around bcuz in life he was so fascinated with them and felt afraid they would be discovered and harmed. I can’t see anything but then again I can’t see very well anyway. My behind would be going back doing drive by snapping photos or with a dash cam. Unless it is a private street/drive seems you could do that. Or drive around that area in general since they prob move around. 🤷 The accent is real and I thought she was so sweet.

  31. Julie B

    I am very open minded, but something was off with this story. I hope I’m wrong. I’m from the deep south and her accent seems fake. I apologize if I’m wrong.

  32. Adam s

    I think she believes in what she think she saw but theres just weird alarms going off in my head with her story. i could be wrong but maybe this is just some bigfoot pareidolia.

  33. Charles R

    You can see in the next to last picture that strange haircut Celena talks about. You were not being critical of the pictures Wes. You can see black object that I’m sure are the two Celena talks about, but they are very poor quality as the cell phone picks up all the woods and brush and this is just how cell phones work for the most part with woods involved. Had there been a big Hawk or eagle in these pictures, they also would have been blurred. I really appreciate you doing the best you could Celena, time has proved that to get great pictures of a Sasquatch(s) is damn near impossible, with just a few exceptions.

  34. Nancy B

    I hardly ever leave comments, but I just HAVE to say how much I LOVED listening to Selena’s southern voice!
    I know I’ll get crap for this, but I normally can’t stand listening to deep southern drawls because the sound just grinds irritatingly in my brain. As soon as I hear a southern drawl, mostly from men, I immediately shut off the podcast, television, etc. I’m sorry, I know that comes across as judgmental, but it’s just a “me” thing that I’ve tried to get over and I just can’t. I’m sure it’s a weird brain-wiring thing and sensitivity to certain “sounds”. Much like how some people can’t stand the feel of certain surfaces and others can’t tolerate the sight of certain patterns, or critters like snakes or spiders. Unfortunately, this means that there are quite a few of the Sasquatch Chronicles episodes that I have never heard more than a few seconds of, as I have to turn them off when I hear “that” sound.
    BUT…..as soon as Selena started talking, I was mesmerized and completely drawn in. If I could have Selena narrate everything in my life, I would! How she draws out the last syllable of many of her words and turns them into an extra syllable, and her slight low register that sounds like she may have an allergy, is something I could listen to all day, especially when you can “hear” her smile.
    Oh, yeah….I also believe in Bigfoot. 🙂

  35. Michael H

    They’re probably trying out this story to see whether it’ll fly with the public. I’m thinking they’re trying to find a way to disclose the truth about Sasquatch, but need 100% control of the narrative, which is the reason for the fake story. Plus, notice the other agenda items being hinted at: gun control (confiscation) and serving legal documents, which will increasingly happen as inflation continues to go sky high and people go bankrupt and lose their homes to the banks.

  36. Kevin D

    It’s amazing how differently they appear, or don’t at all, to different people both in pics and videos and in person. I didn’t use to understand this but once I started seeing them I am now starting to see things in photos that someone else swears is just leaves and trees. I still can’t see them as clearly as she did and as a couple of people in these comments can. But I did see the Dogman. The simple truth is that they are much more prevalent than any of us believe because we just can’t always see them. And their vibration is much different than ours. Which is why they rarely photograph well. People will say this is all bs. But it’s not. I see them every day.

  37. Kelly S

    Selena, I definitely see the one with the baby and believe your story.
    Thank you for sharing your encounter. May God continue to protect, provide and bless you. 🙏🏻

  38. Robert B

    This lady sounded very believable and sincere, however if don’t see anything in the pictures posted. Some people say they see a man holding a child and a women walking up to them?? I can’t make anything out.

  39. Jackie K

    I can see them in several pictures. The picture with the shed and the one with the vehicle and motorcycle I see quite a few.
    Reading comments I don’t see why people want to say her accent is fake. it isn’t, no one could talk that fast and do a fake accent. it’s just the way a lot of people in the south talk. She is definitly southern, I heard her say I swany which you don’t hear much anymore.

  40. Michael H

    Things are speeding up. Truth is being revealed. Feb 28th 7 planets will be in a perfectly straight line in the sky. This is fulfillment of Revelation 15:1, which are the 7 angels holding the 7 vials filled with the wrath of God, which are the 7 last plagues. The planets are extremely bright because they’re filled with God’s wrath and God dwells in unapproachable, uncreated light. The drones are actually UFOs and are being reported as “rumors of wars.”

  41. Corey G

    Every weekend I look so forward to this show. This topic is so darn fascinating. Thanks Wes for keeping it up and thanks to all the guests that share encounters. Maybe someday we can all figure this out. Take care everyone.

  42. Mike B

    A large dog had her apprehensive to get out of the carwhen she got there, what became of the dog? how did the dog react to the encounter? maybe they were all there to feed the dog to the malnourished squatch!

  43. Sharon K

    It takes a lot of personal fortitude to put yourself on the spot, especially to talk about something so terrifying and controversial as Sasquatch. Wes has this forum for those of us who need a safe platform to share our experiences and encounters. These photos are like so many others that just look like blobs, nothing unusual but definitely part of the mystery. I believe her.

  44. Shawna H

    it just doesn’t seem ethical to take pictures in that situation and post them online. As an officer of the Court serving papers, aren’t you outing the people you’re serving papers to?

  45. Glenda M

    I believe her encounter. The quality of the pictures is poor, but I can see their shapes. I look forward to seeing the pictures she sends to Wes. She is describing what she saw without embellishment. As long-time members, the majority of us know when an encounter is not adding up.

    I love her accent. She is very sweet and authentic.

  46. Janet D

    I believe her!! She does not come off to me as she is the type of person to lie. I had a UFO experience back in 1975 and let me tell I shared that story with a couple of people they made me feel like an idiot funny thing it was me and my girlfriend together who saw it. It was definitely not a light in the sky type of UFO. I’m only saying this because no matter what you have or tell story people always have there opinion. So I’m a believer of Miss Salena🤗 . I know the feeling wh maybe it’s best not to share…. It took me 40 years to share the my story only because people today are more open to believing . So I encourage people to to please share and thank you all for reading this it was not meant to rude. Thanks everyone 🤗. Have a Blessed Day 🦋

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