Sam Shoemate is an intelligence officer and Chief Warrant Officer 2 (US Army, Retired). On December 31st, Sam received an email allegedly from Matthew Livelsberger – who would be named as the perpetrator in the detonation of a Tesla Cybertruck at Trump Tower the following day. In this episode of the Shawn Ryan Show, Shoemate brings forward critical information and allegations that cast doubt on the “mainstream” narratives surrounding this event – and many others – if true.
Sam Shoemate – Cybertruck Bomber Matt Livelsberger’s Email Reveals NEW Evidence
Rick F
My take is he was shot and put in the Tesla and the Tesla drove him to Trump hotel. The fireworks were set of remotely. Nothing about this story makes any sense to me.
Lisa S
Not helpful to spread conspiracy theories on a Sasquatch encounter show. Decreases credibility of everything on here , which is a big issue in the Sasquatch field already. Just stop people…
Stanley T
Very eye opening interview. Shawn Ryan has had interviews on things that vary from the paranormal to child abductions to government malfeasance. More people should be listening to him. Thanks Wes for including this interview,
Lisa B
Thanks for sharing this Wes 🙏🏻
Lisa B
I don’t think that guy is dead.
Chris S
The reason I pay and listen to SC is to escape the over abundance of social media driven discourse that bombards us every day.
Seriously, everyone and their uncle now has a pod cast with double secret military clearance reporting on their secret sources. I don’t care if it’s Fox, CNN, Wall Street Journal or John Doe’s pod cast, everyone wants ratings and listeners and will say anything to remotely believable to capture their audience. If I wanted to immerse myself in these topics, I wouldn’t be paying to listen to SC.
You’ll drive yourself bat s-crazy running down these rabbits holes.
My feedback to Wes: Let’s stay on topic and listen to first hand Sasquatch witnesses and their encounters and leave the conspiracy theory emails, Chinese stealth drones and Iranian rockets for someone else to report. Granted, you’re free to believe whatever you want. However, If I wanted to listen to this alarmist propaganda, I’d ditch SC in favor of the hundreds of conspiracy podcasts reporting on these same, over played, over reported issues I’m purposely trying to avoid by listening to SC.
michelle m
Amen, I am tired of all this nonsense stuff being brought up also on this site. Most of it is not the real facts!
Chris S
michelle m
Now we have Ron S to listen to. I don’t understand how this can be allowed on this site. I love Wes and his stories but this is not acceptable.
Ron S
Evidence. How’s this for a miracle?
• The Gospel in Genealogies: The genealogy in Genesis 5, when translated from Hebrew names into their meanings, creates a message that aligns with the Gospel:
• Adam = “Man,” Seth = “Appointed,” Enosh = “Mortal,” Kenan = “Sorrow,” Mahalalel = “The Blessed God,” Jared = “Shall Come Down,” Enoch = “Teaching,” Methuselah = “His Death Shall Bring,” Lamech = “Despairing,” Noah = “Rest/Comfort.”
• Together, it reads: “Man is appointed mortal sorrow; the Blessed God shall come down teaching that His death shall bring the despairing rest.”
I’m so happy that more and more people are finding faith and salvation in OUR LORD CHRIST GOD, The Trinity, just as Shawn Ryan seeks to find or has found. 🙏🏼
Ron S
Gods names: God’s names in scripture reveal His multifaceted nature and character, giving us a glimpse into His attributes, roles, and relationship with humanity. Each name carries profound meaning, often reflecting specific interactions with His people or His promises. Here’s a deeper look at some of the key names of God:
1. Yahweh (יהוה) – The LORD, “I Am Who I Am”
• First Mention: Exodus 3:14
• Meaning: This name, revealed to Moses at the burning bush, emphasizes God’s self-existence, eternal nature, and unchanging character.
• Significance: Yahweh is the personal name of God, showing His desire for relationship with His people. It conveys that He is the source of all being and utterly independent.
• Key Aspect: God is ever-present and faithful.
• Related Passages:
• “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.” (Revelation 22:13)
2. Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) – God, Creator, Mighty One
• First Mention: Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
• Meaning: Elohim is a plural noun used with singular verbs, hinting at the complexity of God’s nature, often seen as an early reference to the Trinity.
• Significance: It reflects God’s power, majesty, and authority as Creator and Sustainer of the universe.
• Key Aspect: God is infinitely powerful, sovereign, and transcendent.
3. Adonai (אֲדֹנָי) – Lord, Master
• First Mention: Genesis 15:2 – “O Lord GOD (Adonai Yahweh), what will You give me…”
• Meaning: This name emphasizes God’s authority and lordship over all creation. It is a term of respect and submission.
• Significance: It reminds believers to acknowledge God’s sovereignty and to surrender to His will.
• Key Aspect: God is the ultimate ruler and deserving of obedience.
4. El Shaddai (אֵל שַׁדַּי) – God Almighty, All-Sufficient One
• First Mention: Genesis 17:1 – “I am God Almighty; walk before Me and be blameless.”
• Meaning: El Shaddai emphasizes God’s power to fulfill His promises and His sufficiency for all needs.
• Significance: It conveys that God can overcome any obstacle, supply every need, and care for His people as a loving Father.
• Key Aspect: God is omnipotent and fully able to provide.
5. Jehovah Jireh (יְהֹוָה יִרְאֶה) – The LORD Will Provide
• First Mention: Genesis 22:14 – Abraham names the place where God provided a ram as a substitute for Isaac.
• Meaning: This name speaks of God’s provision and His foresight to meet the needs of His people.
• Significance: It reflects God’s care, especially in times of testing and trial.
• Key Aspect: God provides what is needed, often in miraculous ways.
6. Jehovah Rapha (יְהֹוָה רָפָא) – The LORD Who Heals
• First Mention: Exodus 15:26 – “I am the LORD, your healer.”
• Meaning: This name reveals God as the source of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.
• Significance: It assures His people of His power to restore wholeness.
• Key Aspect: God is a healer and a restorer.
7. Jehovah Nissi (יְהֹוָה נִסִּי) – The LORD Is My Banner
• First Mention: Exodus 17:15 – After the victory over Amalek, Moses builds an altar and calls it “The LORD is My Banner.”
• Meaning: This name portrays God as the rallying point and symbol of victory for His people.
• Significance: It reflects His protection, guidance, and presence in battles.
• Key Aspect: God is our defender and source of triumph.
8. Jehovah Shalom (יְהֹוָה שָׁלוֹם) – The LORD Is Peace
• First Mention: Judges 6:24 – Gideon builds an altar and names it “The LORD is Peace.”
• Meaning: This name reflects God as the source of peace and wholeness.
• Significance: It reminds believers that true peace comes from God, even in the midst of chaos.
• Key Aspect: God brings peace that surpasses understanding.
9. Jehovah Sabaoth (יְהֹוָה צְבָאוֹת) – The LORD of Hosts
• First Mention: 1 Samuel 1:3 – “The LORD of Hosts.”
• Meaning: This name emphasizes God’s leadership over the armies of heaven and His ability to protect His people.
• Significance: It conveys God’s power, authority, and ultimate control over spiritual and earthly realms.
• Key Aspect: God is a warrior and a protector.
10. Emmanuel (עִמָּנוּאֵל) – God with Us
• Mention: Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:23 – “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel.”
• Meaning: This name speaks of God’s incarnation in Jesus Christ, who came to dwell among His people.
• Significance: It reflects God’s intimate desire to be present with humanity.
• Key Aspect: God is relational and approachable.
Each name offers a glimpse into the boundless depth of God’s character and how He meets His people in every aspect of their lives. Together, they paint a picture of a God who is infinite, loving, just, and involved in every detail of creation and human history.
If this all makes sense I would like people to help spread this message. I think God wants these to go to the 7 Churches, (but also as a message for everyone)…Idk exactly the depth or significance of these Churches yet, I just know these are good things.
Thank you and God Bless all!
Ron S
We are all born imperfect, and at this early stage we are likely at our closest to perfection before life chisels away or wears down certain aspects or sides of ourselves.
Think of yourself as stones made rounded in water, where water on stones reveals purity, color and beauty.
After these stones are brought forth (birthed) from the water of life they are subjected to whatever damage humanity has put upon them (such as the duality in the word “media”). Our “media” in one sense can be assimilated to a rock tumbler… the “media” describes the encompassing course or fineness in which these precious individual stones are tumbled or put against over time.
A society with a course and rough media only turns once natural and beautiful stones into dull, broken and ugly things… The society with a “fine” media or society more gently polishes the new yet now dry stones into something which reveals their individual details and beauty for all to see and appreciate, much like the beauty and diversity of river or beach stones when they are moistened. This would be easier to achieve if we were all born into a more fine society with more interest in seeing beauty than in being harsh or abrasive, and that should be the goal.
For now, we are tumbled in life with something more coarse… But even so we can choose to be baptized by the waters of faith and still show our unique qualities and interesting aspects. These are the waters of faith that once again smooth the dull and sharp edges with time and immersion in God.
“A mustard seed of faith moving mountains” could essentially mean all unique stones within humanity are each their own foundation, but “As One”, with one common goal or foundation creates a movable mountain, movable towards true progress.
This commonality may be discovered in something more akin to the “Golden Rule” or “The Ten Commandments”.
“The Golden Rule” must not be confused with being ruled by gold, or ruled by those wearing gold… This is not the type of gold God is talking about. God uses “gold” as a descriptive word for natures, just like many other things.
I hope this brings forth new scholars to understand the truth, depth and miracles that are awaiting to be discovered in what is already written in scripture, and already in nature and natures.
You can be the broken and damaged stone that God uses for His foundation and His Glory, and you’ll be happier for it.
Ron S
I think Heaven just blitzed Hell
Lisa B
I always enjoy off topic news that Wes thinks we should check out.