Lacey writes “Hey Wes! I started listening to your show after my encounter that happened in the fall of 2020 in Willow Creek, CA. Since then I have tried to make sense of what happened and your show has given me insight and validation, but has also left me with more questions than answers.
Takes a lot for me to do this but here it goes..
During the fall of 2020 I was trimming for a medical marijuana farm and staying with friends in willow creek, ca. I currently live in my home state in the Midwest but lived in Humboldt County for 7 years during my twenties. So when the pandemic started, I lost my job as a massage therapist. Being that is was an awkward time to do my job anyway, I figured why not see my friends and make some money while in waiting to see what would become of my career.
By the time my encounter happened it was October and I had been working out west since July. Autumn in that area is typically busy with travelers, so I thought it would be cool to meet a guy on a dating site while visiting to help pass the time. Right away I hit it off with a fellow farm worker who happened to be right down the road. We went out for dinner and decided to continue the night by laying under the stars at a local campground called camp Kimtu right outside of Willow Creek on the trinity river. The campsites were further down the road but we decided to pull of on the beach by the water. Since I had been living do on the road, my car was full of camping gear. We took my sleeping bag with blankets down a path to the water not far from my vehicle. For the record we did have a 12 pack of steelhead ale(my fav local beer) but each of us had only had two beers. One at the restaurant and one on the river bank. It wasn’t long after laying there that it started to rain so we ended up getting into my car to wait out the rain. The rain lasted about an hour(which to my knowledge it was the first rain of the season) and during that time we stayed inside until it stopped. Eventually we made it back out but decided to just sleep there and continue hanging out. I have a rav4 so we put the back seats down and made a bed. While doing so I took out my camping tote which had some really valuable gear inside as well as his backpack and guitar (This is a key part of the story bc it just doesn’t make sense that if it was a hoax then why didn’t “they” steal our stuff?).
At this point it around 11:45. The bed was made so we sat in the back of the car with the hatch door open(which was facing the river) to smoke a joint. I was wrapped in a blanket and he in his boxers snuggled up to me. A few mins into conversation we started hearing a low guttural growl coming from the rocky beach down towards the water. Take in mind it was super foggy out and there was no street lights around. So we never actually saw what was making the sound but oh did we hear them.
The sound went on for about 30 secs or so. It almost sounded like a didgeridoo at first but you could tell it was a voice. Kind of like a growl/gargling sound. It radiated around us in a way I have never heard before. What was also really weird, we both immediately became emotional and struck with fear. It was like my body became immediately paralyzed. Tears started streaming down my cheeks as we grabbed each other and I said “that’s not human” it was like my nervous system instantly knew something was off. He then yelled really loud “Hey, what are you doing down there!?” (This is when it gets absolutely terrifying and I mean seriously the most afraid I have ever been in my life. I still to this day have ptsd from this experience. It’s gotten easier to tell this story but it continues to haunt me. I dream about it and think about it constantly.) The sound abruptly stopped when he did that but only for a second and then proceeded to SCREAM the most ungodly, otherworldly sound I never in a million years would imagine to hear. We instinctively shut the back door and laid down shaking. At this point it was pure terror and somewhat surreal. Almost as if time stood still but it all happened pretty fast. As we lay there trembling and not knowing what to do next, the sounds began to get louder and more intense. It started to sound like multiple high and low pitched voices that were howling, yelling and at some points it sounded like they were laughing. Almost like a gorilla/hyena hybrid. That sound will forever be burned into my mind. We both became hysterical. He also started to cry and kept asking me what do we do?? I told him to lay still and be quiet. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Then, they surrounded my car. It literally sounded like they were all around us. It truly felt like they were taunting us but in the most horrible way and trust me it worked. The cackling and howling with talking btw, they seriously have a language. We could hear them bantering back and forth. It was like nothing I’ve ever heard, until someone played for me the Sierra sounds. It’s absolutely unnerving how similar that recording is to what we experienced. Also at some point during this they began making really loud thud noises but not sure how. This went on for what seemed like forever but in reality it was only 15 mins or so until one of them was so close to my back passenger window that we both screamed uncontrollably and the guy told me to drive! I frantically found my keys in the mess of blankets and jumped in the driver seat. I just remember shaking so bad I could barely push my foot on the peddle. The lights turned on but we never saw a thing. All I could do was put my car in drive and get tf out of there. Looking back on it I really wish one of us would’ve had our phones out to record but it all happened so fast, that honestly was the last thing on mind.
We ended up parked outside of my friends house and laid there in shock until the sun came up. We went over the whole thing numerous times. Did they want to hurt us? If so, why didn’t they? Was it a prank? At times it felt like trickery but the sound was so out of this world that if it was they must’ve had some kind of equipment. Plus these beings had a presence, a very strong one at that. He even thought we should call the police and report it, we were that scared.
Once morning with no sleep and completely hung over from the adrenaline we drove back to get our things. Truly thinking everything would be gone, to our surprise nothing had been touched. Not the beer, nor the cooler with some food, or our valuables. We walked around and looked for tracks but didn’t see a thing. I still don’t know what to think of it and didn’t begin the Bigfoot rabbit hole until after that night. As cliche as it is, that area is highly known for encounters so we just assumed if it wasn’t people or an animal then it must be real after all. Him and I don’t really talk but the occasional text to remind each other that we survived some truly crazy stuff together. Maybe someday I’ll get him to go on a podcast with me or something. I’m just glad to have had a witness bc it truly is unbelievable until it happens to you. And I’m grateful for my vehicle bc I’m not sure if I’d be here to tell the tale if we would’ve been in my tent. I don’t really know if they would have hurt us, nor do I ever want to chance that again. Let’s just say the woods will never be the same.”
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Wendell F
Thanks Wes
Leslie M
Yahoo! Hi Wes
Brian L
Whoop Whoop!! Thanks Wes
Lee N
Happy Saturday night
Aw yeah beb
Thanks Wes
Thanx Wes!!!!
Lisa B
Wahoo Wes! ♥️
Paula J
Here we go! Thanks Wes! 🙂
Chad W
Can’t wait to hear this one! Happy Saturday!
Anna R
Can’t wait to listen!
RubenD S
Thanks Wes!
Maria G
Thx Wes..Hi guys 😁
Joseph K
Thanks for another great episode, Wes!
Ricky G
Here we go. Good boxing tonight too
Maple a
Intro…. whoa!!
Mindie P
Thank you
Aimee B
Craig F
The non-owl hooted a startled sounding hoot at me this morning from the patch of hardwoods between us and the neighbors. People sharing their experiences here has made me a more discerning listener of hoots and barks. Thanks Lacey and Wes. I can relate to the woods feeling different now. When here, on this site, a person can be understood where anyone else I tell about what I heard this morning would think I was just imagining things, that sound was very similar to an owl but too loud. The sound came from a much larger set of equipment.
Elizabeth B
Well, did they have a second date? This was such a great episode.
Melissa G
Ok this totally is what I kept thinking!!! 😂😂😂
Rhonda W
Barn work is done, time for some SQ!!!
Thank You Wes & Guests,have a Great weekend Everyone!
Daniel M
Beautiful Shepard!
Sharon H
Thanks Lacey for coming on. Thanks Wes, as always, another great show.
Ed A
On with the show! Whoop
Melissa H
Thank you Lacey for telling us about your encounter, great show Wes
Thomas H
Roy F
I think I saw that movie
Luke T
Imagine getting blocked by Sasquatch
Melissa G
Bwahaha I’m rolling!!! I was thinking the exact same thing.
Candice W
Great way to explain that when you’re in the moment of encountering these people of the forest. you truly don’t even realize that you’re in reality.. your brain is so focused on what you’re seeing and experiencing the last thing on your mind is your cell phone. I had mine in my left hand and not once did I think hold on let me grab it and take a photo.
Dana B
Happy Sat the 14th!
Shelly T
Absolutely RIVETING!
Rob B
Could be the best episode I’ve heard. I have listened to about 20 percent or the episodes. Moments of humanity and for you that think this Is not real, get out of your cave .
Mark G
it was holding a dead deer
Darlene O
Casey is awesome!
Thanks as always Wes!!
Darlene O
Correction: Lacey! 🤣 ✌️
Roy F
I’m with Wade. Just too much pre-story. I could have explained that encounter in 1 paragraph. Sometimes less is more, unless you’re writing a fictional tale.
Charles R
Thanks for your experience Lacy, I know exactly what you mean by old world with old world abilities we have lost to some degree. Wes, I believe the other member was Warren Johnson. And you might want to listen to the playback of the Sierra Sounds as this was very high pitched screechy type sounds, like the playback may have been too fast. Unless this is also a section of the tapes (I have the CD since 2010) that I forgot about, in that case excuse me.
Nickolas P
The way the guest re-enacted the vocalizations that the Sasquatch were making was EXCELLENT! I know some guests will say “I can’t even make the sound I heard” but she leaned fully into it! Seriously, that was terrifying! What an amazing encounter!
Kelly S
Thank you, Lacey
Shawna H
love Lacey!!! great vocalization
philip g
I’m sure that juicer was a great interest as a Sasquatch had a bloody deer wrapped around his neck. First off I bet that guy will never use that dating app again. Second maybe that guy will probably never date again and end up being single the rest of his life. Far as that guy I would reenlist. And voluntarily be put in the worst war zone in the world. I wonder what it’s like to get a back massage hearing that girl go through all her animal sounds? She sort of sounds like no blanks granddaughter. I know if I was Hannah and Barbera I’ll try and find her phone number because he’s got a killer voice box. If they just were teenagers I wonder what they thought when they seen her? I would definitely leave that juicer right there Adam Patterson Road the only thing is going to happen is you’re going to turn orange for me being a bunch of carrots. If I was a guy the second thing I would do is go to a doctor Sylvester Stallone’s doctor and get human growth hormone shots so I could poke up to about a thousand pound, that way I wouldn’t even need to be able to hear anything people would have to be listening for me. I feel bad for my one son you’re talking about a dating application the only thing shaving us is that we’re closer to the city I know he was from northern California I would tell him be celibate maybe join the priesthood because you never know what you’re going to get when you get on a dating app. All it reminded me of was being scared by a male version of Kamala Harris all the cackling but you have to check out a visual just to see how wide her nose would be or its nose rather sorry about that. Wes you’re the best! I’m pretty sure it all did happen but I’m not sure which I’m more scared of you know what I mean?
philip g
PS West I remember the old days on Blog Talk Radio you and your brothers were on I had a little shell favorite some fun times you’ve grown into quite an older man I can’t believe that has been 30 years ago you’re still talking about apes and I’m still wondering what I did wrong to be here. Like they say Life’s a barrel monkeys it’s not too bad when they’re smaller than you
Daniel M
Facebook always comes through 🤣 first night score lmao
Grant C
Lacey is like the real life late night Cinemax show in the car lol
Kevin S
I like her examples for all the sounds she heard.
Cuckoo for cocoa puffs !!
sumitra r
i had some friends down there in WC who had a farm nearby. they said they used to get up early and bring coffee down by the river and watch the sasquatch on the river
theresa m
Thanks Wes and Lacey. I especially appreciated ALL the detail leading up to, through and following the encounter. It’s important to me to hear all the nuances of the experience. I’d be pooing all over the place if I had been in your position. Thanks goodness you were able to find your keys and drive out of there. I consider you and your friend very brave to have gone back there the next morning to see if your things were there and then to walk around and look for proof of something having been there. Thanks again for sharing!
Jason K
hmmm not so sure
Dale B
I’ll take weed farm for a 100 Alex
Billy S
anything is possible.
Curt N
The “Best sound effects by a witness” trophy definitely goes to Lacey. Wes, Bob Gymlin uses an illustrator, maybe you can hire Lacey for sound effects!
Great witness, thank you Lacey
Michael P
Jared H
Sasquatch are such cock blocks!
Daryl W
You see this started with the dating app
Sidney R
Loved hearing this encounter. Spent some time in this area in the ‘70’s.
Linda B
I’m sure others have thought of this, but just wanted to say that if the lights are these things changing frequency to vibrate in another dimension and we are seeing their energy trail as a light, and they can become lights, then trackways can disappear and the creatures can vanish etc.
Linda B
….and that for me, although they do have a physical body, then they are also supernatural and/or spiritual . Might check out Troy Brewer regarding sasquatch or cryptids on You Tube. He has an amazing take and explains these creatures very well.
George & Shekinah
Ok. Now I understand that I’ve been able to listen to the whole show. She’s bringing up the value of items because she’s trying to say that she drove off and left all this valuable stuff. it’s stuff that has a lot of value to her and it was expensive. why would she drive away and leave it there if something didn’t really scare the crap out of her?
George & Shekinah
I’d like to see pictures of the campsite.
Kendall C
I believe this is an Actress. 🤷♀️. Her sounds are so rehearsed and polished. She sounds like a YA Audible Narrator.
Jonathon M
Lacey does a great job telling the story. Thanks guys I really enjoyed it. 🙂
Jesse V
There’s only one kind of “farm” in that area. It’s where they grow the ganja up in the mountain forests and temporary workers can make a lot of money. Many of the “farmers” there have run into the Sasquatch who live there. And there have been many violent encounters.
Phoenix B
Correction Wes! Yes, Indigenous Peoples do offerings for all types of animals, especially to their totems, clans, family or even Native given names, my Native name given to me by an Elder means White Thunderbird woman. If 1 requests a healing song at a Powwwow or at a sweat ceremony specific to their clan, the offering is given tobacco and food to honor the specific animal. Even I give offering to Sasquatch, I dreamt of this being 2x and was told by an Elder, Medicine keeper to do this to acknowledge the dream and the being to say you seen him/them, thank you for coming to see me. Sorta speak.
Deb L
Lacey! You are hands down the very best sasquatch speaker. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear I was hearing a wild critter. Sorry you went through such a terrifying ordeal, but if a live one is ever brought in, you could be an interpreter!