Feb 1

SC EP:1127 I Have Never Minded the Loneliness

Rick writes “When I was younger I lived in Mississippi in a very little town called Poplar Creek. Its very remote and there is nothing there but open farm land. I now live in Asheville, NC I sometimes go back to MS to see family from time to time.

When I do go back I always drive past where I use to live and where I first saw a creature. My family had about 80 acres of land most of it was woodland and swamp area. I never saw the creature until I was older at the age of 15. All of my life my Grandfather use to tell me and my brothers about a wild man and woman that lived in the area and was known to have been living in the area many years. I do know that land we had was very old my Grandfathers Grandparents owned the land and it was passed on over the years. If there were any activity going on over the years when I was younger I had no knowledge of any happenings. Everything changed the summer I turned 13.

It was late June and summer vacation was in full effect. Living in this area everyone has a garden of some type. My family’s garden was kind of big because we grew most of our food along with hunting. My Mom and Dad went out of town for a the weekend to visit some of my Dads family. During this time I staid at my Uncles house who also lived on the land we had. That Monday afternoon when my Dad came back home he took a walk in the garden and some plants were torn out of the ground and watermelons were busted open and just left in place but were eaten.

Other veggies were also picked and parts were on the ground not fully eaten also. My Dad was pissed! He called me and my Cousins over to the garden and questioned us about it. We told him no it was not us and that we did not do any of this. My Grandfather saw my Dad getting on to us about this so he came over and saw everything that had happen. I will never forget my Granddaddy face as he said ” It was not the kids. I know who did this”. My Granddaddy told us kids to go play as he explained to my Dad about what had happen. My mom and Uncle grew up on the land so I believe they knew but refused to say anything. Come to find out years before my Granddaddy had problems with the wild man and wild woman getting into his chicken coop until it got to the point he quit raising chickens. My Mom and Dad got married when i was 4 or 5 so he missed out on that time and had no idea that even happened.

After my Dad heard the story he was in shock but did not believe it until the next morning when more watermelons and other fruits were completely gone. Our two apple trees were picked bare and branches were broken along with our peach trees with peaches that were half eaten or were stepped on. My Dad noticed that our black-eyed peas were being picked and eaten as he would find half eaten hulls or just the hulls on the ground.

That night my Dad called his 3 brothers and they came to our house along with my Granddaddy and uncle and they had a meeting in our Livingroom and we the kids had to go play in our rooms. Wes I’m not joking with this my Uncles were locked and loaded Mississippi rednecks were in full effect. LOL.. My Granddad and uncle ( his son) were in the loft of our barn.

Two of my Dads brothers got on top of my Dads work shop and my Dad and his other brother were posted up in the field in the back of his old truck. I do not know what time it was but it was late and guns were going off. I jumped up out of bed and ran to a window to see what was going on. After a bit my Mom was pacing back and forth wondering what had happen. The family walked in and each one was shook up. I think because they saw IT.. They told me to go to bed and don’t come back out. I could hear them talking and one of my Uncles saying This is not true There is no way that is real I cant believe it .. They staid the night and in the morning everyone went into the woods looking for what they may have seen the night before. around 11 am the men came back with a lot of questions on their face. None of them talked about it and I was told to not talk about this ever to no one. From then on there were no more encounters until the spring of 1993.

I was riding the school bus home and was sitting at the back of the bus on the right hand side and my friend Joe was sitting across from me on the left hand side. We passed a bridge that had a small open field on the side of it. This field met the edge of the land my family owned . There it was squatted down drinking water from his hand and in the split 3 seconds Joe and I saw the creature we both turned to each other asking DID YOU SEE THAT! I said what the Hell was that and Joe straight out said Bigfoot!!! a few moments later i was off the bus and was running into tell my Mom. At this time my Dad and Grand Dad had both passed so now this news really shook up my Mom. It was not until a few months later my mother sold the land and we moved away.”

We will wrap up with Timothy Renner to discuss his new book, I Have Never Minded the Loneliness: Hermits and Their Stories.

What compels a person to leave behind society, forsaking family, friends, and the comforts of modern life to live in solitude? The hermits of the 19th and early 20th Centuries are as fascinating as they are mysterious. These enigmatic figures often became the focus of public interest, with newspaper stories turning them into local legends, folk heroes, and symbols of a life apart.

Within these pages, you’ll discover the extraordinary lives of hermits who defied convention: John Stink, rumored to have died and risen again–more than once; William Woodruff, whose long vow of silence followed a broken heart; Brusher Mills, the serpent-hunter who sold his own snake-oil remedies; and Truman “Commodore” Downs, who claimed Mars as his homeland. Meet Adolphe-Julian Fouré, the reclusive priest who carved strange tales into Brittany’s coastal rocks, and Alice Grace, who made her home in an old bacon box, telling fortunes. From William Pester, the desert-dweller who may have inspired Nat King Cole’s Nature Boy, to the Old Leather Man, a wandering enigma clad in patchwork leather, and O.B. Joyful, the hermit some call America’s first hippie–these stories, and many more, reveal the complex lives of individuals who chose to live apart from the world.


Link to: I Have Never Minded the Loneliness: Hermits and Their Stories






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65 Responses to “SC EP:1127 I Have Never Minded the Loneliness”

  1. Donald P

    Thanks for the drone update Wes. I must be jaded like you, as we got a dumb answer and a no answer. And how many hobbyists have an SUV size drone in their garage, and they all decide to fly them at the same time?😂

  2. Daniel M

    Cool to hear from another fellow Mississippian, and another that lives in the NC mountains now to boot! His sightings aren’t too far from where my Dad had his sighting. He spoke to a few people from that area before he died. Apparently some of the sightings were of a Bigfoot creature with a tail. Very odd.

  3. Ricky G

    If you guys thought the pathologically lying Donald Trump, and the pathologically lying Trump administration was going to tell you the truth about the drones because the liberals/Democrats (calling someone a liberal is not the own you think it is dumb dumbs) just lie, I have an ice cream bridge in Louisiana to sell you. LMFAO!!! HAHAHA

  4. Chad W

    I really enjoyed this episode. Thanks, Wes and guests! Timothy Renner’s discussion of John Stink made my ears perk up, as my father grew up in Pawhuska, OK, and tells me many stories of Osage County from the 1940s and 50s.

  5. Charles R

    Glad you got to see, Rick, what was the same subject as what went on, on your Mississippi property in those days. Too bad the elders never gave you the answer at the time, however Im sure they thought that was best, and of course now you know. Really like your interview, just straight forward.
    Another great longtime Mississippi witness, that was on the Sasquatch Chronicles several times in the early days, has been interviewed on his property By “A Flash of Beauty”, at least 2 youtube segments.Tthis gentleman knows so much that went all the way back to his youth. You can see and listen to Mr. Tim Baker also know as Coonbo Baker.

  6. Charles R

    As for the drones, I see know reason not to believe Karoline Leavitt. Whose other SUV size drones would we allow to fly some kind of flight exercises, which probably we will never know what the nature of these are. I think this whole large size drone military program originated and still going on at nearby to me Wright Patterson AFB, in Dayton, OH. Back in the summer of 2022 a guy who worked for my Harley repair shop buddy was telling of extraordinary drones sometimes flying late at night were he lived 12 miles to my west in a very small town. He said they were large and flying manuevers and such, though not like the show drones. 2 weeks later his Farther who lives next door to him came to the motorcycle shop and told the exact same story and even mentioned UFO type craft on occassion and one being the size of a football field, low and silent and moving slowly. They also told me of a a peculiar long closed factory building there that seemed mysterious as it had high fences and overgrown bushes and trees with a locked gate, and that they noticed government vehicles around this super small town. A couple of weeks later I drove my motorcycle to that town and parked at a bar just a couple of hundred yards away. I then walked down on the road to that building, and indeed it seemed mysterious with 10 feet fence then 3 strand barb wire, on top of that. Then I walked back to the bar and at that moment a newish black gov/t suburban with dark blacked out windows rolled up on the road and watched me for 2 minutes from 50 feet away, as I sat on the outdoor picnic table. Then it moved at most 50 feet and did the same. I got quite nervous and went inside, then left 1/2 hour later and it was gone.
    Now this past week 2.5 years later the all the local Dayton News stations are talking about witnesses seeing these large drones mostly around farm area doing manuevers. One was just a few miles north of my friends town in my report, and some others 20 to 20 miles further north around Fort Recovery, and St. Henry, and Celina, OH.

  7. Rodger f

    Great show Wes! Thanks to the guest! I always like it when you have Timothy on! I really like his show! Especially when he puts some of the history into the show behind some of these weird things. He doesn’t get enough props! I always wanted to be mountain man so ill definitely be getting this book. God bless!

  8. James G

    I think the next morning when they went back out into the woods they saw something. Either they shot and killed one and found it, or they saw where it had bulldozed thru the trees, but they definitely found something that shook them up.

  9. NHSquatcher

    Karoline Leavitt is such an embarrassment to New Hampshire GOP. she was obviously picked because she’s a great liar. It makes sense that all those drones that we now do not see anymore were Amazon delivery drones because they did announce they were going to start doing this and it was right before Christmas.

  10. NHSquatcher

    Ricky G is right and I say this as someone who has worked for the party for 40 years and still does but the person that’s there now believe me is no Conservative and is a marathon liar.

  11. Dana J

    Such interesting tales. Thanks
    Regarding being buried alive: in the “old” days there were wakes- people would be set prone in a parlor – like a living room- for several days; there was.a protocol for that. I believe in the winter the time was longer because it was hard to dig in frozen earth however in summer when it was hot and humid I’m sure the time frame was shorter. There would be food served (food was brought in by the neighbors). If someone was in a coma it gave a chance for them to “wake up” or for others to know they were really dead. Later on people were autopsied and/or embalmed- can’t survive that process. I’m sure a lot of people know this, but I am positive the number of people buried alive has decreased over the past 1,000 years!
    Thanks for the episode, very engaging.

  12. Mark J

    I enjoy all of your shows Wes, but this one with mention of our own local ledgend was a real treat. reading the other members reply i now have a song by pearl jam to check out. leatherman in CT. Is my local legend.

  13. John A

    The drone story is without a doubt a complete lie. the FAA grounded all personal drones during this time so how could they “Approve” them AFTER the fact? personal drones CANNOT stay in the air for hours at a time, personal drones are LOUD, these made no sound.
    If the lie was true, why would they deny it so many days? They claimed they had no idea what they were to start with.
    if you believe this lie you are gullible as hell.
    Even the local police were reporting NOT being able to reach the mystery drones and witnessed them flying away at tremendous speeds. The police were never able to even get a picture of one single mystery drone.

    put all of that together and tell me you believe the lie.

  14. John A

    Funny I was just thinking about the term ‘saved by the bell’ when he brought it up. they would tie the bell by string to your toes and then hang it in a tree so you could save yourself if you weren’t really dead and came to.

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