Dec 14

SC EP:1113 Attack Of The Drones

Garrett writes “So I’ll just start from the beginning, I moved to Tennessee with my mom around the age of 8-9 we’ve lived here ever since. I began a fascination with Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, a few years later after me and my Mamaw would watch finding Bigfoot on Tv almost every night.

Being a kid and growing up watching the show, of course my first instinct was to go and try the things they did and of course that didn’t really get much of anything. A few years later me and my buddy got back into the show and we decided to give it a try again. We went to the woods and did the wood knocks and the howls and eventually we got something that sounded like a knock. That was it for that day so we really couldn’t say what it really was, but we continued this for weeks and everyday we’d get a knock. Now keep in mind, this area is now huge and while there are big patches of woods a lot of them are getting torn down and developed into schools/houses/neighborhoods. But at the time of this first incident it was still fairly new development with plenty of deep woods.

The knocks eventually escalated into whoops and howls as responses and we thought it was the coolest thing ever when we got that first whoop that kinda confirmed to us that we had a Bigfoot in the area. This again continued for weeks until one night we were out there doing the whoops and the knocks and we got this one loud knock that sounded closer than usual, we took a second and did a whoop of our own before we heard thundering footsteps and branches crashing down toward us, we booked it out of the wood line and back to the cul-de-sac that the wood line connected to and made it about 20 yards from the wood line before turning back around to face it. There is a house in that sits directly next to the woods and it had to be around 9-10pm so they had their outdoor flood lights on, we continued to stare until we saw a hand reach around one side of a tree and it stepped out into the flood light revealing itself kinda leaning out from behind the tree.

I would estimate it would have to be around 7-9 feet tall but it had a very strong facial resemblance to Patty, I believe it was female I couldn’t tell exact hair color as it was dark and I wouldn’t have been able to see it at all if not for that flood light, the thing that sticks with me most was I could feel the eyes even though I couldn’t see them because they were sunken in its brow. It felt as if they almost burnt a hole in me and that’s the one thing I can always remember from that.

Fast forward a few years and me and my dad are fishing a spill way in Taylorsville Kentucky, it’s a pretty remote spillway that comes directly from a large dam so it maybe had 2-3 other people there that day. It was probably around 5-6pm when we started hearing knocks up in the woods and my dad was never a bigfoot believer but I pointed them out to him and we listened as it continued to this, we then could hear it walking around just out of eye sight in the wood line very large heavy methodical footsteps but you could tell it was on 2 legs, it was pacing for maybe 5-10 minutes before a Red Bull can came flying out of the woods and landed behind another fisherman that was fishing directly in front of the woodline; but after it did that, that’s was all for that day.

Cut to next day and we went back to the spillway but this time we hiked down stream up in the woods to a launch ramp where we found a crappie hole. We had been catching them cast after cast for maybe half a hour when around the bend of the creek where we couldn’t see, we heard what sounded like something jump in the water and cross the creek. We didn’t think much of it as there are deer and other animals out there since it is very far out in the middle of no where. After that, a very large oak tree up the hill of the other bank that I would say was probably 6-10 feet around starts shaking and not just like the wind because no other trees are moving, this thing is just rocking back and forth violently and I told my dad “that’s the Sasquatch they do that as an intimidation display”.

It did it for a few minutes before it stopped and then we could hear it pacing back and forth inside the woodline on the other bank, it then started growling/grunting and threw a few rocks before my dad decided we needed to get out of there. We both came to the conclusion that it wanted our fish we were catching as that place is full of invasive Asian carp and you aren’t allowed to put them back after catch so most people leave them on the bank to die. Fast forward to about a month ago, I’m 21 and just had my first baby and me and fiancée had just moved into our house in March of this year. The house we live in now is about 10 driving minutes away from where I came face to face with the first Sasquatch for context. We have a 1 year old German Shepherd and as you know they are highly alert and protective dogs.

Our property backs up to one other house and a farm followed by woods and the farmer has birds of all kinds- turkeys, chickens, ducks, etc. Well about a month ago my fiancée took the dog out while I was at the gym and she said she got this really uneasy feeling like she was being watched and that our German Shepherd (Bear) wouldn’t stop staring at the woodline. After I came home from the gym it was probably 1:30am, not my usual time as I was off schedule and running behind. Most of the time the latest the dog would go out was around 10-11pm. After I got home and got settled I took the dog out, he was in the yard when he froze and normally with him being a German Shepard he’d bark first and think later, but this time he froze and all of his hair slowly stood up before he went into this crazed angry barking toward the woods where I had to pull him back inside, stuff like this continued for about a week until I went to gym and got home late again. This time it was around 2am and I took him out again and to paint the picture for you a little better there’s a barbed wire fence separating our property and the farmers property, but as we got outside I heard those same crashing footsteps as I had heard years earlier this one was much bigger probably 8-10 feet tall but so much wider I couldn’t get any details other than that and the long hair hanging off the arms because of the light in the yard from the house behind us.

But anyway this thing ran up to the fence line and slammed its fist into a tree and let out this deep grunt/growl. I was petrified and I didn’t know what to do in the moment and my “guard dog” was frozen in place not barking or making a single sound my first thought was it was going to kill us. My dog wouldn’t come to me after I got to the point of maybe I should go inside so I had to go out in the yard with this thing still standing there staring at us and grab my dog and drag him inside. I have more details about that exact encounter and some other stuff that happened leading up to and after that.

Last thing I will share is I believe I have a video of the Sasquatch banging on the side of the farmers barn trying to get to where he stores the birds I’ll attach it below but you can hear deep thuds followed by the birds freaking out and that video was taken around 1am also so I can confidently say it wasn’t someone using heavy machinery or anything like that. Anyway thank you for listening and if your interested I’d love to share more.”

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102 Responses to “SC EP:1113 Attack Of The Drones”

  1. Daniel B

    My take on the drones,
    They are nuclear detection drones sniffing for nose cones of Ukrainian nukes they lost during the Cold War . Rumor has it that there’s about 1000 man sleeper cell that came in thru the border along with some of those nose cones. The people in power let them in thru their open border policy and now they are scrambling while simultaneously trying to avoid telling the public and cause mass panic. This theory has been pieced together from multiple open sources that are extremely reliable and credible

  2. michael

    come on Wes, You don’t know that “blue states” are full of gun owners too? Really? Democrats have guns the same as republicans believe it or not. Also “Blue states” also have half republican voters in them lol. Kamala and Tim, gun owners. Mitch Mc connel not a gun owner. You can throw that silly theory away.

  3. Jonathan W

    Wes that video of a guy shooting at the drones is 100% an air soft rifle. You can tell based off the backlit laser illuminating the BB, and the super low velocity of the BB. I’m sure someone’s shooting, but it’s probably not a good idea. Someone’s gonna get hit by a falling round eventually.

  4. Susan M

    Full on Fear is what they are 100% initiating. They are wanting people to fall back on their heels, become even more unstable and eratic and freak out. It’s not what it seems. It’s a deterant to keep us distracted as the real nefarious shit goes down. Keep chill…..we are going to see stuff shift real hard soon.

      • Ron S

        The whole thing with drones stinks like a trap that’s been used time and time again, only more sophisticated now with technology. Personally I wouldn’t even buy into videos of people shooting at them at this point, it could be staged just like other things may have been staged in the past, in this instance to start a “monkey see monkey do” domino effect and get everyone shooting… Could even be sinful greedy clickbait.

        Imo the best thing to do is just report your experience or what you’re noticing around you to trusted sources. Even it seems unrelated such as headaches, fatigue, odd mood changes or electrical disturbances or other anomalies. The truth will come out I guarantee it. This might be the beginning of the end for corruption, a last ditch effort.

        Stay responsible, connected to each other as one. Do not be the aggressor… unless it can be verified that your life is personally being threatened it’s wise to stand down imo… And for crying out loud don’t buy into absolutely everything you see, especially stupidity, especially now.

    • Steven L

      Officially nobody knows what they are. So they are UFO’s unless proven otherwise. I am pretty confident however that these are DARPA made devices with advanced tech DARPA barely masters. No commercial “drone” will behave or loiter like that. What are they trying to achieve with this “show”? I don’t know. But it is not hard to guess that nothing good will come out of it anyways. They aren’t there to deliver free candy.

      If they were floating above my house, positively identified, down they would go. It is reasonable to assume that they have some IR or FLIR capability. Plus visual in good daylight. Hiding from IR or FLIR is key, I aint telling you how to do it. If it isn’t the “drones” capturing you on FLIR shooting em, there will be a satellite up there which does. The DARPA perps would just carry the wreckage away silently and no peep would be said. Wouldn’t surprise me if someone has already made “restricted airspace great again” … Just don’t get caught or you might disappear just like the a downed “drone”.

  5. Mike B

    Dude! Just because someone lives in a blue state doesn’t mean we don’t own firearms including ARs and AKs.
    I build custom flintlock rifles and smooth bore fowlers, but that doesn’t mean I don’t own modern firearms. There’s nothing more fun than participating in action match two gun challenge. Especially when you have everything from ARs/AKs to bolt action to single shot Remington rolly block. They might not win, but it’s a hell of a lot a fun.
    I live in Oregon and I own all of the above.

  6. Claire L

    Thanks Wes, and a very happy Christmas to all you fabulous Sasquatch Chroniclers!

    We now have a copycat drone invasion in the UK. Smaller of course with numpties trying to get involved and the media screeching about Project Bluebeam. Risible!

  7. Ron S

    Can’t wait to listen to this. All I can say is, no matter what, never give up your freedoms at any cost.
    Symbols and forced showings of achievements and aggression is only an expression of fear by its perpetrators and only quickens the demise of itself. History proves that pride comes before its fall with civilizations and rulers.

    Positive internal morals or ideals always outlast these things and align more with the eternal, expanding progress and timeless nature of God.
    God bless all 🙏🏼🌞

  8. Robert P

    Great show Wes! I’m only here for Bigfoot but I’m glad you addressed this topic. If the government doesn’t know what’s going on, they are either completely incompetent or lying. If they are lying, then I imagine it’s to avoid panic with the public. Thank you for your perspective. You may be right. No drones down here in my neck of the desert of West Texas yet but we’ll see what happens. Dove hunting is big down here and we know how to lead a bird.

  9. theresa m

    Wes! Blue state here! We! Have! Guns!
    Wernher von Braun said it would be the Russians followed by the Terrorists, Asteroids and finally extraterrestrials, Aliens. There would be an attempt to create space-based weapons against the Aliens and it would all be a LIE. He told this to Carol Rosin.
    Garrett! It had Boobs? They are called breastizezzzz! LOL!
    Wes and Garrett, thanks for the show. Your share is much appreciated!
    Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah to all!
    Happy New Year!
    Another stellar year of shows!

  10. NHSquatcher

    A while back, they did announce that Amazon would be testing out drone delivery service over New York in New Jersey so that’s likely what this is. I have seen them here in New Hampshire flying very low over our street making a lot of noise and they are Comcast drones checking the lines after a storm.

  11. NHSquatcher

    oh, and by the way, that video that we all saw of the man shooting at the lights in the sky turns out that was an actual small plane he was shooting at he could’ve killed someone so please don’t shoot at these things unless they are attacking you

  12. James G

    Could be Red Cell or Red Team activity. Red cells are teams of special operators tasked with finding holes in or testing aspects of our countries defenses. With these teams, only a select few would know of their operations.

  13. Alex H

    Whoever shot at that drone should be arrested. Not smart at all. Also, these drones haven’t attacked anyone. Y’all are losing your minds. Need to find a hobby or something.

  14. Charles R

    Appreciate all your encounters and sightings Garrett. Seems Finding Bigfoot paved the way for your adventures. Would like the know if you do approcach the farmers in which all the racket yor recorded took place. I do know they love poulty, who does’t.

    • Ron S

      If they can observe so well that you are landing fish, they can also observe the times when you are releasing them too. This isn’t likely about being competitive over food sources, especially since most Sasquatch activity is generally more frequent at dark (when there’s little human competition), also sounds as though the carp were more than plentiful (no competition needed). It’s more likely that these beings were upset that the humans weren’t wasting and indiscriminately killing life with a slow death by chucking fish on the shore, or offering it to these things as giving what God created to “them”. Like I said, it’s got those Nephilim vibes.

  15. Michaela W

    I took the brave step and started a forum on your site and I named it DRONES HERE, DRONES THERE, DRONES EVERYWHERE to try and see if I am not alone out here in Nebraska experiencing these peculiar things. thanks again Wes…Michaela Wagie

  16. Craig F

    I doubt this drone stuff is going on here. Nobody goes outside after dark or looks around . There’s too much shite going on that nobody wants to see already. My solution is “just go inside your house and stop looking around!”
    Merry Christmas Everyone!

  17. James S

    Careful shooting at drones. A drone being operated by a civilian is treated the same as shooting at a commercial airliner, or a helicopter. It’s a federal offense. I already know, many don’t care, and I get it. But be educated. So, you don’t care, until you do. Take care. Happy New Year.

    • Ron S

      Careful? Are you kidding? Just don’t friggen’ shoot at anything at all unless you’re going to eat it, or it’s trying to kill you. Especially when you don’t know exactly what the blue blazes it is!
      Stop softly trying to deceive people with this bs, implying “shoot but be careful” crap.
      This talk is poison!
      I see right through this 👀

      This is the kinda garbage you have to watch out for people.

  18. James S

    And yes there is laws on flying drones. Sept last year the FAA made it law that all civilian drones over 500 grams be registered, and equipped with a device that reports its whereabouts if in flight. And there is a website attached to that law that allows the public to see the location and name of the drone “pilot”. Look it up.

    • Ron S

      Currently these laws are being broken, also hacked. You might get names of people playing “fair” but those aren’t the names anyone is interested in.
      This is trash, it’ll only put more of the innocent on the suspect list.

      👁️C U, we all see you. 🙏🏼🌞❤️

    • Ron S

      You can’t lump everyone together, you have to separate the wheat from the chaff first. There ARE good people in government, law enforcement, military and everywhere… And you’re going to need these people to do what’s right.

      What happened to this comment section?

  19. Dana J

    This show tonight seemed to separate sense from nonsense. Why do some people grab a gun when they feel fear or confusion? So we don’t know. Don’t shoot at things drones or Bigfoot.
    Since Neanderthal is human DNA so is Bigfoot. Don’t shoot at them either. You’d be shooting at a human- a person.
    Thanks very much- let’s think it through not jump to fear and get a gun. Yup blue state.

    • Ron S

      Smuggled?…how? Don’t even tell me someone keistered it. Ewe dude. This seems like a bogus excuse and I’m sure we’ll get more excuses before it’s all said and done.

  20. Ron S

    Great episode! Just a word of warning, once you’re deep in the rabbit hole with anything unexplained it’s hard to see clearly. Don’t let everything you bump into or trip over also be attributed to your fear by association, it may or may or may not be.

    If you’re interested in knowing about psyopps check out this link as I feel Chase is a trusted source.

    Imo there’s really no need for infighting in the topic of Sasquatch, all of you are correct. It’s simply a matter of what aspect of any phenomena has revealed itself to you as well as how open-minded you are to the possibilities of IT, and/or our reality containing more what you simply haven’t experienced yet and possibly may never will in your lifetime. But don’t be discouraged by this.

    These topics are like music… Some people have allowed themselves and are also born to react to music differently, or feel things to varying degrees of depth or comprehension. Some dance to their own style or drum, some people learn or are naturally good at dancing to multiple styles, some don’t have any rhythm and some allow their own social hang ups to keep themselves from dancing or desiring how to.

    Dancing, whether in celebration or spiritually, or as a metaphor to wisdom has always been culturally important and I see it vital that inclusion into this dance is shared, so that even people like Steve Martin in his role in The Jerk (with no rhythm) can follow and enjoy the music and participate.

    With all our shared inclusion into the dance of the “Hairyman”, yes it’s physical to point of leaving evidence, also spiritual, powerful, human-like, knows human intent, is intelligent, has abilities outside our own, seems ancient, seems like a branch off of humanity, is sometimes associated with other unexplained phenomena, it’s unpredictable, a trickster, untraceable to a specific Earthly location, can evoke feelings of being watched or dread, can seem to be around at times but not always observed.

    I’ve witnessed, sensed or experienced many of these aspects myself… How is this not what is referred to in the Bible as a Nephilim?

    Just like humans, we all dance or present ourselves differently, yet in the broader perspective we are all the same… Just not them, that are also likely all the same.

    As far as the UFO, UAP, USO, commercial drone, military or black project drone, satellites, normal aircraft, natural phenomena in the sky such as shooting stars, comets, planets or Northern lights… I can’t think of a better place for the scapegoat, dismissal or forced notion for something nefarious to multi tool it’s own plan while reducing all outside accounts to just one or fewer forced conclusions as “misidentified”, or the answer you get is “🤷‍♂️ ?”… If you pay attention, “What you saw was a bear sir/madam” is no different than “What you saw was a drone.”
    or “We’re not at liberty to talk about this, or certain aspects”.

    Everything is one big data collection ever since AI. They just need to do nefarious crap to back up these tactics at the cost of innocent human lives IMO. These things will increase on grander scales to more severe consequences over time, they always do… Each instance that greatly affects or directs the public aren’t separate things, it’s just one more tool or piece of kit to add to the rest of the arsenal that is sometimes unknowingly or knowingly involved with a dark intelligence.

    It’s just so compartmentalized that some people simply can’t foresee their role within the bigger picture or what lay ahead.

    So yeah, Sasquatch is the same thing, hidden amongst truth, misidentification and big fat slice of “This is what you’re eating” on a crap sandwich.

    Seriously, look at Skinwalker Ranch, some of these could be high frequency or radiation weapons to control mood, health, the flow of commerce or alter DNA. It might not be an ape and it might not be a drone. If you believe there aren’t unethical sciences being explored right now that the general public would be utterly shocked, disturbed or disgusted by, use your head… Nothing changes in the wrong hands. Be as wise as serpents, but let your cornerstone be the rock of Christ… Or at least have some common sense or morality. Things will definitely work themselves out, and eventually we’ll all know our role. This one heckuva time to witness history, I’ll say that much. Be kind, be safe, be smart.
    God Bless All

  21. Anne-Marie C

    The issue is with Wes’ comments and a number of other peoples is that these ‘drones’ are being seen across the world in large numbers right now, so it’s definitely not some USA government conspiracy thing. I know that in the US you may not receive news from the rest of the world, but is not solely a US issue.

  22. Angie C

    i just think it’s interesting how involved and concerned the government was about the balloons floating in 2023. They said they knew it was chinese surveillance. They shot one down. so we have mysterious drones and now they don’t seem to care?? They know what they are… they just don’t want to tell us.

  23. Ryna K

    Hi Wes! Thanks for covering this.

    If you haven’t seen it, definitely check out the very recent John DeSouza interview on YouTube (“John DeSouza Exposes the Truth of the UFO Invasion” – on his own channel) from this week. Super mind blowing.

    You’re probably aware, but DeSouza is a former FBI agent that worked in the paranormal division of the FBI – some of his real-life work was used for season 1 of the X-Files. Anyway, this interview is very thought provoking.

  24. Lena M

    I say the drones are Chinese. I heard that small drones are allowed to be made in the USA or Canada but only large drones are allowed to be made in China. now if you look at the border crossings a lot of odd Chinese refugees were coming through. and most were not very unpleasant or nonverbal or… can’t remember who was commenting but let’s say these refugees plan something? maybe Biden is in on it… allow them in… and maybe there will be something gonna happen snd then blame trump. I kinda figure the Dems knew they would loose and placed Kamala there to be running for president as a strategy for the Dems to loose, then trump comes in snd chaos happens. drones etc…. blame trump… it’s all planned. so if the drones are there where is the military??? where are the police or FBI OR CIA…???? nada
    well that’s my take on it.

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