Oct 26

SC EP:1101 “The shoe is on the other foot”

A listener writes “Hey was long time fan, I went from not believing in sasquatch to investigating sasquatch and taking reports to meeting a man who taught me how to call them and feed them on a regular basis because of your show.

I would tell my story here but it is far to long and complicated for one email. Spoke to the witness who had a couple of strange things happen to him in Ohio and he has agreed to come on the show. He said he was beyond skeptical about Bigfoot until he had a couple of strange encounters and one incident that still bothers him.”




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82 Responses to “SC EP:1101 “The shoe is on the other foot””

  1. Candice W

    can’t wait to get outta work 2 Listen to this!!! I wanna Learn How to SUCCESSFULLY call them in. I’ve been Interacting acting with 1 Here in MA that I saw When He/she Was Little, Perfectly Round Gray Head

    • m99

      Hi Thomas H, we lived in Ruston for awhile. Near the Zoo. Once a pair of sneakers Penquins got loose. People were taking pictures of the rascals, popping up, all over Rustin. Just thought I’d mention that, because maybe you remember when. 😎

  2. Clifford F

    That is very interesting to hear, that it vanished. I to saw one disappear in the middle of a dry lake bed. It was there then it was not. The day was sunny and clear and this was at 11 am on a Sunday morning!

  3. Linda B

    Wow. You can tell this nice young couple has been affected by their encounter. I’m sure they are perplexed to be faced with the unbelievably difficult task of accepting the hard to believe becoming a reality.

  4. Mark R

    I’ve never whooped or tree knocked and I’ve run out of the woods scared for my life. Middle of the day with not a cloud in the sky.

    I’ve been thinking if people can tell bigfoot is mimicking an owl why wouldn’t bigfoot know when we’re mimicking them?

    • James G

      I have a double major BS in biological sciences as well as a minor. I also have a Master of Science in biological sciences. I have been looking into this topic a long time and I feel the same. I also think they are related to the UAP topic, not that they travel in flying saucers, but that they are related to the phenomena as a whole, whatever it is. Also as far as NHI, I think extraterrestrial is probably the least likely explanation, although there probably are some of those. This world we live in is obviously so much stranger than we have been told and that becomes more obvious every year. I think whatever this UAP/NHI phenomena is, would be earth shattering, and that’s why it’s so guarded, along with these beings

      • Charles R

        Thanks James G for giving us your background. I bet there are not a lot of credentialed highly degreed people in biological sciences that have your opinion, which incidentally follows a lot of mine. I would not be surprised one bit either way if it was all UFO entities related, or something even more strange to us.
        I glad Tristen and Lexi have come full circle on the topic of Bigfoot and look forward to their other experiences. A gentleman named Freeman Young wrote about a 50 page article maybe 15 years ago on eyeshine. He worked the North side of the San Francisco Bay and noticed eyeshine from amber to green/blue to red in conditions where there was no outside light to illuminate. The theorized based on the circumstances at the time of his sightings – usually on the outskirts of the forested towns that whitish amber, they were in a relaxed state. Green/blue was a more agitated and alert stage. And Red was on high alert, highly agitated. I wish I could find that paper again. A few of us at that time were in a chat (I think blue room) of the BFRO. Some midwestern guys were also reporting they were seeing this in their areas at night when no light was present. Cliff Barackman wrote a paper, 2017 maybe on this effect also, although he did not think it was bioluminescense, because no other mammals have this and he gave his scientific effect of light and eyes that could explain it. In the meantime many people are seeing these eyeshine colors, like Tristen did, and maybe someday we will know the acutal reason.

        • Dana J

          To the last few posts- thank you. I too have higher degrees and studied biology. Even with no training or education we all realize we have much more understanding than we did 100 years ago. I think we can all agree on that common ground. In another 100 years we will know even more, our understanding will be greater- AI will play an important role in piecing together phenomena. The only question may be “will humans accept it?”

  5. Anne W

    This is one of the most consequential episodes and perfectly highlights how important Wes’s work is to the enigma that is Sasquatch and his contribution to the world.
    Not only did someone go from taunter to knower but he experienced the alien nature of Sasquatch. Great episode! Thank you Wes for forging forward past 1000!

  6. Craig F

    Have to wonder if sometimes Sasquatch perceives the walking out behavior as guarding the people as a form of acceptance. Escorting people out in gratitude for apples or such.

  7. Rodger f

    Thanks Wes and thank you to the guest! I really wish you would of said what parks. I hunt and hike a lot of the parks. I love hearing accounts from our state! I know a good spot by coshocton ohio. There not very nice there! Only time I’m ever been screamed at before. Totally terrifying, jump the vehicle and run moment.

    • Charles R

      Coshocton Ohio Roger F, is a terrific area for action of the Sasquatch. Part of what is called, maybe by Don Keating who wrote The Buckeye Bigfoot and started the Salt Fork Lake Conference, the Coshockton Triangle. Back in 2011 atteneding a conference in Comings, Michigan a researcher named Bob Daigle of Warren, MI, took a VHS movie in the mid 90s, I believe of one in a 3 sided shed, that first threw out a foundation cinder block like it was nothing, and then soon after threw out one of those very heavy 18 wheeler mounted truck tires like it was a friesby. He and the owners had placed those items there because the Bigfoot freqented that shed at night. The original owners got scared and moved and the new owner would not allow him to continue. He also by accident got a photo of one during the daylight when he took a picture of his wife standing by their car on this property. He did not notice the Bigfoot until months later developing the 35mm film, but it was quite good. I too love Ohio and Michigan accounts having lived most of my life in both states, in Ohio now since 1996.

      • James S

        Charles, is that the same instance where the gentleman got a few distant photos by setting up a mirror and letting the camera take a photo of the reflection? If I recall (it’s been years) didn’t he also speak of two of these beings fighting? Apologies if I’m way off base. I just remember the guy chaining large tires down and being(s) throwing the tires around like it was nothing. Thanks for making those memories come back! (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

        • Charles R

          Could be James S, although the short film was taken with a VHS movie camera, pretty standard in the mid 1990s like what Paul Freeman did. I do not remember exactly but I do think he used mirror. That would make sense in order to disguise oneself and not be seen. It took place at dusk, if I remember right. Bob put it up on a large projection type screen. You could see the subject move around a bit inside and then throw out the heavy objects. As far as I know Bob never put this on the internet, he was 65 in 2011 and the conference was in Comins, MI. Also I have no recollection of 2 of them fighting.

  8. Randel S

    I wonder if the glowing eyes had pupils or an iris?

    I wonder if there were super natural phenomena later at these peoples home? Balls of light, apparitions, objects moving? The second episode will be very good to listen to.

    Has this couple or people around them delved into the supernatural, Ouija boards, or in any other way invited contact with the supernatural? Things to find out and ask about.

    • Tristan B

      I showed wes somethings that I am not at liberty to show publicly. Evidence is have collected from various people I have spoken with. I know the invisible part is extremely hard to believe. I didn’t believe it my self until I saw it so I don’t blame you for your skeptism. Regardless thanks for hearing me out.

      • Charles R

        Years ago Tristan B, I would have found this difficult to be true. Fortuantley I have heards so many accounts like this, and being a fan of Ron Morehead and the Quantum Bigfoot, and experiences that happened to me early to mid life with the UFO realm, I do believe you and thanks for coming on with what you have witnessed and seen. I look forward to more from you and Lexi.

  9. Cody Q

    I truly believe Tristian on seeing it disappear because I also believe they have that ability. I’m in the Appalachian Moutains and I’ve been trying to see one but I’ve heard a lot of stuff in the woods around me and I never can see one but I know something is there watching me. I took a picture of where I was all around in the woods and you can see glowing eyes in the far distance and what looks like a face with it. could be a million other things but I saw a video on here while back on a video a guy camping and caught what looks like a spirit with the same eyes I caught so it got me curious if they could do that then I heard Tristians encounter and now I believe it’s for sure they really can do that. It’s mind bending tbh.

  10. Dana J

    Look at Todd Standings videos- available on Prime. The descriptions on this show are seen by telephoto on his video and it’s downright startling.- unfortunately it’s only a face and partly seen body.
    I do not think we have enough information to say that if their eyes glow they then can’t see. They clearly have adaptations we consider to be paranormal so who really knows what evolutionary adadptations have emerged over 100,000 years or so? I believe disappearing is what your eyes saw and your mind processed. How it is possible is not yet explained. It is beyond our level of understanding.
    It would be very interesting to chart the places your interviewees are from with gestures, mannerisms of Sasquash from each area. There seem to be characteristics which are similar according to the geographic area. That information, charted out, could be the start of a study. As Tristin says the sheer numbers of people who have interviewed negates the few that might be fabricating- you’ve got about 800-1100 accounts over several years. I think you’re mass of information Wes is noteworthy and could be submitted. Don’t know to who however there are a few wealthy people getting in on projects and that is what it will take- MONEY and SCIENCE to establish what seems to be evident. Forget the government- who wants some government entity to spend a billion dollars- tax payer dollars (by the way) that this exists and it would be drawn out over 15 years and maybe be inconclusive even with hundreds killed in the process. We use our words to call them illusive- those are our words and our interpretation of their behavior, it’s not their descriptions of themselves. Time seems irrelevant they have patience, and tons of curiosity. Let’s use our gift- our brains- to prove they exist. And then what happens?????? As you say be careful what you wish for.
    That’s my opinion.
    Thanks for this episode.

  11. Kerry G

    With regards to the sasquatch disappearing, there is a psychological phenomenon known as Dissociative amnesia. It is when memory is lost during a traumatic event. I am not saying this is what happened. It is only a possibility. The only way to investigate it would be to undergo hypnosis, which has it’s own pitfalls. It is definitely an outlier event for a witness to have.

  12. Rob M

    I think Tristan and Lexi were honest to a fault, even mentioning he used to mock the host. I can respect that level of honesty.

    Sasquatch beings are not solely physical beings, but also spiritual beings, capable of so much we would deem impossible. Much of this is tied to their nuclear DNA and it makes sense if you can believe in biblical accounts of the watchers, and their hybrid offspring.


  13. Dana J

    Science experiments have demonstrated “things” can disappear. It takes certain conditions however possible under those precise conditions. Maybe Sasquash has perfected those conditions? It is safe to say “Sasquash appeared to disappear”. NO ONE can argue that statement.

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