Aug 25

SC EP:1084 I Thought I Was Dead

I will be speaking to David and Scott tonight. Scott writes “I just recently listened to episode 916 ( butter street monster) due to me living down the road from that area since I was 13 years old. Now I’m 36 and I live in Germantown right off butter street, I take that road everyday to and from work.

I transferred schools to Carlisle Ohio, in the 7th grade and lived off of Martz Paulin at the time of my sighting on morning star road. I bring up my story because butter street and morning star are extremely close together and are surrounded by the same wooded areas and metro parks. Around 2008 I was driving down this road called Morning Star road in the middle of the night and witnessed what I can only imagine is Bigfoot related, or a guy in a very expensive Halloween costume. Background history of Morningstar road. Local town stories of people being killed at a camp site on the road in the 70’s, never really found any evidence about that part but there are some spooky spots on the road and some areas even now I would avoid at dark. Other stories from the road are an old house burnt down in the woods where the wife was running out in the middle of the road and was hit, or fell down the stairs and broke her neck(which ever side of the story is true I have no idea) ,which me and my friends were able to locate and find burnt remains of the forgotten house. Then the notorious Bigfoot sightings through out the years of this entire area. My stepmom was raised her whole life in Carlisle and recalls stories growing up of Bigfoot sightings along Morningstar road and twin creek(which bumps right up along the side of the road).

I recall my old English teacher who told me a story of her returning home from the store one night and seeming a creature which she claimed was easily 7-8 feet tall walking across the street from one wooded part to the other. Anyways fast forward to my experience. It was dark out and winter time. There was snow on the ground which the moon light up and made it easier to see the wood line on the road. There’s a few S type turns on Morningstar road that you have to really slow down on to maneuver safely on the road. Trees over lap these areas and make it really dark out at night with only your headlights guiding the way as any back country road is. While slowly going through one of the turns, there it was. Standing in between a tree or trees connected that formed a Y shape. It stood way taller than a normal size person and was covered in brown hair from head to toe from the angle we were seeing this at. At this point we were going less than 5 miles per hour due to the roads being slick and the S turn. So the detail of what I seen was burnt into my memory. What ever it was squirted its eyes and covered its eyes with its hand to prevent from the lights blinding it I assume.

First thing I noticed right away was when the light shine on its eyes, they were a yellowish color, almost as it had jaundice or something of the sort. The creature flash its teeth a little bit as it raises its freakishly big hand over its eyes blocking the light. The teeth didn’t seem to be in the best shape more browning yellow but bigger than normal human teeth. It turn its upper body and you can see the muscle definition in its back, tricep and lats before it turned the rest of its body and began walked down hill away from the vehicle. My friend began to freak out and scream while I began to yell just drive! My friend made it around the S type turn and floored it home. Which is only a min down the road. That image is forever remembered with clear detail.

I tell this story all the time and everyone of my friends laugh at me lol, but it doesn’t bug me. Me being a avid hunter , I think about this thing every time I step in the woods in the morning to hunt deer. It didn’t show any signs of aggression but still a sighting that spooked me. I always try to debunk everything that happens out of the ordinary , but this one has stumped me. Like I stated earlier, it could of been some one in a costume, but it would of had of been a very expensive costume which I doubt that had 16 years ago. Would love to be on your podcast to tell my story. Huge fan! Thank you for taking the time to read this email.”


I will also be speaking to David who was driving in the foothills of the Allegheny National Forest and a large creature stepped out in front of him. He describes the creature as massive. He said “I came to a screeching stop as this creature stepped out in front of me.

He put his hands on my hood and looked at me. I have never been so terrified, our eyes locked. The creature then stood up and looked behind me and that’s when something hit the back of the car. I never saw what it was but my airbags went off. The creature then walked off into the forest. Everything happened so fast. Being a formal Marine this felt like ambush.”

After hearing his encounter I don’t think it was an ambush. I asked him if it was a rock that hit the back of the car and witness said it was something much bigger then a rock. It bent the frame of the rear of the jeep. Looking at the pictures you can tell the door no longer lines up with the frame.








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102 Responses to “SC EP:1084 I Thought I Was Dead”

      • Trey

        That’s where I do most of my camping is Cherokee National Forrest in East Tennessee . Lotta stuff going on in those neck of the woods . Good trout fishing too

      • Charles R

        I envy the great motorcycle roads you have in East Tn and western NC, compared to what we have here in SW, OH. You can see by my avatar I love motorcycles and Bigfoots. This past May I drove to Jensen Beach, FL as my Brother in Law passed. On the way back I went through the I- 26 in SC to get to the I-40 at Ashville area to take the 40 to Knoxville in order to go through the
        Cherokee National Forest and all it’s beauty. It had been 15 years since I last visited.

    • Paul S

      I have camped with the family for over 20 years on the NYS side Allegheny State Park very close to Kunzua, hiked both sides of the state borders and boated all over the reservoir. I have been convinced they were in the area for years, I heard “voices” in the woods neard camp where no people would be at 3 am once. Never really could explain what that was. Great account, thanks.

  1. Mindie P

    Thank you so much Wes, David I have had sciatica going on 3 yrs now. It is so painful , feels like you are electrocuted if you move a certain way my right leg always hurts can’t let my shorts touch it ,can’t control my urine been wearing pads for that ,fun stuff thank you to all the guest. Scary encounters

  2. Linda B

    Poor David, oh my goodness. Will be praying for you, brother.
    Also, Wes, when you interviewed me I was so honored and thrilled to talk to you, for you to consider my encounters worthy of an interview meant so much and you kept saying “I’m not important, it’s me that is honored”. You’re so kind. The interview with David tonight is proof positive you are indeed a hero in your own right, helping so many hurting people and making us feel like what we have to say is important when the world treats most of us like crap. 🙂
    Loved the Ronald Reagan speech. I think about Arlington and all the lives lain down and sacrificed for this country, and I want to pop some of these obnoxious lying cheap political idiots (idiots:better word than my original thought). So disrespectful, so loose and carnal, so disgusting. My husband did 15 yrs in the USN and loved it. I know why he and others like him did so, it’s because they want their families to be safe and because God blesses this country despite all the things that need to be fixed now and because God’s people are still praying, and God is still listening. Love ya man. Yes, our military and police are heroes, but so is a friend like you who honestly is helping to support a special terrorized group of Americans and others across the world who have nowhere else to turn. Thank you, Wes.

  3. Lesley V

    Wow David, what a terrifying experience. I also live in PA, and the Allegheny National Forest is about 3 hours from me. I know many people who love going there to hike and camp and visit the Kinzua Bridge area. I’ve also read about or heard of many encounters there. Northern PA is very remote, very few towns or major highways. Friends wanted me to go there once and I refused. They laughed at me when I said I didn’t want to run into a Sasquatch. That’s definately no place I’d ever willingly visit. I hope coming on the show and speaking with Wes will help you to heal. Thank you for sharing your encounter.

  4. RJ G

    I feel like wes hasn’t been able to get any realistic encounters on here in a while. Maybe all the good ones have already been told. Feels like so many now just sound like people are just repeating known feaures/details. Best sasquatch chronicles episode still episodes #5, also the British lady, the man who saw the Arab looking squatch, also the man from Northern California who worked in his dad’s orchard and chased the creature with his truck through orchard, also tennessee lady who was pregnant crying under tree when male creature appeared and was saved by female squatch.. Wish I had episode numbers for yall.

  5. Richard M

    What an amazing and scary encounter David had! Looking at the pictures David provided I was looking for a point of impact, and at first couldn’t find one. The glass was not broken and there was no dents in the metal part of the hatch. Then I looked at the bumper and you can see a crease right in the center of the plastic bumper. I think the sasquatch behind the car kicked David’s Jeep right in the bumper and shoved the metal structure of the vehicle inward and the plastic bumper flexed back out to the state you see in the pictures. I also think the sasquatch in front did indeed signal to its companion something along the lines of “that’s enough lets go” . David thank you for sharing your encounter with us. I hope you can at least find some comfort in sharing your story with a community that understands and listens.


    I hate the woods at night. I live between Mt. Shasta and Mt. Lassen and the roads around here get pretty dark and eerie at night. The population is sparse up here. My town only has 3,000 people. The closest town with more than 600 people is Redding, and that’s over 50 miles away.

  7. Mariajose B

    I wish David well and that time will heal him from that traumatic experience. This was another great interview. I love the photos because they add to the experience being told. Best to you, Wes.

  8. Kimberly M

    Great show and great speech from a great president! How any person can burn our flag after knowing what men and women did for freedom really angers me. I hope we get back our country and better leadership in Nov 2024!

  9. CINDY C

    David, what a story. Wrapping you i loving ad comforting hugs. I have prayed over you. I prayed peace, comfort ad safety over you, ad the release of all trauma.

  10. Randel S

    looks like the back of his truck was kicked or something. I also wonder why he told his insurance company and I sure hope he gets over his bad trouble back pain is terrible.

  11. philip g

    Well rest the first interview was awesome and totally believable the second guy David with the smashed car that looks like he backed into something? I don’t know to me I don’t really believe what you’re saying but anyway. David telling a story crying openly is there like a mismatch if he’s an ex-marine? I just have to say it it sounds like 85% of that story is tripping! If you did see it then he is very messed up and he definitely needs meds. It’d be nice to talk to his parents or people around the find out more background. But you’re a great guy for listening to everybody that’s why I could never do your show I’ve been with you since the late 90s on Blog Talk Radio if you remember ghost? He is a funny guy and do you remember Tourque live! He has a nice show

  12. philip g

    PS not to be a bummer but does he have photographs of the front of the hood were Sasquatch slammed his hands on the front of his hood? It would be nice to see I have two people in the family that does Insurance estimations so listen to some of their stories makes me a little bit hypercritical

  13. STEVE W

    Sciatic nerve sucks , Took me almost a year to heal , Stretching is a.must , I agree with Wes, Its didn’t want to hurt you , Even the one that bounced off of the back wasn’t there to hurt you ,, It seems dad walked out to stop a young one from being a fool , There was a man who said a young one slapped the car as it went by and run back off the road , As a game , Time does help , It takes some time to process what happened and make peace with it
    Hopefully your nerve heals up quickly , Ibuprofen and Tylenol on a full stomach help me through , But I also did a ton of stretching

    • Charles R

      Hi Steve. Sciatic nerve definitely sucks bad. First time I was in my mid 30s in mid early 1990s, during a time I did a lot of cardio bicycling. I had to stop and reach down just to tie a shoe lace. After a week the chiropractor got me heeled. It happened twice more and now I have had for a few years spinal stenosis. Ortho doc first and only to date, sent me to rehab on stretching and exercises to strengthen this region, and although not a complete cure it is 80 to 90 percent better. I still do the stretching and exercises and incorporate my own and a lot of weight lifting and core exercises. Much better than Naisds, doc prescirbed Diclofenac, which I do not take.

  14. Earl C

    I think maybe David drove drive right into a fight between two Alpha Males. Semper Fildelis David. This will fade with time Brother. Keep Moving Forward Marine!

  15. Charles R

    I agree Wes with your assessment that one may have been coming up and chasing from the rear and when Davids car stopped it couldn’t stop and slammed into the rear. However because of how athletic they are, I also like my assessment that their may be have been one chasing you and when the other walked out forcing you to slam on the breaks, the rear one came to a stop and got pissed off and used either its fist and arm, or its foot to smash you rear end and then left. No doubt loud noises draw them in. I sincerely hope Dave in time your PTSD will leave you.

  16. Rita J

    Hi Wes…really felt for David. You can tell in his voice this will stay with him for the rest of his life.

    Makes me wonder, if what ever hit David from behind might have been ready to fight the male that stepped in front of his car., and David got caught in the middle of what ever was about to go down there. A case of wrong place at the wrong time, and David’s mental, emotional health, and his vehicle was the collateral damage.

    Get well David, as hard as it may be for you to go back, I think Wes is right, but make sure you are in a tank or an armor 4 WD vehicle.

    • Charles R

      Hi. Dave Z. I would see either and Orthopedic Doctor or a highly qualified Chiropractor, and in either case have a X-ray of the lumbar spine, an MRI is better, but depending on insurance, can be quite expensive. This will locate the vertebra section of the spine that is squeezing and causing inflamation, and would dictate what stretching and exercises may be benefitial. This is a disease which usually gets progressively worse overtime. Mine took about 25 years from first bought to get really bad. There are also a good many youtubes of Chiropratocs and some Ortho docs about such menthods.

      • Charles R

        Yes the McKenzie Method can be very beneficial and there are youtubes that can show you the various exercises also, but a Mckenzie clinic would be better. The first week I tried in in Jan of 2020 I was pain free and feeling great. Then it got progessively worse. When I saw an Ordopedic doc in Feb. of 2021 he scolded the heck out of me. He showed me my MRI and stated I had spinal stenosis, which only 5 percent have and I should have been hindging forward and not back, and then sent me to rehab. This is why it is good to get some Xrays of what is going on.

    • Ann Y

      Do you think dogman may have been in the back and sasquatch was mad?

      Sciatica nerve pain…PT helps. My one leg was longer than the other and they a maneuver to put things back in place and they were even . The strengthening exercises help. I also take hydrochloric acid, low sugar & low carb diet and that helps keep inflammation down.

    • Dana B

      Dave, you lived for a reason, lift the why up and find your purpose and share the message of fixing your muffler if your driving through the mountains;) God bless you.

    • Charles R

      Thanks for that info. Jennifer H. I’ve been down through Germantown quite a few times, non lately though. I had no idea there was a conservancy metro park there, but just looked it up satellite view. And of course Twin Creek goes right through it. I live up in Twin township where Twin Creek starts in the Arcanum, area. Over the years a number of reports of Bigfoot sightings have centered around Twin Creek. On the BFRO website there are 5 in Preble County. Early this month a BFRO report of a sighting by 2 women in Dec. of 2023 was published, Montgomery County section. This happened north of Farmersville on Farmersville West Alexandria Road close to Toms Run Creek which runs into Twin Creek to the south. On July 30, 2022, I found a 20.5 inch X 10 inch track behind the Enterprise Road parking area above Twin Creek, Gratis Ohio. I’m going to have to check this Germantown Reserve out.

  17. Johanna V

    Wow, amazing and very shocking and frightening encounter, Dave. Good for you for reaching out to Wes, and through him the community.
    All theories are good, could be possible, such as two males about to get into a fight. But, and maybe I’m naive for asking this, but what about the ‘excited condition’ of the male in front of your car? IDK, is it normal for males about to fight to, um, be in a state of amorous anticipation? Could that have been about something else? You definitely noticed it, and thank you for including it in your description..just raises, no pun intended, some questions. Also, if you do decide to go back to the location as part of your healing, please take someone with you and be out of the area by dark, nightfall. Be gentle with yourself, and know you’re not alone.

  18. Jarrod R

    That was terrifying. As someone who has been through a traumatic event for an unrelated issue, I can hear and feel your pain. Don’t bury it, and keep doing the work to get through it. Best of luck to you sir.

  19. Stephen L

    I lived in Germantown for 12 years on 30 acres on Butter. I never saw the creature but herd it alot back behind our barn. We found little rock piles and large beds I guess. And herd it do the howl 4 times.

  20. Willard A

    Thinking about the description of the “excited” state of the male in front trying to save him from an angry one in back, I wonder if the one in back was an angry female upset about coitus interruptus?

  21. Nancy H

    Holy Heck Dave! I always wish I could see one with my husband so he would believe in Bigfoot but after hearing your experience I don’t think I want to see one now 😰

  22. Rodger f

    Thanks Wes and thanks to the guest for sharing! Good old Ohio! I use to have the gulf of Mexico in my back yard and the Atlantic across the road in Key Largo but I missed this place so much! It really seems like these things are everywhere in Ohio.

  23. william Y

    Wow, listening to David really shook me up.. I was so freaked out just listening to him. Can’t imagine being trapped like that in the middle of nowhere . He’s right, Wes thank God you started the chronicles. You really are doing God‘s work. When David said his Johnson was proud, I mean when he said Bigfoots Johnson was proud. I kind of think he may have been trying to hook up and the loud muffler interrupted the knocka. booty dance

  24. Dave Z

    wow, yinz are so nice, I really thank you all and wes for all the help, I see a Dr on the 26th, and I honestly will take all of yinz suggestions, thanks again for your help

    • CINDY C

      Dave – I will try to fid someone to help you. If I may ask, are you a Christian? There are a few pastors that have had their own encounters, but also some believe there is a supernatural aspect to sasquatch so thought I’d check. Let me know and I’ll see what I can find for you.

    • CINDY C

      Hi Dave! So sorry, I’ve had out of town company and I haven’t had a chance to check back until now. I have just said a prayer over you – let me know how you feel now and how your sleep tonight is. Feedback is very helpful to me. I am working on finding someone who may be able to help you more in depth. You are going to be fine and you are not alone and there are people who do believe what you went through. Hugs and comfort, I will get back to you.

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