SC EP:1089 They Were All Around Us

Lacey writes “Hey Wes! I started listening to your show after my encounter that happened in the fall of 2020 in Willow Creek, CA. Since then I have tried to make sense of what happened and your show has given me insight and validation, but has also left me with more questions than answers. Takes… Read more »

Discovery of 2,000-Year-Old Mummies With Golden Tongues

Archaeologists working at the temple of Taposiris Magna near Alexandria, Egypt, discovered 16 ancient burial chambers with two golden tongues. These striking tongues were placed in the jawbones of the deceased to help them speak in the afterlife. Other artifacts found included a funeral mask with golden flakes and decorations of Osiris, the Egyptian god… Read more »

Encounter In Kentucky

A listener writes “When I was a young girl my dad who was born in the late 1920’s used to tell us kids a story about when he was a young boy. He said he was about 8 years old, and one night he got a visit from what he called the Hairy man. He… Read more »

Body-Repairing Nanorobots Are Now Real

Neurosurgeons might soon be able to deploy tiny robots into the bodies of human patients to assist with life saving surgeries. Microscopic nanorobots, smaller than a blood cell, have been used in rabbits to successfully deliver a medication to blood vessels damaged by aneurysms. This scientific breakthrough could well pave the way for stents and… Read more »

Bigfoot Mysteries | The Beast of Seven Chutes

The beast of seven chutes. One of the most intriguing photos I’ve seen. Is the subject holding a dog? There’s a lot to look at with this photo. This photo of the Beast of Seven Chutes was taken on June 1st, 2005, in the Parc des Sept Chutes in Quebec, Canada. The photo is said… Read more »

Strange Familiars: The Wooly-Boogers

Strange Familiars writes “J shares stories of growing up around Wooly-Boogers – another name for bigfoot in the American south. She also tells of escaping from a serial killer, ghosts, and more.” Link to the show

Paranormal Portal: The Art of Divination – Jim Sullivan of New York

Paranormal Portal writes “Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means. Is it possible to gain knowledge or answers by utilizing seemingly ordinary items? Many traditions across the globe have utilized divination for any number of reasons, such as finding gold, water, lost items and so much… Read more »

Plan to kill thousands of barred owls to save another PNW owl species

WASHINGTON, USA — A controversial plan to save one species in Washington state by killing another is set to begin soon. The Proposed Barred Owl Management Strategy developed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) is officially being implemented in Washington, Oregon and California. “If we do nothing, we won’t have spotted owls,” said… Read more »

NASA: First ‘human-made meteor shower’ will light up Earth skies writes “Ever had that moment when you throw a rock into a pond and observe the ripples moving away from the spot? Now, imagine something similar happening, but on a much bigger scale — in space. That’s what happened when NASA’s DART spacecraft made history by altering the path of a gigantic space rock… Read more »

The Confessionals: Bigfoot’s Secret Lair

The Confessionals writes “In Episode 686: Bigfoot’s Secret Lair, Tony and Kelley discuss an investigation at a private property in North Carolina known for frequent Bigfoot activity. The property, owned by a family for over 200 years, has multiple trails, some of which are graveled for easy access. Described as “Bigfoot Disney World” by the… Read more »

D.B. Cooper: Washington State’s Enduring Mystery

One of the most famous unsolved crimes in Washington States history, is that of D.B. Cooper. This case has intrigued amateur sleuths and investigators alike for over five decades. Using a pseudonym, D.B. Cooper secured his place in criminal history as that of the most famous hijacking in history for Washington State. The Crime Northwest… Read more »

All of a sudden we heard the loud WHOOOOP

A listener from Windsor, Maine writes “I have been listening to your show ever since something happened in the early spring of this year, it was 5:30am and I had let my dogs out one more time before I went to work, I was halfway between the house and my truck in the driveway still… Read more »

Unknown Dead Creature

A listener writes “Wes, I just wanted to tell you about some strange things I’ve experienced. The first was in Missouri, near my alma mater – University of Central Missouri at Pertle Springs park. I was actually working a post-baccalaureate degree in biology around 2014 and had driven out to Warrensburg to get away after… Read more »

Asteroid Explosion Over Philippines

NEW YORK (AP)  A small asteroid discovered on Wednesday harmlessly burned up in Earth’s atmosphere the same day, NASA said. The asteroid, about 3 feet (1 meter) across, was spotted by astronomers in Arizona and broke apart over the coast of the Philippines hours after the discovery. This space rock, dubbed 2024 RW1, is only… Read more »

Man Loses Half His Body Weight After UFO Interaction

In ufology, a close encounter is an event in which a person witnesses an unidentified flying object. This terminology and the system of classification behind it were first suggested in astronomer and UFO researcher J. Allen Hynek’s 1972 book The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry. Categories beyond Hynek’s original three have been added by others… Read more »