Upcoming Show: They Chased It

A listener writes “I’ve had a week of direct encounters with my dad, brother and uncles in central Utah back in the early 80’s while deer hunting. Over the following 30 years, I’ve had at least four more probable encounters in the same area. I think that I’d like to tell you about them.” Spoke… Read more »

SC EP:1053 Never Going Back To That Area

Kip writes “I guess I’ll get right to it. Back in the late 90’s I had 3 separate terrifying encounters with some type of large black creature over 3 years. The first two encounters were roughly in 1997 & 1998. I was in high school at the time and 16-17 years old. And the 3rd… Read more »

SC EP:1051 Sasquatch And The Missing Man

As I mentioned on last night’s show, I would be doing a swapcast for Merkel Media’s new film Sasquatch And The Missing Man. I told Tony he could ask me anything he wants. I hope you enjoy our hour long conversation. Check out The Confessionals here: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/                … Read more »

The Show Will Return Next Week

I talked about this on last weeks show but due to personal reasons, there will not be shows this weekend. I will return next week. I appreciate everyone understanding.

SC EP:1049 He Slimed Me

Chad writes “In 2003 a hunting friend and myself had a very strange thing happen to us. I live in Mercer county Ohio, it’s in West central Ohio, flat land, small box woods, and miles of corn fields. I live in a small town called Celina, we have one of the largest man dug lakes… Read more »

SC EP:1046 Three Months In Hell

I will be welcoming Jerry to the show. Jerry writes “I lived deep in Provo Canyon, in Utah, in a camper trailer with thousands of square miles of forest right behind where I lived. The first month and a half I lived there was peaceful. One day it felt like I was being watched and… Read more »

SC EP:1045 I Thought Bigfoot Was A Joke

Turner writes “Wes, I have been listening to your show for over a year now. My background is in the outdoor industry. I have a degree in Forestry, I am an avid bowhunter, and I now do a YouTube channel that specializes in all things outdoors, hunting, fishing, shooting, ext. Because of my love of… Read more »

SC EP:1042 The Silence

John writes “I have something to share with you from when I was 17 and bow hunting in the woods of NJ. I’m 46 now and I had a brush with a large 2 legged animal in the early hours of that fall day.” Spoke to the eyewitness and he said “It was about 2am… Read more »

SC EP:1040 The Wooly Man

I will be welcoming Edmund to the show. Edmund grew up on a farm and he had seen the creatures a couple of times. He said “I was a kid in 1978 and I was not afraid of them until it came to my window.” It was looking through my bedroom window, and it scared… Read more »

SC EP:1038 The Creature At Diablo Lake

Drew had an encounter in 1996 here in Washington up in Snohomish county. Drew describes a creature with an odd movement come out of the ditch into the road. The encounter still bothers him today. We will also be speaking to Chuck. Chuck had an encounter in 2015 at Diablo Lake. The lake is in… Read more »

SC EP:1036 A Conversation With A Skeptical Hunter

Chris writes “It has been several years since I have been hunting. My last experience, while hunting with an Uncle, had taken my comfort and confidence away. I have lived in Oregon my entire life other than being born in Colorado on an army base and some travel. Both sides of my family are from… Read more »