Aug 18

“That bear was strange”

Wes, first off I love the show and listen all of the time. I wanted to write to you because I had an encounter with my then wife back in 1997 in Washington state. We were driving home from a family reunion. We were on the back roads near the town of Woodland. I remember this like it was yesterday. As we came around a corner on a back country road this thing which I thought was a bear at first ran into the road on all fours. As I slammed on my brakes and what I thought was a bear stood up on two legs. It gave me the look of death, it looked pissed. It looked like a cross between a very large ape and a man, it was a brownish/blackish color. It took off running on two legs up the embankment and I lost sight of it. I am sure the encounter only lasted a few seconds but it seemed like forever. As this thing was staring me down I noticed how dirty it was like it was rolling in dirt or sand.

My wife at the time began crying and telling me to get her out of there. I remember looking at my wife and saying “that…….bear……was strange” my wife said it was not a bear. I never really believed in bigfoot before this and was not really sure what we saw at the time. I really had no one to talk to about this my wife who is my ex now would refuse to talk about it. I tried to tell my family what I saw but they just laughed at me. I recently found your podcast and it has really helped me to understand what I saw but knowing there are others out there has helped me as well. Thanks for all you do.

Chad P.

11 Responses to ““That bear was strange””

  1. Joni

    Ditto Debbie, well maybe if it’s a long way away looking down a rifle scope!! I do wish my twin would see one so he’d quit telling me there’s no such thing. :/
    I’ve got a question : If there was one audio/video you would post to make someone say Hummm maybe theirs something more to this…. which would it be? Anybody?
    I already posted the 911 call . Am I allowed to post ” Down the Rabbit hole”episodes ?
    He would never look up anything on this subject that’s just him, I think he thinks I’m crazy for listening to these shows/encounters and said get another hobby! OMG I really worry about him,Only because of where he lives and has a cattle farm! He is a Fishermen,Hunter & has coyote , Hugh amount of deer,Turkey,rabbits etc…on his 140+ acres on top of a hill/ mountain, I did tell him to carry one of his guns . I know my brother and scared to think what would happen if they messed with him…..or 1 of his dog’s. 🙁

    • Christopher c

      @ Joni,Joni you are not alone I think we all wish our family members could experience what we did so we don’t feel so compelled to defend what we experienced,it’s almost like we end up pushing family away sometimes with our obsessive behavior when it comes to this subject,now if I was to give an opinion of which sound file lends credence to the existsence of these creatures would be the SNOHOMISH,PUYALLUP,KlAMATH screams on’s sound files:

    • Indignico

      Joni, is your brother a reader? If he is then find him articles by Ivan Sanderson. He tackles the topic from a professional zoological perspective that makes sense in a way a chronic doubter might be shamed into objectively reviewing evidence because of having read him some fine Ivan Sanderson. But, I’m guessing, probably not a reader. Good luck and I feel your pain. Hate to be patronized by arrogant ignorance related to you by blood. Maddening.

  2. Karen C

    Chad, The look of death will probably stay with you for a very long time, so sorry, but so glad you shared your experience with us odd people (just kidding), Welcome aboard…..

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