Tonight I will be speaking with Chris. Chris will be sharing with us his families experiences back in the 70’s in Kentucky. Chris said “I don’t think anyone knew what it was, it was large and hairy and walked around like a man but it wasn’t a man.” The Smithsonian Institution makes a surprise appearance in this families encounter.
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Leann G
Fridayyyyyy yay
Jeremiah S
Go Leann Go Leann!
Lisa B
Yay Leann! Happy Friday!
Steve W
Hi LEANN????
Josephine L
Omg!!! Thanks Wes ????
Brian L
Whoop Whoop
Rick P
Wow early today. Can’t wait to listen.
Chris M
Im surprised we dont have more smithsonian interference. They must be good at covering their tracks.
Douglas K
Thanks Wes, you work so hard. Appreciated ????
Well okay then! Will wait for the skipper to get home before listening to this one. Thanks Wes!
Jeremiah S
Hey there M, how are you?
Linda B
Hi my friend, hope you had a good week. 🙂
I think you’re saying hi to me Linda B ~ But if not, I’m saying hi anyway. 🙂 Love to peruse your comments. Hi Linda!
Gary R
Hi Jeremiah! Doing good. Thanks friend. 🙂
Lisa B
Hey M! How are you?
Hi Lisa B ~ Miss your presence on mewe, although I haven’t participated much. I think most people come @ the am looking for chat and interesting stuff. I’m 2 hours earlier that a lot of people. But, thanks for asking. Hope you’re well too. loves_m
Nigel R
Hi folks.
Robert E
Hip Hip Hooray !! Thanks Wes hope you and the rest of the SC fam enjoy the weekend !
Leann G
Wow , Another fantastic episode Wes! Thanks to you Chris for sharing your family’s experiences. I am struck by how fortunate the family was to be so close knit and get through these encounters together. Very interesting details. It would be awesome if the “field agents from the Smithsonian” came forward. Have a great weekend all!
Thomas H
Done early today and thankfully a SC episode. TY
theresa m
Wes, Chris … thanks for tonight’s show. It was refreshing to hear a well told experience that was not awful. It seems the beings at your grandmother’s home were just trying to live in their environment and Wes, you were correct about their wanting to stay there because they had water, food and places to sleep. Your grandmother lived during a time when people were able to let strangers hang around to research vs. today when people are just more feral in their behavior and it’s hard to trust. Have a great weekend everyone.
Donna P
Great show great guest Chris and thank you Wes it was really enjoyable
Ann Y
Anyone else creeped out by the bread commercial of dogman (big bad wolf) coming to grandma’s house and little red riding hood comes in?
Ann Y
Hi FAM!????????????
RubenD S
Thanks Wes!
Linda B
Thank goodness it’s SC time. In the death throws and dog days of old people moving! Me! Hehe. Thanks Wes and Chris! From members’ comments, i know this will be a very interesting episode and can’t wait to listen. Thanka so much.
Linda B
Chris, I would love to know if the tomatoes were plucked from the vine or if the tomato plant was plucked from the ground. As I am listening I am hearing you, Chris, talk about the layer of fat. Amazing.
I thought it was amazing too. I don’t recall hearing about a glob of fat coming from a Sasquatch. I think perhaps it was sleeping and they startled the animal, and it jumped up, waving it’s arms to say, ‘I’m here’. Then it got shot. What a bummer.
Linda B
Wow. Got my answer. They plucked up the whole tomato plant. Something was doing that at my mom’s early May. Mom thought it could be a large rodent as she is in the country. I thought you would see a track or other evidence. Since we’ve had a couple wood knocks out there, I think I was right.
robert m
Great show. Been a long time fan. And member for over a year. From N.C. Never gets old Wes. Love it.
Ross H
Great episode, thanks
Stacey C
There are many many many ppl that have been abducted and probed, Travis Walton is a perfect example, discount their stories and you do them all an injustice… For many years ppl were kook’s for believing in Sasquatch… You can’t believe they exist and then roll your eyes because they’ve been “probed”…… Itherwise goid show!!!!
Christopher S
Very much doubt the Walton story is true. Traumatic events typically result in serious worldview changes. When Walton said he agreed with US military torture, because he could “take it” on an alien ship, warning signals went off. I get no sense from the man that he has a greater humanity (as in we are all human) worldview that grew from an experience of being abducted by aliens. he talks more like a movie “tough guy”. I would have thought that his humanity would be front and center if his encounter was true. Same as I would expect someone who sees a sasquatch to seriously rethink the world in which we live. But, I have never seen a sasquatch or been abducted and probed by aliens – so, what do I know.
Brandon W
great show
Daren c
Thanks so much Chris ! Incredible, so Incredible.
Denise F
I have never been more happy to say, “TGIF” ????????????
Have a marvelous monster weekend! ????????????
Ty Wes, we always are happy for new episodes to settle down to.
Danial K
Anyone catch the story out of Idaho about the elk boneyard? They say is was due to a rock slide. They mention broken legs and broken spines.
Cindy L
Great Scott!!! Thanks for link. Passing it on.
David M
Thanks Wes
Have A Great Weekend !
Sarah J T
Fantastic accounts! But it always hurts my heart to hear about dogs being chained up, placed in danger. Such a lonely life for a dog.
Stacey C
Agreed…. Stop using them as bait….
Craig R
The animal may have been a female. So a wound under the arm may have been part of her breast. That tissue is not very vascular and certainly fatty.
Beth E
Trying to wrap my head around why his uncle shot at something that resembled a man while their arms are raised. SMH
Donald P
Yeah, I was wondering the same. It showed no aggression but this fool had to shoot it. It is a disservice to real hunters to call the uncle a hunter.
Gretchen W
I know right. My heart broke when I heard that.
sumitra r
Great show
Who is the ending song artist?
Michael J
I thnk its ” Fabrik” a little satanic twist to the band, watch some videos, you will see
Janetta V
I agree on that song, don’t like it, sounds eerie.
Lisa B
Great show Wes! Thanks Chris for sharing your story, loved it!
Chad W
Loved hearing your remembrances Chris! It’s fascinating that your family’s experiences were so well-known in that area, and then the magazine article happened!
richard r
being so close to one so that you could see its nipples ,sheesh, thats too close for comfort. i sit by a window on my pc reading this at night and keep the shades closed. i dont want to turn my head and see one of these things staring at me through the window is why. lol
thanks Wes for your hard work to bring us thee shows every week.
Stuart H
Try enslaving these creatures to be a workforce here, too big, too strong, too much brain power. Try again and you get us.
Johanna V
Thank you for the great show, Wes. And thank you, Chris for sharing you and your family’s story. I was very recently visiting the Smithsonian last month extensively. And I can verify that at the Museum of Natural History there is absolutely no Sas prints, hairs, half-eaten apples, etc. In fact, there is absolutely not even one reference to the existence of any such creature or any evidence. So, not only who were these guys (not from there or any Museum), but where is all the evidence they collected? Also, they, whomever they actually were, had no qualms about opening up to the family about knowledge/theories they had about family units, living in caves and coal mines, and having colonies. In other words, they had no fears or apprehensions that the family had not bought their story hook, line, and sinker. Otherwise, they would have bern way more guarded and never even let them near their car, for example. Fascinating story! Like I said, I wonder who the really were, and where all the stuff they collected ended up. Thanks again, Wes and Chris!
Laura K
Great show, Wes! Thanks!
Deb A
I don’t like it when you try to explain to people what you have witness.
Most look at you as if you’re nuts.
WOW!! Great show!!!!!!!
Jeremiah S
Really great show Wes! Thanks so much for sharing your experience and family history Chris. It was an honor to listen to it. Loved hearing how close knit your family was and you had each other to lean on. Much love Chris and Wes.
Yep my old Kentucky home…a crazy place it happens to be.
Janetta V
That was a really super show, Wes. So much content. I was just glued to this young man’s story and what he would say next. Just love listening to deep stories like this. Thank you, Chris.
Wright W
Man this sounds sooo fake
Wright W
I’m honestly shocked that Wes put this one on
I just posted some info in the forum about the Smithsonian by Scott Wolters.
david b
Thanks Wes. I really appreciate what you are doing! I havent posted in a while because my opinion means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Dont take this the wrong way but I also appreciate the way you are conducting your shows. I really enjoy Bigfoot encounters. What i dont appreciate is how so deep down the rabbit hole some of these other podcasters have gone. I am not taking away from some of the paranormal aspects of Bigfoot, but some of this stuff being relayed is just so far fetched, no one believes it. I think that really hurts our cause in trying to figure out what these things are. Anyway, I really appreciate what you are doing!
Antony H
Come on Wes, be honest, how tempted were you to tile this episode, Titty Nipples? ????
Laura M
Great show. Thank you Chris for sharing your family’s experiences. Your description of your grandmother and her view of liars reminds of my maternal grandmother. Her saying was, “I would trust a thief before I would trust a liar. A thief will steal from you. A liar will steal from you and tell you he didn’t.” May they all rest in peace.
I don’t know?????
Another Great episode Wes. Thanks Chris for sharing your Family’s encounters.
Lori K
Great interview and family encounters. However it seems he hasn’t considered the P&G film. So real.
Joe S
Mason S
Something that came to mind when the first guy said his uncle blasted a chunk of fat off the creature he shot is that boars (at least where I live) have what we call a gristle shield on the front of their body. Not sure of the exact purpose of it, but generally it is belived to protect them when they fight. It could also act as a reserve fuel tank in lean times. Could these things have such a layer? Sure they are heavily muscled and most likely have very thick skin, but there are many accounts of them acting like bullet-sponges.
Ryan S
Keep em’ coming buddies!
Ryan S
I’m sure you’ve already though of this, but SC should add a thumbs up option for comments and episodes.
Brandon W
Royal? oh you mean, RURAL
Alyse S
bro. the dog park thing. that is interesting! definitely connects the lights with the squatch.
The Smithsonian is still in the business of sanctioning Sasquatch denial journalism today so i doubt very much it was the Smithsonian and if it was, then it’s not something they officially stand by as yet. Also it’s base is in Washington DC so i suspect there’s alot of ongoing DC cloak and dagger action.
Holly G
Chris and Wes, Great talk you two had. Chris, never pay mind to followers, which most people are. Chart your own course, which you and Wes most definitely have.
Mindie P
Thank you Wes.
gordo i
you know you are close to bigfoot when you are titty nipple close…
Dana J
Live and let live.