May 19

SC EP:436 Hell itself opened up and unleashed a beast

Here is an early release for you guys and gals.

A listener writes “I sent you an encounter that has left me terrified and I look to your show for answers and my experience was in freaking Iowa. I’m a rational man,this display of what I’m trying to this day to grasp was unlike anything I can compare.

I have listened to many of your shows and what happened to us hasn’t quite hit the mark.i have a horror show to tell and I have more questions than answers. My whole life this creature only excited in Rudolph the red nosed reindeer and growing up in Nebraska where you can see for miles I of course felt safe.

What I thought is a Crack from hell itself had opened up and unleashed a beast unlike anything I could understand. My perspective is so much different than what I have been listening to is well close but this beast wanted to invoke sheer terror. This creature was almost 10 feet high and wrecked an oak tree. It was only 30 feet away bellowing out a sound that I can only describe as prehistoric. We had a bonfire burning for maybe 5 hours while moving these people into an old farmhouse.

It must have smelled the fire. It was like a horror movie. We put the fridge in front of the back door and ran to the front room to block the front door and there was a giant window. We were to afraid to make any noise so we waited and watched tire dwindle. Nothing else happened but we watched for what seemed like days waiting for this beast to walk right through the house and certainly devour us.

We found only a destroyed old oak that had spread branches and bark,it’s limbs as thick as my waist twisted and cracked from the main trunk. This was true terror. I think these things should be treated as homicide maniacs…”



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99 Responses to “SC EP:436 Hell itself opened up and unleashed a beast”

  1. Edward V

    I have loved your show for years now. Never a disappointment here. Listen to every one multiple times. But I must say the new audio player (art 19) just sucks on my I phone 9s. I hate to criticize but the old player was the best. I’m not some tech guru by any means, it was just much more user friendly.
    Please keep up the great work and you can count on me being there the whole time as a member. Thank you Wes

  2. Bob V

    Hello Margaret,,

    It’s partly because it happened in the midwest. The attitude in states like WI, MN, IL, MI, and Iowa are they are not real. You receive a lot of ridicule here if you even believe, much less you say you saw one.


  3. Janetta V

    I don’t think this poor fellow has even begun to get over his encounter. Inbreeding…I’m not sure about. I just think there mean and crazy and do whatever they want in their Godless existence. I am for killing them all, and wish it were possible. Thank you Wes, you are a very understanding man.

    • Sherri M

      Yeah. He was obsessed with the breeding/inbreeding. He saw only one, but kept saying, “They make more & more; that’s what they do.”
      Interesting take on the whole thing. Poor guy- feel bad for him.

  4. Aaron W

    I haven’t had any issues with the new player? Thanks for the early release Wes! Now I have something to help pass the time at work today! It’s MUCH appreciated!

  5. Aaron W

    I’ve posted a few times, that some, not all! But a big number of these things, have to be inbreeding. Even though we don’t know all about these things, that sort of behavior is just crazy! Even in the animal kingdom. Some of these things act, and even look so weird! Compared to the normal types described. I think it’s really interesting!

  6. Sherri M

    I’m wondering if this creature had had a bad experience with fire. My guess is the fire pissed it off!
    OR – since he said that farmhouse had been abandoned a long time, maybe a clan had taken over that area, & they were NOT going to have any humans moving in.

  7. Susan P

    Wes its obvious that this man was truly traumatized but to better understand what occured and why he needs to research primate and animal behavior. Additionally we as humans have been around a lot longer than he knows. He should look into Ancient history the Mayans Aztecs, the Bible etc. Human arrogance led him to misunderstand the fact that he was in the creatures territory not his his own. As to why it did what it did he should be grateful it tore up a tree. Did he not get the message to leave? Or put the fire out? It could have been protecting territory or young. If someone built a huge fire in my back yard I would be pissed too. There have been other accounts of BF putting a fire out by swinging lit sticks around til they went out. Obviously this fire was too massive by his own admission and that was a pretty stupid thing to do in a Forrest . They may sense a threat of which goes way back to primal emotions. Really sorry this guy had such a terrifying experience but in order to move on do some research and get off the inbreeding……. geesch

    • Lauri C

      My thoughts, too, Susan P! The one thing we know these creatures fear is FIRE – and here’s a massive, raging fire. What if this was near the family group? Perfectly logical BF response. The BF issued a warning; if it had wanted to hurt him and his party, he could have easily done so. But that didn’t happen. Also sad was his projecting his own prudish views of sexual behavior onto another species assuming that just because they don’t wear clothing, they would constantly be trying try to mate with any of their own kind. Really, who’s the advanced species here?

  8. Doug K

    Hey Wes!! What a scary encounter that Patrick had. Thank you for sharing this frightening encounter with us Patrick. And also thank you Wes for all the hard work you do to put this radio program on for us. YEEEEEE HAWWWWWW!!!!!

  9. Cindy S

    Terrifying encounter!! I’m glad he was willing to share it!
    Thanks Wes, for all you do to bring us these First hand accounts! Take care Patrick!

  10. Lewis S

    I meet people here all the time who know and we agree. We share and find out the behavior in which area. They are vile loathsome beasts. Some are inbred, some aren’t it all depends on the situation. Carry a big gun and be competent with it.

  11. hickory67

    I’d assume the hostility was fueled by the presence of a large fire rather than build the “inbreeding” bridge. Plenty of animals, humans included, with nasty dispositions without being inbred. And “mental health” always seems to make it into that conversational line, or “it looked like someone with Downs Syndrome” inevitably gets followed by “yeah, there’s alot of inbreeding…” I think we ought to mindful of speaking in such generalities. All manner of mental health, developmental, and adaptive issues exist outside of inbred populations. Animals are unpredictable. They also have a visceral fear of fire. Perhaps this big guy was pissed off because he thought his house was getting burned down by a couple humans. Probably complained about it to the other squatches…discussing how all the human inbreeding makes them careless.

    Sorry. I’m just pissy today I guess.

  12. Ulrike H

    Fascinating show.
    Thank goodness there’s a place for people to share their encounters, wether good or bad.
    I don’t agree with killing or harming them. From the sounds of all the witnesses, these “creatures” could
    Kill us with very little difficulty if they wanted to.

  13. brian m

    Great show! I’m here in Iowa and not far from the Volga area, I’ve heard a lot of encounters from that area and have some of my own. I truly believe there is something out there. No sighting yet by me but I’ve heard sounds and tree breaks and a couple dead zones. Fayette county is a hot spot in my opinion,hilly,wooded and lots of streams. People here are very tight lipped about the subject but if their trust can be gained it’s fascinating the things they see and hear. It’s out there, oh yeah

  14. Rick C

    Wes this had the overtone and suspense of an Alfred Hitchcock/Rod Serling horror story. I relived a bit of my fear through the tone of his voice. I remember in the unrecorded portion of our conversation I theorized that they (Sasquatch) were more bad than good. It is these types of encounters that confirm it. I believe these encounters will only become more frequent and more aggressive. Those of us who believe, and know. must be do what we can to prepare.

  15. niel r

    I wonder if the sasquatch had been involved in a forest fire …and the guests bon fire freaked out the squatch ……..just a thought
    Great show Wes’s have a great week

  16. Donna K

    Can you still use the old player? If I fall asleep midway during the podcast, I want to go back where it left off and the new player doesnt allow me to do that… sorry if its a pain… its just easier to go back on the older playwr.

  17. brad b

    I’m sorry the guest suffered such an aggressive encounter but he makes a lot of wild assumptions without providing any evidence beyond opinion — especially with his insistence on inbreeding. We really have no idea about the reproductive habits of these creatures. He kept saying they will mate with anything they can but he can’t know this beyond just guessing and extrapolating from various encounters we’ve heard over time. And while I’m sure inbreeding does occur among these creatures it’s hard to believe it’s widespread because they’re such a successful species. By all accounts they’re physical marvels not the sickly specimens you would expect with inbreeding. And he says they’re all vicious killers but then admits some people have benign encounters. In his own encounter the monster could have easily killed him and his friend. But it didn’t. I’m no flute player but it’s a little harsh to judge all these creatures to the point of calling for extermination based on one bad apple. After all would we want all humans judged on the actions of a Jeffrey Dahmer or Hitler? Just based on what witnesses tell us these creatures are very similiar to humans that they have numerous and unpredictable behaviors depending on the individual alone.

  18. Randel S

    great show Wes. I’ve studied all this many years and would welcome a chance to talk about it some time. I’m currently recovering from hurricane Harvey here in Texas too. Rebuilding the house etc.

    My thoughts are on behaviour and how to harvest specimen etc.
    thanks again for a job well done.

  19. Kim S

    Eat sleep and whatever wow sounds like humans…but a lot smarter clearly….And hell they don’t need to control the environment like US….they clearly are ” autistic ” and I bet alot of you out there wish you didn’t have a “filter” either…your to busy what other people think I’m guessing lol I’m to old to give a shit what people think anymore.I guess it’s a perception thing at the end of the day. These guys have it over us….

  20. Pat T

    Patrick, awesome job!, really enjoyed this encounter, sounds absolutely terrifying what you went through that evening. Thanks again Wes for bringing us these awesome stories each week.

  21. doug d

    what a sissy instead of getting his panties in a bunch ,obviously the so called evil biggy wanted to have a beer, and hang out.this guy is anti-sociol ,now this biggy wiill forever have a grudge against humans what a big DICk.

  22. Tamsin D

    Hello Wes & Patrick,

    Wes, I’m having no trouble with your new player, but so prefer the old! I have an iPhone 7s, which I listen to your podcast. This new player drains the hell out of my battery.
    Thought it was the phone battery. I decided to do a test:
    Replay a new player episode, note the time….. then play an old player episode; stopped it at the same time.
    Both were started at 100% charge. Huge difference of about 20%, no clue why.
    Note: I’m out with the livestock while listening, thus no
    WiFi. Perhaps this may be the issue with the new player?

    Dear Patrick,
    Hope you are feeling better have giving your account to
    Wes. You seem truly stressed. You kept repeating rape of other animals. Did this come from Bear and company?
    They only mentioned equines.
    My life revolves around animals. Some just have anger and fear issues; usually caused by human ignorance or cruelty.
    I rescue and release many critters. Those that are too far gone become family; both wild and domestic. Of course I don’t release the domestic ones.
    I guess my point is….. could it be possible that this enormous creature was terrified of a fire that was eight feet high?
    I would come unglued if my neighbor did this. Even with snow it only takes one ember to find a sheltered place to destroy thousands of acres. That ember can stay active for days. ( This can be confirmed on line).
    That monster could at any time have attacked, but didn’t, perhaps it was trying with all it had to chase you away.
    Hope you find peace. ??

  23. Glen K

    (New Jersey) Another astounding encounter!! I too am in the camp that doesn’t necessarily agree with Patrick’s theories on inbreeding, or the need to “kill them all.” I am in agreement with those who feel that the intrusion of the humans, and the fire, were the main culprits that led to the Bigfoot’s behavior. I do think that in the wilds, territory means everything. In fact, to make a human analogy, look what some gang members do to each other who encroach on their territory! Although nomadic, I can imagine where a Bigfoot family -not seeing humans in this area for years- felt they were in an area that they controlled and felt comfortable. Then these humans not only “invaded” their territory, but built an enormous fire that to them must have felt like the gates of hell had opened!! Well, we’re all making conclusions and theories based on our observations. Who knows who is right!? I do know that Patrick had an absolutely Terrifying encounter of the highest order!! Once again, Wes’ show has given a voice, and comfort, to someone whose had an experience that most of us could only realize in a terrible nightmare.

  24. Dovie D

    It wanted s’ I know he was terrified but that was funny. I don’t know if he wanted to get warm or what?
    Your friend wanted a hug! It was pissed you didn’t offer a beer. Next time share. 🙂

  25. David R

    Thanks for telling your story! It’s really hard to imagine how big they are with words. You said it was 10′ tall. I’ve heard of some in WA state that get up to 12′-15′, and yours was HUGE. Now imagine a 12′-15′ Sasquatch? I would love to see a fake one made out of wax that looks real just to get an idea of how BIG they really get!

  26. Stephen W

    Many Thanks Wes and thanks to the guest,Wes a question are you getting more reports of aggressive encounters lately with these creatures just out of curiosity best regards Steve

  27. Debbie C

    I am guessing the idiot girls loud music
    set the Sasquatch off.
    I believe the guest’s story, his encounter
    will be with him for the rest of his life.

  28. Michelle L

    Thanks Wes – a great show. I am in agreement with many who have posted before me. One experience isn’t enough research to come up with theories. I’m glad he survived and is safe but as he only had one encounter (and a horrifying one), it’s not enough primary research for theories. BUT, always enjoy the conjecture that follows an encounter story Hope he is recovering from this as it sounds awful. Thanks to him for sharing.

  29. Tina A

    We don’t know what this creature has endured in it’s life. Maybe at one point a forest fire took some of his family. We will never know. I believe just as with any creature all they have to go on is life’s experiences, good and bad.

  30. joey-joe

    Yeah that happend to me aswell so for anyone else with the same problem if you go to revolver pod casts {just type that in to your google search bar} you’ll see sasquatch chronicles come up but then i could only get the last 6 shows so if you look at the sasquatch chronicles picture at the top of the page you’ll see just at the bottom of it theirs a red bar that says subscribe click on that and you’ll be given options i.e apple pod casts, i tunes, RRS feed, and i heart radio, i chose i heart and all the shows are their hope this helps someone. While im here i’d like to say thanks to wes for all the hard work he puts in to keep us lot informed and entertained, much love from the UK, keepin it real!

  31. jason s

    Hi i’m a new member but have been listening for around a year now and i love the show wes it is the best their is, iI listen all the way from the UK. I wonder if this creature came in and got curios and got itself burnt which excuse the expression pissed it off big time, as he mentioned a few times the fire was fairly big. i have always believed in Sasquatch/Bigfoot and Dogman as well as ufo’s there is know way we are the only intelligent life in the universe anyone who thinks we are the only ones are living inside a closed state of thought.

  32. Teresa L

    I want to know what the girls had to say about the tree that was destroyed? I mean come on, if it was as bad this guy says then no way can these girls not believe them!?!?! Come on girls you can’t be so dumb to think a man could do that damage!!?? And I can say that think reason girls didn’t hear it was in my encounter my daughter heard before we did and we all all together. So I think they can project sound at will?? Same with woods going quite, she heard quite before we did. And that’s was recorded! Idk know they are but they have things they can do that we lost mentally? I do think the fire is what set him off!? Thank you for sharing with us I wish you find ☮️ . Great show Wes thanks?

  33. Jeff G

    getting used to this platform…no edit?

    wes, you could walk from east texas to the atlantic in the south.
    it is not so much clumps of trees as clumps of civilization.

    the south is mostly rural….

    I don’t understand the inbreeding concept.

  34. Tracy L

    The extremely angry guest is making some very wild and probably inaccuarate statements as though they are fact when they are just his angry, biased opinions from his wild imagination. He has no fact or basis to claim that they Sasquatch are the result of, let alone practice, inbreeding. Where is he coming up with that? How many sightings did he have? Did he spend years studying them in the wild like Fosse did with gorillas and Goodall did with chimpanzees? And having sex with anything alive? Did he see this happen? Wasted my time listening to this nut.

  35. M Lyn H

    Wes is likely correct when he suggests that some of the sasquatch enjoy terrorizing people.
    Tonight’s guest’s comment suggesting the sasquatch is very interbred is something I had not thought about which is surprising as its an obvious observation since they don’t have online dating.
    Guest stated during his heated description of his encounter and thoughts on Bigfoot that they are going around breeding with anything they can get their hands on. Shudder.
    I also had to assume when he said “here came the girlfriends” after describing his rush into the house with the gentleman moving into the home afterwhich they focused on locking & securing doors and windows. Suddenly girlfriends entering the house occurs in the story. So I thought ‘oh they must have arrived in a vehicle’ rather than picturing these 2 men dashing around saving themselves while the woman were sitting outside somewhere. Anybody know what that’s about?

  36. Blanche D

    I thought that point about inbreeding was interesting as I hadn’t thought of it before. I wish this guest would be a bit more forgiving as this creature, just like us – they only know how to behave in a given moment because that is what they know. I imagine all the noise and the huge hot fire was scaring his prey away and he was hungry. So far we’ve not heard of a sassy raping, but we’ve heard of plenty of male humans doing that. Also little boys scream like babies too.

  37. Jana P

    I love this episode and I totally agree with this gentleman — Kill them all! Or at least put them in a zoo, but don’t let them wander the country. Very well said. It frightens me why the government covers this up and what they’re going to do with them. I believe they are from Fallen Angels — and God wants that bloodline off the planet.

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