Jan 26

SC EP:1126 The Brown Mountain Lights

Brian writes “I do not believe in bigfoot 100% but I absolutely believe your witnesses. So, on the fence…. However, my friend Gravy and I were backpacking in WNC somewhere south of Boone but north of Ashville. (Switz?) We have crawled all over these mountains for about 20 or 30 years. 10 to 20 mile backpacking weekends.

Typically easy to moderate but we weren’t afraid of elevations. Anyway it’s fall, we ascend to camp on a ciff face just above treetops with more trees above us We camp in the tree line to escape wind but walk back out to clearing before bed to stargaze and smoke a bowl after supper. I walked to edge of lip looking down and notice a blue light. I thought, Oh, we are not alone, there’s other campers (headlamp?).. Then as I’m focusing on the headlamp I realized that I could see the area being lit quite well cause there were no leaves on the trees. Basketball sized blue light casually meandering through the pines 10ft off the ground. 2mph maybe. Over there, circle that tree, drift over here, as if directed by wind. Whole thing lasted 10 minutes and when Gravy suggested we circle down and investigate I chickened out and defensibly said HellNah! Eventually it drifted off aimlessly.

I just texted him and he has no recollection of this event, granted it was early 90’s and we’re currently 50yr olds. That’s it. Nothing else but occasional head scratcher. No sounds no print’s no broken branches no eriee feelings of dread. But that light was real. Ball lightening is all I can think.



Brown Mountain Lights with audio during a National Geographic shoot


Joseph writes “I don’t have exact dates for these but everything happened in September and October of 2024.

Let me preface by saying that I’m an outdoorsman and a misanthrope; I spend most of my time alone and have been on many “dark to dark” hunts on my own, even when I was young, so I don’t get spooked easily.

I only have 8 acres in Fort Hill Pa but my land is very secluded and is in the mix with a huge amount of wooded acreage.

The strangeness started when I was noticing that the woods behind my house were quiet every night,when I’d leave for work, while the woods across the road were ‘normal’ with the usual sounds. There’s an old logging road at the corner of my yard that goes back onto mine and others property’s and my attention kept getting drawn there; not necessarily ‘being watched’ but more like ‘something is there’.
I had been noticing this for about a week or so before I was talking to my son on the phone one night, he’s 24 and is the only person who lives with me, and he commented that he had been taking the shotgun out every night when he would take the dogs out to potty.

I of course inquired as to why because of my recent “feelings” and he basically told me the same thing that the woods behind the house were too quiet and he felt like something was off and he even commented on the old logging road being the center of this feeling.

I drive truck and my hours are different every day but the next week I switched shift and was returning home at night instead of leaving; I backed into the detached garage and started to walk towards the house and heard movement from that road so I sat everything down and started to walk down there.
It was a moonless night so I couldn’t move fast but I know the road and I’m the type that goes in hunting at dark with no flashlight so I’m fairly skilled.
Whatever was back there that night was definitely bipedal and was purposely keeping the same distance from me; if I’d stop it would stop and when I’d move it would move.
I didn’t press the situation more than 100 yards as the old road degrades the farther you go.

There are 2 massive pipes buried under that road for water drainage and I do my best every spring and fall to keep them clear of debris; that following weekend I was down in the dip clearing those pipes, this was early morning around 8am, and I heard an incredibly loud and huge sounding tree break; it sounded like something as big as a 4×4 or 6×6 piece of lumber just snapping.
I walked up out of the dip and moved in the direction of the noise, 50-60 yards away in a grapevine thicket I saw something huge and black moving away. I couldn’t discern anything at all except big and black so it is possible to have been a black bear.

Later that day, in the afternoon, my son and I were down at the pipes; we were taking in some quick Crete to shore up the hill side and channel water.
I was using a spade shovel to stab/chop at young briar plants growing in the area and I noticed him staring in the same direction as the grapes; I asked him “what” and he said “nope, not a thing”.
Of course I pressed and he said “I heard a knock, at first I thought it was the shovel echoing but it was only once and wasn’t in rhythm with you.”

During the next week I arrived home one night and had to hop out of the truck to urinate before backing into the garage and heard 3 loud knocks in succession. A few days later we had a fog bank come in at night, it was roughly 2am and I had to take my dogs out, this was thick enough that you couldn’t see more than probably 20 yards, this may sound like nothing but it was strange at the time, the whole forest was quiet except 5-6 song birds(idk what species) that seemed to be surrounding the yard and all ‘singing’ back and forth to each other.
Nothing else happened, I just went in for the night.

Everything so far is easy to write off as nothing really but the last 2 events aren’t.

Days after the fog I was walking back from taking the garbage to the road and an aircraft caught my eye, I see a huge amount of aircraft where I live. This craft didn’t have any blinker lights, it was just 1 pulsing white light, the whole thing pulsed not blinked. I’m not sure about altitude and the shape seemed to be an oval.
As the craft traveled across the sky I watched it do a ‘zigzag’ pattern once and right before it left sight I saw it stop and ‘hover’ for about 3 seconds before it continued away.

2 days later the last part of my string of events happened. I had to switch shifts so I came home and had to basically take just a few hour nap and go back out.
It was 2am, I awoke to take the dogs out and as I walked off my porch a red light in the woods caught my eye, I turned to focus on it to see that it was 2 red dots/lights, I kept walking and heard myself say out loud “nope….that is not what it looks like; it can’t be what it looks like”.
I kept watching the dogs but checking on the red dots; the dots never changed or moved. I let the dogs in and grabbed a flashlight/laser combo for rifles that wasn’t mounted to anything yet. I went back out and moved towards the edge of the yard where the red dots were; distances can be difficult at night but i estimated them to be 35-40 yards aways and roughly 7’off the ground.

Understand that I’m standing there in shoes, a t-shirt, and my boxer briefs so I wasn’t ready to be going off into the woods.

I shined the light on the red dots and the light did me no good, it was like the light just stopped working so far out so I tried the laser, this was a green laser; idk if you know the difference but green laser you can see the whole beam in the air; I couldn’t see what the beam was hitting but I could definitely see the beam hitting something and stopping on whatever it was.
I don’t know why but I moved the green beam up to one of the red dots and both moved, together, down and to my right away from the beam.

I didn’t freak out but I did say out loud “oh fuck me”; when I said that the dots “twinkled”. I turned the light laser off and said “you just want me to know that you’re there”, they twinkled again.
I then said “Okay, I’m good, I’m going in now but if you’re there when I’m dressed then I’m coming in”. I never felt like I was in danger during any of this just really unnerved.

A half hour later I came out dressed for work and the red lights were gone.

I have had absolutely nothing even remotely weird happen since.

I don’t know if this was sasquatch activity or not but I know that something was there.”






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39 Responses to “SC EP:1126 The Brown Mountain Lights”

  1. Karla G

    Sounds like he was within minutes of my house. I live north of Asheville, south of Boone, and right in the middle. I’m in SprucePine, about 8 mins down the parkway from Little Switzerland. They are definitely in the area, at least through the wintertime, as I can go out on my deck and get return wood-knocks within less than a minute, and from within less than 100yrds, just about every night throughout late fall/early winter, every year like clockwork. There are several relatively recent BFRO reports in the area, and I just recently heard a man relay an encounter he’d had at a chalet in Little Switzerland. As for the Brown Mtn lights, I’ve been 3-4 times in the last few years and haven’t had any luck…yet. but I think I’ve been going at the wrong time of year, as they are said to be most active in the fall, and I always go during the summer. Anyway, these ancient mtn hills are an interesting/spooky, yet beautiful place!!!

  2. Karla G

    birds do chirp at night. lot of people don’t realize that, and I’ve heard a lot of people jump to the conclusion that it’s Bigfoot mimicking a bird because, “birds Don’t chirp at night.” but actually, they do. you’ve got some birds that are nocturnal, but even the daytime birds will chirp here and there during the night. obviously they’re not as vocal as they are during the daytime, but you will hear random chirps at night. the ones by my house are super annoying, because they’ll start going off at 3am, like it’s daybreak. But anyway, my I’m not suggesting that that’s what happened with the guest hearing the birds at night, because obviously he had a lot of other BF activity to go along with it. but when he mentioned the birds, it just reminded me that a lot of people don’t realize that birds do chirp at night. knowlege is power lol 🐦🐥🦉

  3. Andrea H

    Looking forward to listening. I can’t help but wonder why these things have not busted into people’s homes looking for food (like raccoons and bears have been known to do). Maybe it is just a matter of time or maybe they already have been doing that and we don’t know it. We blame it on other things. 🤔

  4. Daniel M

    I live outside of Boone and work at the university. There is a professor that’s been researching them for years. he has a decent website explaining their findings, hypothesis, etc.

    I’ve dragged my wife and kids (mainly my oldest) to one of the two best viewing spots. A lot of folks go their, but can get random people and it’s secluded, so I am on my guard.

    After numerous visits I’ve never seen the lights, but know people who have. Once u was waiting and a massive light hit the horizon. I was shocked and asked the guy beside me, do they get this big? He deadpanned, that’s the moon. it’s was huge, but didn’t help my embarrassment much.

  5. Blanche D

    Thanks to Joesph for sharing his experiences. As for the lights, after listening to PC YouTube ai came up with some very, very spooky footage of lights on Brown Mountain. Very spooky indeed. Did I mention how spooky?

  6. Allen A

    Trump WH Reveals Drone Phenomenon Was Approved By Biden FAA & “This Was Not The Enemy”

    “The drones that were flying over New Jersey in large numbers were authorized to be flown by the FAA for research and various other reasons,’ says Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt.”

  7. Deborah S

    I live near Brown Mountain. The lights come in all colors with blue and purple being the rarest. This is also an area where UAP’s are often seen. There are rumors of an underground UAP base. I can’t confirm that. Just passing on ehat I have heard. There are many sightings of the “Big Guy.” The lights will follow the Ridgeline, follow the flows, and sometimes shoot straight up and then disappear. Some will change colors. If you Google Brown Mountain Lights you can see videos that people have taken.

  8. Venzulo

    I’m confused, he had a green laser pointed near the red “eyes” and they moved, but then what?!? I carry a green laser as well at night in the woods so I was intrigued to hear how he used it to light up the subject but he never mentioned it.
    And yes, birds will occasionally chirp at night, especially peak summer when it starts to get light out at 4:30am.

  9. david b

    I live about 5 miles from Linville gorge. Brown mountain is located on the east side of Linville mountain and the gorge. I have seen the lights countless of times. The Cherokee Indians have witnessed them since their early history. We dont know what causes these balls of light, many genius theories, but no hard evidence of their origin. They are a wonder of God’s creation, and they are a beautiful sight.

  10. Dominique P

    For explanations on these “orbs” , listen to John Vivanco on Rise TV on the web. Mr Vivanco is a renown remote viewer who has his company with a few reliable remote viewers in his team. He makes a living by advising corporation executives on what they need to figure out on their market, the future events affecting their corporations, etc. He has also advised US intelligence agencies. He is considered one of the best remote viewers on our planet. He explained orbs on Rise TV, sections on The Psychic Spy.

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