Feb 23

Extraterrestrials and Demons are they the same?

We are IF writes “When you study the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrials it’s not long before you run into the comments that aliens are in fact demons and they are here to further the agenda of their lord and master Satan.
I have for the longest time been avoiding this question but now I feel it is time to jump into let’s look into the ideas that Aliens and Demons One and the same?”

45 Responses to “Extraterrestrials and Demons are they the same?”

  1. Michael L


  2. Ryan L

    I think they definitely are one in the same. Today they’re doing exactly what the fallen angels did in Genesis 6, diluting the human genome through forced procreation.

    • pam

      I am really ,really thinking stringly, that they are one and the same!
      Demons can appear in almost any for, the Bible says ‘ transforming into beings of light’ not only meaning lighted, but light in the sense they are nice, wonderful helpful creature s!
      Satan wants to pull folks away from looking for God. Lying and cheating in any way possible is his thing.
      If aliens were “good” why do they abduct against your will; probe people scaring them to death, freak them out , even ‘ nice’ ones just mislead you….. tell you what you want to hear, make you feel special BECAUSE they talk to you!
      IF bigfoot is a part of this deception by demons, to pull people away, distract from finding God, or sow doubts, it would surely explain why the top brass military and govts. do not want it out to the public! Most people doubt the Bible! Never even open one or study it yet proclaim to be Christians
      Not to mention there’s a Satan , demons and people that are affected by them! They will believe in Nephilim. They believe in aliens from other worlds. They will believe there are giants;but demons loose on our world?

      If it were proven that all cryptids and aliens are projections by demonic forces; the world would be in chaos with nowhere to hide and no help from governments or men!

  3. brad b

    From our perspective and limited understanding we may perceive aliens as demonic entities but that doesn’t mean they are actual demons or somehow doing the bidding of Satan. They may certainly have nefarious intent for humanity — at least some, maybe not others — but that just makes them enemies with their own interests and motivations we may not comprehend. Demons are supernatural creatures and aliens seem to be physical beings rooted in the same reality as us plain old humans. Calling them demons calls back to a time when we were scientifically ignorant in many ways and everything was reflexively the work of “the Devil.” Different alien species may be evil in nature as we see it but without a lot more evidence it’s a stretch assuming they are actual demonic creatures.

  4. Derek H

    I feel that aliens specifically are not “Demons” as we use the term to mean disembodied spirits of the Nephilim. See Book of Enoch chapter 15. UFO’s are also too generally lumped in to the whole alien lump, which I feel is also muddies the waters of the topic. Some Unidentified Flying Objects, could be good angelic or just that, unknown, other dimensional rifts possibly. I do feel that the category of “aliens” as witnessed, vary greatly in appearances. Ephesians 2:2 talks about the Prince(commander) of the power of the air. My worldview leads me to believe that aliens are some sort of evil entity. How that realms hierarchy is arranged I do not know, but aliens fit somewhere at the bottom.

      • Debbie acrylic sand artist

        Matthew, you are correct. My brother at the age of 5 I think witness an alien outside
        looking into his bedroom window. Whitley Strieber Communion book, the large eyed alien
        on the books cover, that is what he witness looking at him.
        Years later when he was 30 years old, I bought the book Communion. My brother look at the alien
        painting on the cover of the book. He said that thing has followed me from time to time.
        Like one does when checking up on how you are doing, like a lab rat is how he described it.

          • Debbie acrylic sand artist

            Matthew, he keeps to himself. Doesn’t share with anyone else what he witness.
            Where he saw the alien looking at him from his bedroom window, from that point forward his bedroom window never allowed the sunlight to enter. He kept his shades down. Tape the shades to his wall. Close off the curtains so they would never open. My brother hate looking at it’s big almond black eyes. I ask him if he thought it was evil/demonic?
            He said they are not of our world.

        • Charles R

          I have had same experience, except I was younger, 2, maybe 3 as I was still in a crib but could walk and run and talk. It was in my bedroom against the outer wall and talked to me telepathically, but I can not remember what it said. Scared me pretty good and ran to my parents. Of course it was gone when they checked out my room. Experiences followed up until about age of 40 now matter where I lived. It was also when I read Communion around 1990, I began to get a grasp on what it was. It really does not bother me much and will talk about it briefly if the subject come up. I may have an implant as from time to time my right ear would emit an very very high frequency noise for up to 20 seconds. Sometimes that would lead to what may have been visits at night, more often not. The last time this happened was 3 years ago while watching tv with my wife. My wife wondered what that crazy high pitched noise was she could hear. It freaked her out more than me and confirmed my life long experiences, although it had been 20 years since the last time. Also next to me on the end table was a touch light. At that moment all 3 lights of it went out and the lamp never worked again.

          I heard Whitley Strieber on C2CAM last year and he talked about his implant as almost a badge of honor and something he had grown to like. He also noted of the high pitch frequency it emitted from time to time like happens with me. He also noted that he had wrinkles develop on the left side of his face years before the right side and attributed this to his implant. I thought my gosh, as this happened to me exactly.

          I do believe that demons are separate from aliens. Why would a demon need a transmedia UFO to move about? We know demons from ancient text to modern times are pure evil that mean harm. I am not sure aliens are evil, but they seem to treat us mostly as lab rats and for what purpose? And why the many thousands of cattle mutilation’s where all blood and some reproductive organs are taken? And what about the constant every summer extravagant geometric crop circles that seem to have a message, and some clearly do? I do not know the answers, but will continue to seek.

          • Debbie acrylic sand artist

            Charles R,
            I am glad you too understand the difference between demons and aliens.
            My brother, he had many visits from three different kinds of aliens throughout
            his childhood up to adult. Days before he left for Vietnam war 1968, ha had one more
            alien visit. My brother’s job in Vietnam was wastewater management.
            When he was released after serving his time in country, my brother had two more visits
            from the aliens. The visits have stop completely.

        • Lisa B

          Debbie, I have something that has followed me as your brother describes too, that checks up on him. I have always thought of my experiences as demonic but I’ve had some people say it’s an alien. I haven’t seen anything, it’s just physical feelings. It torments me not knowing what it is.

  5. Denise F

    It’s hard to believe it could be just a coincidence, how much the two have in common.

    There was an encounter told by a police officer of getting called out (911 emergency call came from the location) to an abandoned home. He is confronted by a dark entity or mass in the house. The encounter seemed paranormal, dark and ghostly until the next day when he is threatened by the MIB. Everything that happened afterward was typical alien cover-up.

    These encounters leave me feeling like it has to be related.
    Actually, it is a scary thought that everything they cover-up could be related.

  6. Matthew W

    The MIB probably are tasked to take care of various things, other than aliens. If there is some military or spook project that goes South, they get the call. Who knows what other things they get involved with.
    I have certain Christian friends that see demons in almost everything. They think that seeing so many demons or labeling so many things as demonic is helping them to be better christians, so it goes on and on. I think they are just paranoid and driving themselves crazy.

  7. juan s

    Long story short… these “aliens” fear and submit to the authority of the name of Jesus Christ. “Alien” abductions have been stopped multiple times by born again Christians who are living a repentant life that call upon the name of Jesus. That should tell you everything you need to know about what these “aliens” truly are.

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