I could lose hours of my life watching “Rambro” – Wes
Sasquatch Chronicles Blog
37 Responses to “Watch: Angry ram vs rider He’s back & angrier than ever”
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I could lose hours of my life watching “Rambro” – Wes
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Gabriel H
Oh god. It hurts. No. No more. My side. oww
Just seeing the high tech way the camera is attached to the ram started me crying!
Stephen M
Was Bigfoot laughing while watching from the wood line?
Scott B
You are a Baaaaaaaaaaaad sheep!!!!
Norman Racca
Sasquatch is raising some very aggressive Sheep these days!
He needs to keep his Guard Ram on a leach or someone will get hurt.
lol @ Wes…….Rambro! You can tell by the sound he makes while you watch his Go-Pro that he is f’n serious, haha!
No animals were harmed during the filming of this video, unfortunately we cannot say as much for the motorcycles!
Gail R
The best bit is when the guy grabs that little branch as if it’s going to be any protection against a hard headed ram with that much attitude!
Farrell Stormcrow
WAY too funny
Go Ram gooooo!!!!
Victoria A
And don’t come back!!!!
Aw man Rambro has anger for days. Must have been raised in an angry pasture with a baaaaaad daddy and mommy sheeps
Kim G
Ramma lamma ding dong
jourdan i
Wes shares the best stuff. Awesome
Michael K
More dancing Monkeys Wes. =)
Damn, guess it’s just me, but that SOB could really hurt somebody if they met up in the wrong place at the wrong speed, if it attacked me I’d find a big thick branch and beat the living daylights out of it.
rubin c
rubin c
william g
My God, that’s the best laugh I’ve had in awhile!
Patrick W
Are you kidding me? Get it?
Andrew B
Where do I buy me one of these Ram-Cams ?
Deborah P
I accept your delicious bread and now I WILL KICK YOUR ARSE!
Thank you for the sheep nuts NOW I WILL KICK YOUR ARSE!
The Go Pro camera is a most welcome gift AND NOW I WILL KICK YOUR ARSE!
Scott A
That is too funny! No need for sharp teeth and claws, just a pair of horns and a hard head. What is the ram guarding? Very territorial. This is preferable to a Sasquatch throwing the man’s bike in a tree.
Monica L
Ben & Mel N
Comedy GOLD!!! You shall not pass!!!! LOL LOL HAHAHAHA