Sep 20

Video Of Something Taken in Massachusetts

A listener writes “Hey buddy, l came across some great footage of a sasquatch in Massachusetts that if you haven’t seen, you need to check out. Slow the video speed and zoom in on it–probably the best footage of a bigfoot moving quickly.”

The person who took the footage goes by “Bilbo Swaggins” on YouTube and writes “I was testing out the depth of field on my new camera by filming a patch of leaves in the lincoln woods wildlife reserve in Leominster, MA and immediately I heard a noise a few hundred feet behind me. After that I saw something at 0:16 and I still cant explain what it was.”

I have not seen this footage before (I don’t think anyways) I might have to slow it down for a better look. Here is a link to open it outside of the app:

8 Responses to “Video Of Something Taken in Massachusetts”

  1. Candice W

    It’s funny I found this video approximately 6 years ago when I got into this topic..I could not see what they were talking about because I had no idea of the speed that these beings can move at!!! Now I’ve seen them with my own eyes here in Massachusetts

  2. Virginia S

    Don’t know who would put their child in an ape suit and have them running through the forest🤔
    There was a distinct knock coming from right, off screen, and this subject running in that direction. It’s as though Mama was telling Junior to come to her because a human was in that area..
    They’re definitely here in Massachusetts and all of New England.

    • Jeff B

      How can we tell the height of the subject without anything in the background without anything for scale? You could use the trees but then you have to take into account hills, the size of trees etc. Even if you know the species and age of the tree it’s not a for sure thing because trees can grow faster or slower depending on the soil. There’s a lot of variables. Woods knocks are the easiest to fake to.

      I’m always of suspicious of youtube videos that suddenly end when the action seems to be ramping up but you never get a good look at the creature.

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