Aug 29

The Indigenous People of America

The indigenous peoples of the Americas are the pre-Columbian peoples of North, Central and South America and their descendants.

Although some indigenous peoples of the Americas were traditionally hunter-gatherers—and many, especially in the Amazon basin, still are—many groups practiced aquaculture and agriculture. The impact of their agricultural endowment to the world is a testament to their time and work in reshaping and cultivating the flora indigenous to the Americas. Although some societies depended heavily on agriculture, others practiced a mix of farming, hunting and gathering.

2 Responses to “The Indigenous People of America”

  1. m99

    When Pilgrims showed up in the ‘New World’, the Iroquois Federation was already in place, forming a government of five or more national tribes of people. The peoples of the East coast and New England areas had cultivated the landscape with agriculture and beauty. Once they peoples were destroyed (by idiots and fools) and moved or killed, the landscape changed and the Maple trees took over. Think of that when you hear people bragging about “Leaf Peeping” in New England.

  2. Lisa B

    This was a great documentary, thanks Wes for sharing it. We should never forget the past, although I’m struggling with 18 times a year, up to 60 at a time, sacrificed. Mind blowing!

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