A listener writes “I live in Truckee Ca, northern Sierra mountains at about 6,000 ft elevation. I’ve lived here about 24 years and am an outdoor enthusiast, both winter and the other three seasons (snow sports are my physical passion).
From 2010 to 2014 I lived in Woodland Washington and frequented the Saint Helens area, the zones around there are much more wild than back here in the Sierras. No unusual stories there except for one time feeling extremely creeped out and my seven-year-old son requesting we leave immediately.
Anyways, I’ve always done my best to be an open minded person. Personally, I think we know a fraction of reality especially considering today’s materialistic consumer societal mindset. I live within a couple minute walk of many miles worth of national forest land and spend an average of probably 200 days per year walking in that area with my dog, snow and dry weather. It is fairly well traveled, less in winter time.
While out a couple weeks ago I came across some tracks that puzzled me, as well as my son, 16 (zero interest in the subject). I am very familiar with snowshoe tracks, boot tracks, all local animals such as bear, coyote, bobcat, big cat etc.
I was following some, what I assumed to be boot tracks in the dark with my dog in the lead when I for some reason studied one I was about to step in, I actually did step on the heel of it. When I turned my light on I noticed it looked as if it had toe indentations and a smooth rolled over arch, kind of hard to explain.
I took photos that moment and then returned the next night to take more and see if I could tell where they led. There were other tracks around however they were in the sun without a fresh snowfall for about 10 days. The previous week had been unusually warm so things had melted and inverted indentations. The photos I took happened to be perfectly positioned within the terrain to receive minimal sunlight, the area with the potential toes having the least.”

The northern Sierra mountains are all around my area.
I have no doubt those are bigfoot foot prints.
Ron S
avila, I can’t wait to see your pictures:)
Charles R
This track does not appear to be much if any bigger than your boot track. It could well be a youngster Bigfoot track. Thanks for the pic and glad that you studied it to affirm an arch and thus the mid tarsal break. Perhaps you have a family group around this area and new evidence will reveal itself.