Mar 7

Strange Sounds From The Stanislaus National Forest

Stanislaus National Forest is a U.S. National Forest which manages 898,099 acres of land in four counties in the Sierra Nevada in Northern California. It was established on February 22, 1897, making it one of the oldest national forests. It was named after the Stanislaus River.

A listener writes “Back in September 2023, me and my buddies recorded audio in the Stanislaus national forest of California. We believe that it is possibly a pair of Sasquatch’s. If you would like to hear the audio, I can send it over to you and you can possibly have it looked at and analyzed.”


Take a listen

7 Responses to “Strange Sounds From The Stanislaus National Forest”

  1. Christina S

    I heard that same sound at my friends cabin near Arnold, CA in Sept 2023. It was in the distance but the sounds were exactly what these guys heard in this video. It seemed to go on for over an hour and had these long stretch of sound that made you wonder!!

  2. Charles R

    I don’t think these are coyotes, although there may be one or a dog interspersed in the recording. It would be better if they just recoreded and saved the comments for the end. This is very close to the single scream I heard around 2am, July 4 time frame of 2011 while on the deck of my sisters lake cabin on Round Lake, Iosco County, MI. It was so loud I thought at first someone had an amplified speaker on there deck blasting it out over the lake. What happened next though changed that thought into knowing it was a Bigfoot.

  3. Maria G

    like I said if these two ass-clowns would shut tf up maybe we could hear it. ppl be quiet while recording and when you are listening to it again after recording then give your play by play analysis..ugh

  4. Gary R

    I live in the Stanislaus ntl forest. Very cool to see this posted. I haven’t ever heard these sounds. I’ll be listening for them now tho. I have heard howls in the distance. What I heard sounded more like the Ohio howls. Here, closer to the house I’ve heard sounds like roosters going off at 3am., cows, even a donkey once. All in the wee hours. I’m often up then because I need to change my husbands IV bag between 3 & 4 am. In the warmer months, I like to stand at the open slider and just listen to the different sounds. Sometimes it’s silent & sometimes there’s all kinds of activity going on. I’ve come to find my little ritual of standing & listening at the slider in the lonely hours of darkness, calming. Addie

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