May 7

Strange noises!

I have heard coyotes and foxes make some strange noises, while I am on the fence of this being a coyote it is strange none the less. Anthony Martin posted this video on the Sasquatch Chronicles Fans! Page. The YouTuber writes “Finally got to hear what all the fuss was about on the Umatilla Indian Reservation! Strange noises coming from the woodlands behind the projects

The Youtuber mentions the “Umatilla Indian Reservation.” What is different about these sounds is if you listen after the third gun shot goes off, the creatures vocalizations change and sounds like it is yelling.


Stucks Wells from the page posted a link showing known coyote sounds.


11 Responses to “Strange noises!”

  1. Steven B

    Sounds more “hyena-like” or jackal than yodel dog – but this is America and not Africa. IF it is coyote, it is definitely one with a very strange vocalization. Doesn’t sound like fox either.

    Steve, Rio Grande Valley TX

  2. Tristene M

    I find myself saying out loud ” don’t do it!!!” Just like in those B horror movies where the monster’s behind the door and they open it anyway….-_-

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