May 6

Upcoming Thursday Nights Show

Thursday nights show will feature two guests. My first guest talks about moving to a property and having rocks thrown at her house and how one night the creature came up too close to the side of the house and knocked over a ladder. The witnesses boyfriend ran out of the house with a gun in his hand and moments later came running back into the house. He said “I do not know what that was but the thing was 9-10ft tall and covered in hair, walking on two feet like a man……I am not going after it.” The second witness had two encounters but his first encounter was very interesting. He did not believe in Sasquatch and said they ran into what he thought was a “hermit in the woods…he was 8ft tall, covered in hair and walked through thorn bushes like it was nothing”

19 Responses to “Upcoming Thursday Nights Show”

  1. Tyler D

    I’m sure it’ll be an amazing show. Thank you for giving us great shows week after week Wes. Honestly it’s the highlight of my day to go to SC to see what new things are posted. Keep it up man, great stuff

  2. ron n

    The more encounters that I hear/read about the less I want to be around the forest and I like to be around trees and rivers!
    What concerns me a lot about this animal is how easily it could just pick a child up and kill the child or anybody for that matter
    and the terror that the victim must feel in their last moments!It angers me to no end that the government intimidates and or threatens
    people who try to warn others how potentially dangerous this animal can be.It also makes me feel sad that the government doesn’t just acknowledge that this thing exists so that those who have been traumatized by their encounters can at least move past being invalidated
    and stop being ridiculed,truly sad!

  3. William O

    Wes, Thank you for continually providing us Saschroners with fresh, new, and, most importantly, INTERESTING content on a weekly basis……wow that was a lot of commas in there.

  4. Mary W

    I attend tribal cerrimonial gathering and there has been frequient observations and encounters with bfs. For the first time I’m more than a little concerned to attend the spring ceremonies in Ontario .

  5. Pat T

    Just want to thank those who are brave enough to come on this show and risk ridicule. It does say a lot about Wes as a person that people feel comfortable in sharing their encounters and I hope more would come forward and let us know what has happened. With out your stories this show would not exist so thanks again to you all and Wes for the hard work you put in to getting these individuals to come on.

  6. Joni

    As always SC Can’t wait sitting here in SC with all this tropical system coming in , It will be Raining for a few day’s
    Yuk…. napping weather ..or play some online poker =)
    Hope everyone is having a nice week !!!
    Ok some thing weird: a lady had an accident on a rural road. The car went into a ditch,she got out left her coat, purse key’s etc…in car then went about 30 ‘ inside forest went up a hunters old tree stand,this was in Feb, below freezing ,She stayed there and died ! Froze to death.
    She was not the only one either a man has done same thing but different time… just found out about the man . The news people even said it was weird. Wondering now if there is any more…

  7. tom p

    Congrats Wes on 100 !! I’ve been listening since the good old days(pre Sasquatch Chronicles)! You know when my favorite co host Woody was on the show! Just letting you know that I do look forward to Sunday nights and any other “bonus” shows I can listen too. It’s a lot leaner show now with just you as host and I like it but it would be good to have Woody back sometime. You guys remind me of my brother and I. This is by far my favorite podcast so thanks again!!

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