Jan 3

SC EP:180 Scary night in the Adirondacks


Join me tonight as I speak to Joe. Joe is a skilled hunter and trapper and shares his encounter with us when he was deep in the Adirondacks

Joe writes ” I have been a hunter and trapper my whole life. I have ran into every wildlife known to man in that area but what I ran into that night changed my life. I was in a very remote location, so remote that I spent all day kayaking to get into my spot. I thought the first night was bad hearing something bang on tree’s most of the night but the following night was much worse. This “thing” was around my camp most of the night and when it roared at me I was terrified. Wes I have never heard anything like this before, it roared at me like a lion and was shaking the bushes like an ape would do. I prayed for daylight. The next morning I found human like tracks that were 15 inches long next to my tent. I had to leave. There is so much more to the story but it was scary…”



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50 Responses to “SC EP:180 Scary night in the Adirondacks”

    • Tyler D

      Great idea Paul, Wes you’re a master of your craft my friend. I’ve been busting my ass, working long shifts to go on the trip to east texas with the Big Thicket Crew. That will be one amazing trip. I know it will be one of the best experiences of my life

  1. Rich A

    Looking forward to whatever you got for us there Mr Wes. All the best for you and the SC team. Feeling like I’m gonna get sappy so ill quit before I do man.

  2. Jay Carlsen

    Great Account Joe ! I have worked up & down the Adirondacks , doing Seismograph. Beautiful Country !
    And EASY CHEETAH ! Not So Fast ! Though I Hope it wasn’t My Comment that made you Second Guess Yourself . I Only thought It should Be Planned Out . That You Prepare yourself for What you find it to Be after it is Dead. & have the Game Plan to deal with the Carcass . How to get it out. What Venue to bring it out to .
    The One I think of is the Guy Who shot one that was in a Tree . After the Male stood up from behind the Bush. He then told the Department of Natural Resources & they sent someone to investigate on Thanksgiving ? Who told him to expect others to Contact Him. Your Buddy’s those Guy’s ….. You Know ? The One is a Dirty Biker & the other one a Bank Teller ?
    Plus check into Local Law , I would Hate to have to find a Different Show because you are Stuck In Prison.

  3. Papa - Yeti

    Joe, from the Encounter I have listened to, and the Encounters of Maine that happened pre –Victorian era, I have to conclude that the Sasquatch in the region are extremely hostile and very angry of human infringement upon their remote wild territory. You where very fortunate to have come out alive, being you were in there that deep and were alone. I am sure that if you provoked that creature or shot at it, that you very well man never have seen again. I am not an authority the reports tell these are very angry and hostile Sasquatch in that region.
    Here is the Victorian era violent encounter I was referring to Joe.

    ►1826. ◄ ►►The Mountain Katodin Maine Incident ◄ ► 1800s’ Mayhem ~ Ripped into pieces and half eaten scattered remains, Decapitations ~ The fur trapper was thrown 18 feet high up and bashed upon the massive conifer trees ◄ ►Sasquatch is murderous, cannibalistic, every territorial, adulterous, and mean as all hell. ◄
    ►1855. July of 1855: ►New York State: A large number of huge skeletons were up to 8 feet tall.

    ►1826 ► Mount Katodin Maine has been the region where numerous Sasquatch encounter have occurred some encounters cave been Sasquatch encounters of the ‘Sixth’ ‘Kind’ which is where Deaths have occurred, Mount Katodin, Maine is the high point of both Mystery and great beauty of life. It is also the Wilderness area where deaths have occurred in the past, due to brutal gory Sasquatch Attacks.

    ►►►Death ►The American Indians of this region fear the Wildman of the forest, which they call “Pomoola”. It was in this era in the 1800s’ in which the story of a missing fur Trapper was told. The Fur Trapper had been working the era when he was found dead near a wild stream, his body had been found badly mangled and all of his bones were found broken. His remains were not like those killed by mountain lions or bears. As blood bone and brain matter had been found 12 feet high upon a nearby tree, as if he had been picked up and beaten against the tree repeatedly, smashed upon the tree.

    ►Many years later as Loggers ventured into the wilderness era, reports were made of about the horrific event about gigantic hairy wild men who had as a small grouped attacked their logging camp, crashing down huge granite boulders and throwing huge up rooted trees, raining down upon the logging camp.

    ►As some of the from a nearby camp discovered the remains of the Loggers, their camp destroyed and the bodies of the loggers were torn into pieces, half eaten and remains strewn about decaying. The Loggers learned a hard fact that it appears the tales by the local Native American that the tales of horror done upon them by the Wild hairy Men were well warranted. ◄End

  4. Leah G

    Great show- all the way up there and out there in God’s country with no weapon–scary.

    Regarding the Texas expeditions I wonder if any participants are actually government agents……if so, what would they be after? Be prepared for what info. you will and will not share- I think it may be worth a chat with Bob’s lawyer for some advice.

    Happy happy 2016 to all!

  5. darren w

    I live in Washington and am planning a trip into the Gifford Pinchot national forest this summer. I want to know where in Washington it is that Wes was saying people go missing alot..?

  6. Jane M

    Great show. I know you already work countless hours, but would there be a way to ever do question answers on a particular show? Thanks for all your hard work. I’m hoping to drag my skeptical husband out to Bob Garret’s retreat! Just don’t want to be carried away by a giant ape!

  7. David D

    Thanks, Wes. This was a really good story, and it reminds me of some that I read quite a few years ago, even when the big hairy ones were the furthest thing from my mind. When you’re alone like he was, really alone, you have to by necessity, keep your wits about you. Nothing else will do, when in a situation like that. He did what was correct, and kept himself safe-to the best of his ability, considering the circumstances he found himself in at that time. I’ll just wager, that the next time he ventures out, he will be armed to the teeth. Maybe, that’s one of the reasons the early first nations peoples, found repeating rifles so appealing; who knows. I’m glad he made it out on his own, and in one piece. Could have ended in a very different scenario! Thanks again for the great show. Oh, one of those old stories I mentioned; it was about a back-woodsmen, trapper, hunter, etc. Someone from his past told him to always carry a long, light weight, sturdy pole with himself, whenever he had to cross a frozen body of water.; it saved his life when one day he fell through the ice! My point is, even a good stout stick can be an aversion to something bigger than ourselves. I think it’s the whole, walk softly-carry a big stick thing. (HA)!

  8. David D

    P.S. Sounds like Mr. Papa Yeti, has done his home work! It would not surprise me one bit, if our Govt. has a facility somewhere, where they collect the remains of these beings; study, research, etc. If you all want a really good read, try Frank Perittis, “Monster”. Good food for thought!! I believe he nailed it!’

  9. Tim W

    It’s easy to talk about shooting one but, as we have learned, there is usually more than one and you are very likely to wind up dead as well. How do you get something out of the woods that could be a thousand pounds? How do you take it public without the Feds confiscating the body? I don’t see how it will be possible to prove it’s existence even with a body.

  10. mark a

    Joe: listening to your story and your situation (alone up the creek….. with out a weapon?) I put myself in your situation, and I have to say you scared me bad!, like make the pee come out! I live in Alaska I hunt, fish, run rivers, exploring deep in to the mountains, while I have been with in spiting distance of large brown bears, and huge moose with less than poor tempers. Im not afraid to be in the woods for extended periods, I do however have a healthy respect for the big hairy things that we have bumped in to in the past. I know several people here that go off alone into that far off beautiful wilds, to hunt, fish, prospect, ect. just like you. I look back over the many trips I have been on and try as I may, I can not imagine doing any of them alone, or with out being armed. and on top of that you are approached multiple times by a rather large Sasquatch! greeting you and making sure your stay was a memorable one. Hats off to you sir, glad you made it out alive …………… balls of steel.

  11. Gordon D

    Wes what happens when someone takes a specimen and proves what you already know ? There then an edangered Species act for an Animal that is Thriving ! They dont need our prtection , No More than Mike Tyson needs Pewee Hermans protection in the Hood ! You will have to get Govt Permit to setp into your own Backyard . The Govt Obviously know these things are real ! ! ! And one day when they feel it best fits their agenda they will make it know ! And everbody who dosent live in their Locked dwn controlled cities ? Will be ran off the land sent to the cities !

  12. Debbie C

    The TV show, “Finding Bigfoot”…
    I like watching the show but
    they really need help finding Bigfoot!
    My question, would any of you who have witness this animal contact
    “Finding Bigfoot” and share your experiences,
    your proof with them that Sasquatch is in deed real?

  13. kenneth p

    great encounter. great interview. But, for the record, we do have mountain lions in NY. I have a picture of an adolescent mountain lion sitting on my friend’s back deck looking through his patio sliding doors watching his small dog eat. The picture was taken in 2009 near Elmira in the southern tier. That’s close to a hundred fifty miles away, but if we have them in the southern part of the state I am sure that they are also in the mountains up north. They have been spotted from time to time in central NY also. just an fyi

  14. craig d

    No LS? So if one walked into your house and got it on with your hamster you would be like welcome? It’s their home out there and if they don’t want you around move on and find a place with no activity.
    You really have a bloodthirsty attitude.
    Should all creatures who are potentially dangerous be killed?

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