Jan 18

SC EP:1123 Animal’s walking like great apes

Gene writes “I was around 13 or 14. It was about the third weekend of November. I know this because I was deer hunting. We were on land belonging to Peabody coal company in Muhlenberg county. At that time was 62,000 acres of reclaimed coal land.

It was around 4 pm. I was standing in a field looking north, my father had went down a holler to the west of me. I heard my father shoot three times. This was strange because he always shot once and a deer was down. I then moved to the mouth of the holler to see if any deer would be running my direction. I then started to hear people talking, I could not understand what was being said, but I could hear it. I thought well dad is talking to someone and has killed a deer. I proceeded to head down the holler to help him.The holler was open hard woods and you could see a long ways, except for right at the bottom where a intermediate stream was.

I got about 50 yards from the brush when two animals busted out of it running straight at me. They were covered with long reddish brown hair about three inches long and were knuckle walking like a great ape. They were about four feet at the shoulder and their hips were lower than their shoulders and knees. Their faces were flat and I saw no ears.They were chattering to each other or something else and that was the voices I heard “talking”. While at this time in my life I did believe in Bigfoot, since my father was a long haul truck driver and another truck driver had claimed a Bigfoot had run behind my dads truck near the Kentucky-Tennessee line, but for me Bigfoot was single creature that walked up right. Anyway, these two animals are running straight at the 13/14 year old me and I do not know what they are.I yank my 30:06 rifle up and fire. I do not think I even aimed, just shot towards them. When I did this there was a big noise behind me and I remember thinking “ they have me surrounded” I spun around to defend myself and saw a squirrel running up a hickory tree right beside me. I spun back around to the threat I knew and they had already crossed the brush bottom and was halfway up the ridge on the other side and I shot at them once more as they run off. They very fast.

Once I meet up with my father, he confirmed that he had also shot at these creatures, but was shook up enough to have missed three times. We tried to convince ourselves that these were some sort of wolf and lived under that delusion for many years, until I began studying primates on an academic level, did I let myself believe what I know to be true all along.One thing that scares me to this day is the thought of were they chattering to each other or to mom or dad that was near by that I never saw. I have hunted that area since I was 12 and I just turned 50 this year and I have never set foot in that holler again.”





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49 Responses to “SC EP:1123 Animal’s walking like great apes”

  1. Mark A

    In my opinion, the accuracy of rock throwing is more than aim. With the abilities these creatures are capable of , I would bet that they have some sort of control of the rocks thrown even after they are thrown. Wanted to make a comment on these orbs that are getting a lot of attention. I’m my opinion, I would call them Orbs of conscienceness able to carry a subject in it’s quantum molecular state.


    Great show Wes! I wonder if Gene’s dad went into detail with him about what he had actually seen or if something in particular occurred with his dad that caused his dad to shoot. Enjoyed listening. Thank you, Gene!

  3. Jackie K

    Kevi.n P you and I. First thing I thought was Daddy won’t you take me back to mulenburg county diwn by the green river where paradise lays. I’m sorry my son but you are too late in asking, Mr Peabidy’s coal train has hauled it away. I feel like that should have been the song for this episode.

  4. Russell B

    Sasquatch is a creature that is a creation by God. Evolution is a theory never proven. The Nephalem is a creature from inbred angels. We are humans created by God we did not evolve from an ape

  5. Tim K

    Wes, nice choice of music at end.. if it’s not too much trouble would you mind answering back with who it is remaking from the band (posion song SWEET CHILD OF MINE)?
    Thank you!

  6. Chad W

    Thanks Wes, and thanks Gene, for sharing your experiences and your understanding of these creatures. This is a mystery that I hope is solved at some point, but I’ve been hoping for that for over 50 years, literally. Sometimes I think this mystery almost seems ‘unsolvable’, if that’s even a word.

  7. Kevin S

    Tim K… Just started listening, but ill see if i can identify who’s covering the GUNS N ROSES song… hahaha… im a loser with way too much music trivia knowledge.

    i dig the acoustic Blinding Light cover at the beginning… but the best continues to be the Young Guns theme and Tron Legacy intros.

    Wes has great taste in music.

  8. James G

    Gene sounds like a smart educated guy. I also have advanced degrees including a BS and Master of Science in the biological sciences. In my decades of experience working persons dealing with the scientific method, most all cannot get past the “unmeasurable” aspects of some phenomena. Gene for instance, can discard experiences even his own, one he briefly mentions when questioned by Wes, because his training and societal conditioning will not allow it. Gene also is clear to label these beings as animals over and over. In my experience, these beings are far from animals. to label a Giganto, a traditional bamboo eater, because his educational biases prevent him from taking the logical steps he needs to take to expand his knowledge on this topic. When you build roadblocks on your pathways of knowledge, your ball then fails to continue moving down the field. IMHO, that is when the ball is still on the 5 yd line post PG.

  9. David H

    Wes, I just want to thank you. For being the one who listens, the one who asks questions, the one who loves what he does. Happy new year to you. May it be blessed, safe, and loving. Keep on keeping on Brother!

  10. Ken A

    There is only gigantopithicus, which is BLACKI. An anthropologist would know that.
    Trapezoid are geometrical figures. Trapezius are the muscles on the side of the neck.

  11. richard r

    i cant understand bigfoot unless i put a spiritual aspect to it .what it is and all. makes perfect sense to me that way. a lot of people want to put it in a humanistic way but cant explain where it comes from. you’ll go crazy trying to explain all the weird stuff it can do.

  12. Melissa W

    As far as I can find, there are only three recognized species of Gigantopithecus: G. blacki (the largest and most well-known), G. giganteus (a smaller species), and G. bilaspurensis (the earliest known). If anyone knows of others, I’d love to hear about them!

  13. Charles R

    That was a great experiment Gene with the apple and orange, thinking off the cuff. A driver say a Bigfoot cross the I-75 at the base of Jelico Mtn. A decade ago a driver saw one early morning standing on the gravel portion of the I-75 in Kentucky although north of Lexington, close to the Williamstown area. A couple of times I pulled off at the top of Jelico Mtn turnout and yelled some whoops and did tree knocks – no response of course. Really liking the show so far.

    • Charles R

      There is a story about Davey Crockett while he was traveling to the Alamo in East Texas that came upon a Bigfoot type creature that sent him a telepathic message, I forget the message, but it was about the danger he may be in and/or he should not go on. Then the creature just disappeared . He penned this account in a letter to his brother in law. I too am in the Giganto group (and certainly could be far from right) as either an ancestor or off shoot. Im not sure about the North American specie eating bamboo, which only grows in our south east for the most part. Never heard this version of Sweet Child of Mine.

  14. MEGAN H

    I tried to look into the Gigantopithecus claim Gene made, and I also only found G. blacki. However, I did find one result by searching “extinct hominim garhi”: Australopithecus garhi. I don’t know if this is what Gene meant, or if he’s getting different relic hominids mixed up.

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