Is the mystery of Bigfoot’s existence finally solved?
One Centralia College professor said he has discovered scientific evidence that proves the creature’s existence.
He believes the information will be one of the biggest scientific finds of the century.
Mitchel Townsend, a Winlock resident and teacher in the college’s Continuing Education program, said he was walking through the woods near Ryan Lake in East Lewis County when he came across a stack of bones. The find itself was unusual since predators typically disperse remains rather quickly, he said. Upon further inspection, he noticed large human-like teeth imprints in the bones.
“I got to looking at the bones and they had been gnawed on by what looked to me to be giant human teeth,” he said.
After two of his students from Lower Columbia College found two more stacks of bones on the south side of Mount St. Helens, he said it became clear the “kill sites” were similar in a variety of ways. The bone stacking technique is specific to a humanoid and was cited as human behavior, he said.
Again, human-like teeth imprints were notched into the bones.
No predator impressions or tool marks were found on the remains, and after consulting with the Department of Fish and Wildlife, Townsend said, all natural predators in the area were ruled out.
The two additional sites located by his students shed more light on the creature responsible for the activity.
The trio found footprints with a length of 16 inches, he claims. Height, weight and proportion calculations, paired with the length of the stride between steps, conferred the creature had to be about 8 feet, 8 inches tall. Although the footprints looked human, they had a much wider and broader profile and did not have an arch.
“If you add it all up, you have an 8-foot, 8-inch tall creature that is killing animals at different areas of Mount St. Helens with its bare hands, chewing them up, literally skin and bones and all, and spitting them out between its legs,” Townsend said.
The teeth marks in the bone show what Townsend said were impressions of incisors and canines, but 90 percent of the teeth were beyond “the range of human possibility.” As for the mouth size, the bite ratio was calculated at 2 1/2 times wider than that of a person.
The bones also showed dental signatures and different human chewing strategies from ancient caveman, including bone peeling, he said.
“The bottom line is only humans do that because of the shape of our teeth and the shape of our jaw so we have to gnaw on the edge of (the bone),” Townsend said.
A double arch structure also showed the teeth were closely related to the Neanderthals, and the molars left triangular impressions as opposed to circular impressions an ape or chimpanzee would leave, he said.
The evidence is what the professor said was forensic dental evidence and behavioral evidence showing the massive creature is part human. His discovery aims to prove there is in fact a hominin species living in the area of Mount St. Helens that derived from the breeding of Native Americans and a giant ape.
“My theory is it’s not an ape, it’s a hybrid that has been interbreeding with Native Americans for the last 80,000 years,” Townsend said. “That’s why it is so smart and it has human teeth.”
Townsend’s information will be published in a research paper, and he challenges the scientific community to discredit his information. He said the four-year project helped solve the mystery because the focus was based on forensic evidence. The information used was also heavily based on comparison proof from the top scientists in the world.
“The evidence stands on its own, you prove the evidence wrong,” he said, adding that the bones would be made available for examination to any scientist who wanted to examine the remains. “. We’ve put thousands of hours in this. We just want to give this to the world and the scientific community free of charge to add to the scientific body of knowledge.”
caroline v
awesome! great find!
Rod C
Interesting. Wonder what animal the bones were from? Elk? BF?
Gabriel H
welly welly welly welly welly welly well then… 🙂
Brian M
The guy in question is JohnnyDagger, Bigfoot Tracker
Christopher c
Carol S
A lot of supposition paraded as fact here.
– The bone stacking technique is specific to a humanoid and was cited as human behavior, he said.(We have known examples of humanoid stacking techniques on record?)
-“I got to looking at the bones and they had been gnawed on by what looked to me to be giant human teeth,” he said. (Does this guy teach dentral forensics?)
-No predator impressions or tool marks were found on the remains, and after consulting with the Department of Fish and Wildlife, Townsend said, all natural predators in the area were ruled out. (Predator impressions?? Who ruled out natural predators; DFW or the professor? )
-If you add it all up, you have an 8-foot, 8-inch tall creature that is killing animals at different areas of Mount St. Helens with its bare hands, chewing them up, literally skin and bones and all, and spitting them out between its legs,” Townsend said. (Spitting it out between it’s legs…where did that conclusive leap come from? Article should read: IF I ADD IT UP,because unfortunately that is what he is doing and not doing well.)
I could go on, but I feel like a negative Nancy douche bag pointing this out. I know these things exist but this guy is applying sloppy pseudo science to an already maligned research subject and making the real researchers look foolish. Science isn’t required to prove HIS evidence wrong, he needs to present actual evidence to prove his hypothesis right.
-steps off soap box, head hung low…
Janet B
Hold your head up Carol….you did an excellent job of shooting this stuff full of holes….I was thinking exactly what you’ve
said as I read it myself.
Thanks for your insight.
Chad W
I’m with Janet and agree with you as well Carol. I too was more than a little perplexed by the between-the-legs statement. Unless something was left out to support that conclusion (footprints on either side of the pile that show the creature was stationary or evidence that it was sitting) it’s a very peculiar thing to say and absolute conjecture. If this is indeed factual and a legitimate discovery it would be a shame to have it presented in such a fashion. This topic already has such a stigma attached to it that puts even the most concrete and well documented evidence on the chopping block leaving no room for anything less than solid facts. Implying anything less than that leaves one open to ridicule and scrutiny.
travis r
“I got to looking at the bones and they had been gnawed on by what looked to me to be giant human teeth,” he said. (Does this guy teach dental forensics?) none of these type example mean much as i a mechanic can understand vintage electronics circuit design and barbering am an expert no ut can i do said crap way yea way not multidisciplinary thinking is a good thing
Jack of all Trades, Master of One – .not none that’s what they want folk too think like ..Be blessed
Carol S
Please with hold judgement until the actual printed findings are released. You are doing exactly what your accusing him of without the full picture. I’m certain that cannot be attained in a meager blog report….
Carol S
Yes really. Is my interpretation preposterous to you? I am TRYING to withhold judgment, but my brain keeps screaming that logic does need to apply. Perhaps the writer of this article is doing a disservice to Townsend in this peice, but based on his quotes, this seems like another pseudoscience hack job waiting to rear it’s ugly head. If my take is correct, it will make people who take this subject seriously look foolish. My cynicism is based on precedence not anything personal. For example: how can you go from finding piles of bones with teeth marks to Sasquatch mating with people? It comes across as foolish fairy tale chasing. IMHO, Townsend’s own words make me doubt the validity of his findings.
Stacy F
Right there with ya… I like the way you think, Carol. 😀 It’s all interesting, but he pretty much lost me at the “human/ape breeding” thing. Seriously, this guy’s a scientist??
Stacy F
Oh, college professor–my bad. Still though…
James R
This was written by a blogger or journalist. If he is making these bold statements than I am pretty sure the scientific language and evidence will be in the actual published paper. You are making strong accusations based on the propaganda stylings if a journalist.
david s
It backs up my thought that BF is a human/ape/demonic hybrid. The fact that dogs will have nothing to do with BF, and in fact they mostly run and hide if they make it out alive speaks of the evil nature of these things.
Michael K
The evidence of Demons is worse than the evidence for bigfoots. One myth does not prove another.
But it does back up my theory that UFO’s have no cutlery or bins on board and the Portal Guardians wont pick up the rubbish.
Debbie C
You need a dead Sasquatch to investigate the truth.
I find it difficult to imagine Sasquatch humping a woman~
lol….moreover, it hurts to even think that a human female can give birth to such a large baby without dying in the process.
Jason M
Ah… not to mention how the baby …er.. got in there in the first place.
18″ foot prints… 8′-8″ tall… you do the math on the er… sasqua-shlong.
It’s amazing she survived to give birth at all.
r v
Debbie C. I think there are videos out there if I remember correctly from the forums. Oh, and yuck.
“Mitchel Townsend, a Winlock resident and teacher in the college’s Continuing Education program”…. (quote from the article above)
… for a Continuing Ed class he is teaching (description is below)
New Bigfoot Solved
Proving the legal and scientific cases for a new giant ape species in
the Pacific Northwest. This course will prove the existence of Bigfoot
beyond a reasonable doubt. With newly discovered forensic dental
evidence and a very large collection of contemporary science, this
course will create the atmosphere for a scientific inquiry under
courtroom conditions. Students will become jurists in the search
for truth by maintaining a unique courtroom “Scientific Inquiry”
Evidence Assessment Instrument from which they will render a
verdict. Instructor Mitchel Townsend
Apr 4,18, May 2,16,30 Sa 11:00am – 1:00pm WAH 103
Code 8637 Course CS 227A $5
Carolyn D
Well done, Professor!
larry h
Well I am not saying this professors find is wrong but some conclusions carry no weight, I do agree with a couple of you a body will have too be produced to validate our claims of Bigfoot. The animal is just a wild beast/ animal with some low learning ability, and any body that believes that it is more than that needs a syc. eval. but you are free to think what ever you want.
Christopher c
We all know Alaska brown bears are a major contender out on the playing field and that was why this was one of my favorite stories,there was a report out of Alaska where a guide and his client shot and harvested a brown bear and upon examining the kill they noticed what appeared to be Huge human like bite marks around the nape of it’s neck-this is crazy! and it ties into what Mitchel Townsend is saying.
Papa - Yeti
Just after the Victorian era, it has happened: There has been a report by an elderly woman having been abducted, raped, and given raw to eat, while the Sasquatch held the elderly grandmothers in captivity for a month.
► unknown date, but said to have happened many decades prior to 2009 [first quarter of the 20th century] – Abduction – Raped Elderly Grandmother – Northern California – Happy Camp / Klamath River region: many decades ago – There was an elderly grandmother that was picking blackberries with female relatives. The Grandmother left the Berry brier and walked behind some pine trees, (to relieve herself) her friend heard her blood curdling screams.
-Her friends ran towards the trees and tried to chase after the huge Sasquatch which had the elderly woman under its arm as it ran off through the woods and over a mountain. The friends in pursuit could not even keep up and lost her. After four weeks out in the forests and mountains- The tattered and torn, staved Grandmother suffering from exposure, stumbled into the family homestead and she tells the family she was taken by a huge male Bigfoot and held captive, she was only given raw fish. As well as given killed, headless rabbit, and deer carcasses to eat. She told her family that she was captured, abducted and raped by a huge monkey – man. (Monkey – man is what the locals around Happy Camp call the Bigfoot. [I claim no ownership of this post, and post it here for entertainment and educational reasons only.]
-And let’s not forget that in the Stalin era, of Russia, that Joseph Stalin had his leading Zoologist IIya Ivanovich Ivanov working very hard to create a Human / Non Human ape hybrid during the 1920s’. Deemed the Chuman or Humanzee.
Sean C
I think it is disgusting, but I have seen women having sex with dogs and horses. Surely though, surely, not one of them would even think about sex with an animal that more closely resembled a man! I mean come on, surely any woman would draw the line somewhere, and monkeys is just taking it too far, just too far. People believe whatever they want to believe, but that has no influence on fact, or what is in the realm of possibilities. I certainly don’t know the truth, of what sasquatch beings are, or how they came to be, but just because many of us may not like considering all of the possibilities, does not make them any less possible. We all like to entertain our own theories, but we base them on what we are willing to accept, and that really has no relevance. I’m just saying, as horrible as the truth may really be, maybe we really aren’t as ready for it as we think. Maybe it’s one of those things, that once we really know the truth, if we ever do, we’ll wish that we didn’t know. I think that I want to see one, but if I ever do, I’ll probably wish that I could wipe that memory away.
Just rambling, and throwing around some unpleasant thoughts.
Jason M
>> I have seen women having sex with dogs and horses.
Dude… seriously!!? WTF?
>>I think that I want to see one, but if I ever do, I’ll probably wish that I could wipe that memory away.
I’d worry about forgetting the chick humping the horses and dogs first.
Sean C
Awesome bro! You can quote me and show everyone how cool you are with your wit!
Probably not big on original thoughts though………..
william c
wow I lived in winlock for years..and also daughter claims to of had a sighting in Packwood wa just a few miles east..
Papa - Yeti
Oh God, Bestiality, Now there’s a warped twist I haven’t thought about pertaining to Sasquatch and Bi – Pedal Wolf creatures encounters, who in hell is going to report a Bi –Pedal Wolf / Dogman encounter, if the damn creature ran them down and had its way with them.
“Jim what’s wrong mate?” His hunting partner says. “I heard you screaming you head off in shear panic?” “Your era of these woods” Jim says nervously with tears in his eyes and disparately needing a shower. No! No, it wasn’t me! “Sure it was Jim! It came from the direction of your tree stand, and I could hear your screams of terror!” Jim Says: “Nope, nope I tell it was not me… You must have heard a screech owl platypus or something… I am fine; I’ll be fine I tell yah…
-I am defiantly not going to be stepping into any tree lines to relieve myself. Hell no! You guys are going to watch me right here in the middle of the open meadow with you rifle safeties off.
-Mean while, every time Jim hears his wife’s pet York Terrier yap in the parking lot of the grocery store, poor Jim starts shaking, and whimpers, wetting his trousers.
Sean C
Damn dirty apes……..I bet he couldn’t even use the wall urinal anymore………..
Kay S
Papa – Yeti, that was an image I could have lived without. But well thought out all the same. ????
I also agree with Carol S. This guy is assuming an awful lot. How could he possibly scientifically prove that Native Americans mated with a monkey creature to make BF? If he had a BF body maybe, but from tooth impressions… Get real! I for one will be very interested to see his proof.
Eddie M
Conclusions seemed logical. Given what thousands of witness have described. Too many have seen a primitive Human Face…probably a recessive gene …considering how many have described an apish face. This is real science …questioned but, pretty logical. Teeth are hard to fake…so is a bite width.
diana m
I want to read the professors paper. Sometimes(lol) newspaper articles run amuck.
Dave T
Will this prove BF exists to the scientific community and the rest of the world? Absolutely not! It’s the same thing over and over, we need a body and nothing else will do. I’m not gonna belittle his findings because he is still trying to help build the case that these creatures are real. It’s just some more interesting findings to add to the pile. One thing I don’t get is why some people find it unimaginable that a BF would breed or try to with a human? Humans have had sex with everything else under the sun including monkeys which is how AIDS got started. Indians have all theses tales of BFs stealing women and children and people think it was all about predation? If humans can have sex with any farm animal in the barnyard, than it’s not a big stretch to think a male BF getting a chubby for a squaw. My opinion.
Sean C
I appreciate that! So obviously I’m not the only one to be thinking such taboo subjects. But if we talk about it, even though it’s true, oh my gosh! I can’t believe that pervert brought such dirty thoughts to this subject! Let’s mock him!
Check out the moronic, immature response that I got above, like I personally invented bestiality.
Well people, it has to happen somehow, if there are possibly human DNA traits in these creatures!
Thanks for the awesome show again, Wes and Woody, the Chronicle Brothers!
Gail d
I guess this Professor must agree with Dr Melba Ketchum research about the genetic analysis of Bigfoot that many accused her of contaminating
This seems really farfetched to me. First off the whole breeding with native americans is lowly pluasible because the native american tribes were not on good terms with this creature. In addition, these creatures’ smell was over powering- not really a turn on. So it would have to be by force- very far fetched. Secondly, the genetic difference between individual humans today and the great ape family is minuscule – about 0.1%, on average. So when the professor says his big conclusion is Sasquatch is 50% human and 50% great ape is inaccurate but also irrelevant. We know it’s probably closely related to us. That’s the wrong question and answer. The questions we should be asking is “What’s the future outcome? What do we do with them?”