Oct 16

Mount St. Helens Cover Up

A listener writes “Hey Wes I’m a big fan of the show and want to say I love it. I was afraid to email you as my story is from my friend’s father who was in the military.

This man isn’t one of those type of guys to make things up and to be honest he didn’t want to tell me the story but his son convinced him to. Well back when the whole Mount St. Helens eruption and the military was called in to help he was one of them. He said at night he would hear terrible screams like someone was being burned alive but the screams never stopped on and off. So the story goes he was called up to a section of the mountain and was told this mission was classified. When he got to where he needed to be there were all this special military guys and Sasquatch there. He said it was almost like these I don’t know if it was Military or Men in Black type of people but it seemed like they were communicating with the Sasquatch and were actually speaking. He said there were more than one of them and there was no sort of aggression as they seemed to be working together.

Now when I first heard this years ago I was confused to say the least. But maybe the government knows where there are and protects them in a way. But all I know is I believe this guy there was no smirk or smile when he told me the story more of an upset look when he told the story. Look all I know is I trust him don’t know cause I wasn’t there but it makes a little sense to me. My name is —————- if you have any questions give me a call at ———–. Cause I would love to hear what you think. Thanks and good luck with your shows.”

22 Responses to “Mount St. Helens Cover Up”

  1. Roy D

    Interesting to say the least. If they were communicating with it. That would seem to be some type of mutual understanding would have to be known. Which could only be learned. And being able to speak, would be something that would have the vocal range as a human and, or possibly learned from birth? Plus, What would M.I.B. need to be going to Mount St. Helens for, If not for the Sasquatches? Something is going on thats stranger than we could even imagine.

    • Kim S

      No they sub contract out “remote viewers” in for this type of thing…this is how they communicate…I did my own personal experiment on this theory and it worked Roy ??

  2. Gumshoguy

    There is a similar report shrouded in anonymity due mainly because all present were directed to forget what they see or hear under penalty of law – that first responders observed a few Sasquatches being treated for burns and given water.

    That injured Sasquatch was taken off site for emergency treatment and seemed genuinely gracious for the help and water. In the same report it mentioned there was choppers air lifting cargo nets of dead Sasquatches which were placed in heavy military cargo trucks and dumped in a large excavated pit some distance away.

    These reports sound sweet but there is those nasty other reports that surface under the same shroud of secrecy and anonymity telling of Sasquatches being first on scene to aircraft crashes and pulling corpses from the wreckage and presumably not for crumpet’s and tea either.

  3. Amy H

    Nothing the government does surprises me. I bet they know about all kinds of “cryptieds”. They’ll never tell. I’m sure they’d claim it’s for our protection, and to a degree, they may be correct. A lot of people exist on a very shaky foundation, (philosophically)if they even have one. It does shake people to the core, and some to degrees that alter their grip on life, (after seeing something unknown).
    You’ve gotta be a pretty strong person to accept, and not be psychologically bothered, by the existence of Sasquatch. I assume most if us on SC hate being lied to and feel strong enough to deal with the knowledge of Sasquatch existence.
    All of this would be maddening if you were unsure about the governments involvement. However, we hear enough tidbits on SC to see what’s going on. It’s irrating to be lumped together with people who can’t handle the truth.

  4. Simon P

    I was 9 or 10 at the time of Mt St Helens eruption but i vaguely remember the mountain giving clear signals it was going to erupt – earth tremors, smoke/steam coming from the top of the mountian.
    If this is correct and going with the general assumption that Sasquatch are highly intelligent, I thought they would have sensed the danger and left the area prior to the eruption.
    Whenever we have bushfires, the horses will always go and stand at the far end of the paddock even when there is no smell of smoke in the air. They seem to have 6th sense when it comes to imminent danger.

  5. Charles R

    Thanks Tracy A for the links. I suspect Nick Redfern’s opinion that we will probably never know is correct. I first heard of the Battle Mountain, Nevada about 10 years ago I believe. The witness set up a private email account to deal only with a BFRO individual. This always sounded plausible to me as the quite injured Bigfoot allowed them go give medical aid and was then transported out. After some time the email witness just did not answer any more and attempts to reach out did not work.

    This Mt. St. Helens is quite different and on surface, even for me, seems quite far fetched, except I would expect a Sasquatch body or two or more would have been found, with the usual suspects taking them away and nothing more ever heard.

  6. Richard R

    Brothers and sisters! I have heard this account of Mt st Helens from a few reliable resources. I believe they actually had a Native American Woman that was able to communicate with one that walked out of the woods to a firefighter basically begging for help. They gave it pain medication then the interpreter came in with a chopper. The Squatch got on the chopper and I guess they went to
    Two or three locations where the Squatch called out to no avail. On a third location several exited a cave . One female and 3 children two which were badly burned . A second chopper came
    And they loaded them
    Up and
    Took off to an disclosed location. I think that is why they rarely mess with us because they know when one of theirs goes haywire, special
    Forces come
    In and wipe
    Them out. I believe the govt has an agreement w them. Enjoy Squatch fans and keep up
    The great programming Wes. How about a TV show? Come
    On now! Let do it. I will subscribe in a second! Time to make some coin brother. Your talented interviewer. It’s your calling! $$$$$$$$$$$

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