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  • #197488
    Ryan C

    I live in NJ. There’s absolutely some good locations in the Wharton State Forest (Pine barrens) especially in the fall, and NW NJ (High Point etc). Hudson Valley NY, and many locations in the Adirondacks. I go to the ADK at least once to twice a year. I’ve been in love with the ADK since my father took my hiking/camping every year as a child growing up. I just fell in love with that park. To me, there’s no better place on earth. Sasquatch or not, it’s beautiful and the fall is the best time to go. And I personally have had major action NW of Lake George, near Pharoah Lake Wilderness Area and Rogers Rock. Good luck.

    Ryan C

    What is also odd, is that many of his youtube videos have been deleted. He had a decent library, and now it’s a fraction of what it was. Every once in a while I’d listen to the 2-part episode he had where his guest saw multiple sasquatch and one of them did a spider crawl that I found interesting. It’s gone.

    Ryan C

    Don’t sweat that stuff. Those people are miserable. I forgot which episode it was, but one episode’s first comment said “YEEEEEEEHAAAAAW!!!!! FIRST!!!!”. I laughed prrretty hard that someone was THAT excited, good for him/her lol. The next comments were making fun of him/her of course. Some people are just mean because they are MIZZ. Some of those people are also know-it-all’s who Google answers to certain questions, pawning it off as their own response. Live and love life. In this case ignorance is bliss. My two cents, for whatever it’s worth. Cheers.

    Ryan C

    According to Tucker, he had his Trout fishing trip planned for some time now. Good timing ha. He’s lost a lot of ad $$ with Disney, T-Mobile,Papa John’s (garbage pizza anyway), and Poshmark leaving sponsorship after his views on BLM. He is standing up and speaking the truth about all of this BS. His show has been on point and I admire his courage. More of us need to stand up and speak up. As Larry Elder says, “we’ve got a country to save”.

    Ryan C

    Inconclusive either way. Definitely interesting.

    Ryan C

    I believe it’s the juveniles doing these things, as well.

    Ryan C

    Thank you @pauldude000.

    Ryan C

    I don’t agree with Isdahl on some things , but he brings about some good content. I have a feeling he may have been stuffed in too many lockers once upon a time. If you have a good filter, I believe you’ll find some value there. The story on this clip from yesterday is quite sad:

    Ryan C

    By the way Knobby, never got a chance to tell you thank for coming on SC and letting us all hear your encounter. Pretty amazing. Thank you. What brought me here in the first place were vocalizations in Adirondacks New York which blew me away and scared the you know what out of us, and upon further research was tied to sasquatches. I can only imagine going thru your encounter. Cheers.

    Ryan C

    Here’s the link. It is on SC.

    The Big Thicket Watch Radio EP:03

    Ryan C

    I understand health and private life being invaded for Bob Garrett. My initial question was regarding Truskowski. His eye shine theory and general sasquatch research was interesting. He also stated he has plenty of sasquatch soundbites. Does anyone know where we can view the sounds he gathered or any of his research?

    Ryan C

    Look up English Mastiff skull.

    Ryan C

    Look up English Mastiff skull. Extremely close.

    Ryan C


    Ryan C

    You nailed it Amy H, well said! Bring on Mr. Isdahl.

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