Dec 21

Bob Gymlan: 911 Calls On Bigfoot

Bob writes “Two calls to 911 dispatch from the Kistsap Peninsula Washington State. These calls have been floating around the internet for a long time. This is all that can be known about them.”

6 Responses to “Bob Gymlan: 911 Calls On Bigfoot”

    • Jon W

      Yeah, when the 911 lady says “Oh no!” You better believe the fan has been hit and you are now covered! The storm that was brewing is now a down pour and you have no umbrella. It’s getting deep… you have no paddle…. it’s a shituation.

  1. m99

    Most of this is of poor sound quality, and sorry, I don’t like this Bob Gymlan. I say sorry, because Wes seems to favor him. No offence Wes, but this interviewer is NOT (the real) Bob Gimlin. And, this witness in Kitsap, sounds (just) like a friend of ours from that area originally, but there was never any mention of this experience from either he or his wife. I’d really like someone to say what the witnesses/ caller’s first name is, then I’d know for sure it’s him.

  2. Stephanie G

    I like this Bob Gymlan. His name is spelled differently and the minute you listen, you know it isnt THE Bob Gimlin. I do like the way he logically puts together all his mini lectures. My only complaint is that I listen faster than he talks!! ??? And this particular version of the recording is really poor quality. Doesn’t matter, though, because anyone who is a SC fan can quote it verbatim.

  3. NHSquatcher

    There is no such name as Gymlan spelled like that. It’s obvious this guy is a fake and he does that to attract people to his YouTube channel but only the ignorant would think that’s the real Bob Gimlin. Lucky for this impersonator that there are a lot of stupid people out there that can’t spell or look up the fact that there is no such name spelled that way

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