Jan 16

Bigfoot Outlaw Radio: Bigfoot Pulls Man Underwater

This episode the Bigfoot Outlaws tackle some questions from our listeners, and talk about the encounters and stories that led us to our conclusions.

13 Responses to “Bigfoot Outlaw Radio: Bigfoot Pulls Man Underwater”

  1. Bal G

    The more I hear of these guys, the less credible they sound. It’s almost like listening to guys with attention deficit disorder. They can’t finish a story or topic without veering off into something else. You can feel free to stop posting or linking their podcast Wes. Don’t mean to sound so harsh, but man these guys are borderline….never mind. Still love being a member, and love your show. Keep up the good work and take care Wes. Can’t wait for your next stop into the “Vault”

    • James B

      I agree, I’ve never heard a question they are not an expert on, with all these encounters you would think they could get ONE photo or any scrap of evidence, they love to hear themselves talk more than any group of people I’ve ever heard!! Sometimes just shut up and take a breath ever now and then, just the same carp over and over.

    • F S

      Agree. They make fun of anyone not in their club, talk about pictures, video, and recordings they “need to look for”, but never make public, and reminisce about the good old days.
      I’ll stick with Wes. He knows when to shut up.

  2. Kathryn C

    You can’t compare anyone to Wes or anyone to the Outlaws. They are both unique and each has their own style, focus and expertise. I believe they are honest and you can rely on what they say. The Outlaws do get off subject but that is one of the things I enjoy, and they admit it at the beginning of each show. I just wanted to pipe in and say that I am a fan of the Outlaws and I really enjoy all their shows.

  3. Trey

    They never claim to be experts not once. If you had them on your property growing up a a kid until present day you’d know more about them too but still not experts on the situation. Seems to me there’s a lot of jealousy going around because most people don’t know what or where to look when these guys can simply go out on the farm at a particular time. If you don’t like them then don’t listen. I’ve got most of the info I know about these creatures including what to look for and where to look and they’re right way more times than their wrong. So if you think you can put out better more accurate info by all men’s go for it but I bet you can’t. Ya the talk over each other and ramble on sometimes but this is not a witness based show. This is just a show of them sharing their own personal experiences which, I didn’t believe a lot of in the beginning but in the past few years 99% of the things they’ve told me have come to fruition. So stop hating and trolling them. If you don’t like them, don’t listen

  4. Ronnie R

    I like the outlaws, and listen to them any chance I get. They give a different perspective and usually only speak to their own experiences of their group. Different methodology than what Wes brings, but both have their merits. I don’t mind the rambling on ( I think that is part of unlocking other tidbits of information) and that is why I asked the second question about Sasquatch swimming under water that they addressed, and how Coonbo knew that they could do that. I heard it briefly mentioned on a earlier episode (17 I believe), but no elaboration on why or how they knew.

    I go to Wes for structure and the outlaws for chaos, and I enjoy both.

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