Mar 31

Bigfoot Odyssey: Bigfoot Classics (William Roe & Albert Ostman)

Bigfoot Odyssey discusses the William Roe encounter as well as the Albert Ostman account.August 26, 1957, marked the date upon which one of the strangest and most controversial official documents of all time was prepared and signed.

The man that made the sworn statement was one William Roe, of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The affidavit was made so strange and controversial due to the fact that it detailed Roe’s very own encounter – and an extremely close encounter – with a large, female Bigfoot.



Albert Ostman, claimed that in 1924, while on a leisurely prospecting trip in British Columbia, Canada, he was kidnapped in the middle of the night by a Sasquatch, or what is more commonly known as “Bigfoot.”


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