Sep 4

Audio Recording From Colorado

Modern Explorer writes “Hey Wes, Glenn Norberg here from Modern Explorer in Colorado. I recorded some curious sounds a few nights back. I was hammock camping in a heavily wooded ravine up by Marshall Pass, CO scouting for elk. On the hill above me (it sounded like it was about 1/2 mile off) I woke up to a ‘ululation’ call at about 10:30a at night.

A couple of years back, I had a curious happening – while archery hunting on this hill, I was grunted at, and had something thrown into the bush right next to me, but never saw anything.

As is my habit now, I placed recorders out. Two at camp, and one about 1/4 mile away from camp. They all caught the sound, but the distant recorder actually caught the sound better (perhaps because of ‘line of sight’)
This particular clip came from the end of CR-204 (D?) the North Western most dirt county road. I placed the recorder there in the trees, and caught this.

Due to the size of the file(s) I have only attached one clip:
An audio enhanced version (short)

I cannot describe it in any way better than a high pitched ‘ululation’ that drops off . It did not come in a repeating pattern – like a bird call and the Sonogram shows distinctly (albeit minor) differences in the sound (unlike a bird call) it lasted for about 3 1/2 minutes each time. I heard it twice. it sounded like a ‘call’. There were cattle grazing in the area that day, but the following morning they were off the mountain.

Have you ever heard a ‘ululation’ reported? If you can identify this sound, I would appreciate it and would love to write it off as ‘normal’.

If not, It intrigues me all the more.”


Link to the audio

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