A listener writes “Since 2019 our life has changed!!! We bought property in North Georgia several years earlier. At the time I had hunted most of my life and never knew of Bigfoot possibly being in the southeast. I was 50/50 that some could exist but I thought it was only possible in northwest US, Canada, or Alaska.
I had noticed several things on the property that didn’t make sense. It had to have been done with hands and no people had been in the area. There also were no bears in this area so they were ruled out. In 2019 for Christmas our kids gave me a life size black plywood cut out of a Bigfoot. I placed it at woods edge off the back porch so I could see it. Two weeks later my wife went outside after watching a movie around 1 AM something came by the back porch (just far enough you couldn’t see it) and was whistling loudly. It whistled 4 times and our dogs in the outside pen were going crazy. One of the whistles was within 10 yards of the dog pen. My wife woke me up and had me come outside. I didn’t hear anything but she told me what happened.
It didn’t match any animal I knew of in all my years of hunting. Two weeks later at 4:47 AM something hit our brick house so hard the whole house shook. I checked the internet and no one reported anything that could have caused it. The next morning I went outside and found the grass was flattened and the dirt and dust was gone high up on the wall. I was able to rule out everything that I thought could have caused it, earthquake, tree falling, sonic boom, etc. The hit was at least 9 foot high on the wall. I used the internet and queried Bigfoot and the town closest to us. I did that not only because of what had happened but also because of what I had seen on the property. A BFRO report appeared and hid the location but I could tell it had to be close to where we lived due to details in the article. I called a person in north Georgia that knows a tremendous amount about Bigfoot.
I told him what had happened and he asked me a lot of questions. At the end he told me he knew what was going on. He said that Bigfoot has been watching you and wants to let you know they are there and wants to coexist with you in peace. A couple of Bigfoot investigators came by and found footprints, tree breaks, and proof that Bigfoot had been here for a long time. They also found out that the hit on the house wall was so hard it broke the bricks from the top of one of the bedroom windows all the way to the roof. So then we knew Bigfoot was here!!! Since that time we have built a trust with this Bigfoot clan and have amassed a tremendous amount of proof of there existence. We have had many interactions with them and would like to share the events with others. We have seen 3 more babies that I’m 90 to 95% sure of (unless we have an escaped monkey or chimp here). We have evidence of all types but below are just a few.
1. Crazy howls at night.
2. Several footprint pictures of various sizes.
3. X’s which mean stay out of this area.
4. Tree bends.
5. Bigfoot hide.
6. Peanut butter jar that a young Bigfoot stripped down to get peanut butter out from the bottom of the jar.
7. Peanut butter jar found in the woods that appears to have been stepped on by a baby Bigfoot.
8. A gift they left us on the railing of our back porch. This is how it looked after it was cleaned off. They have given us many extraordinary gifts.”

Linda B
Good one. Funny the activity spiked when the cutout was placed outside. When you read about a habitation like this, and other habitation stories, the activity appears the same which for me lends credibility. We had our camper hit up high on the camper when parked 30 miles outside Honobia. This occurred after our attendance at a conference. Earlier that day we had done some whoops at the edge of the woods. Something banged 4 times. It sounded like it was above the camper door but could have been on the roof. I woukd not let my husband open the door. The knocking impact was hard enough to have left a dent and the camper now leaks in the corner on that side of the camper. (We’re too old and decrepit to get on the roof and look ((or too lazy)). Lol
Neil S
my family has property in NE Georgia Raybun county, I’m curious where your location is…I found a possible track line in April when visiting them…with some clear foot prints similar to your photos…
Dana B
North Georgia is becoming very populated. Developers are Californicating farm lands and spreading Atlanta up to Buford-Gainesville and Lake Murray. Probably Sasquatch doesn’t want to keep moving because they would end up in Athens and no one wants to be Athens in the fall during Football season. Go Vols!
Charles R
As long as your happy with this habituation listener, have fun with this and gather what evidence you can. Those tracks are really good. I envy you. I do think they will seek a place when nursing young to hang around in and not have to be on the move. I have a friend down in Comfort, TX that had this going on back in 2012 and 13 and was on this show in the early days. Interesting that investigators stated the Xs mean stay out. Maybe so. Although the one I found in Salt Fork Lake, OH I would bet money on was an ambush area as it was just of a very heavy game trail. I hope you come on the show to bring out what all is going on.
We just moved to North Georgia 2 years ago, surrounded by miles of USFS land, and have recorded some strange sounds that are very monkey-like.