Sep 4

They sold us a haunted house!

A listener writes “I am a subscriber to Sasquatch Chronicles and am enthralled with the show. No sightings for me, unfortunately, however I daily scan our woods behind our home. I’m aware this is off topic, however, I couldn’t find a way to contact you for the After Dark show.

I’ve listened to different guests on your show and prior to this have always believed Sasquatch is real. My parents, myself and one of my sisters have witnessed UFO’s and a “haunted” house when growing up in West Virginia. This house affected every one of us profoundly and we still talk about it alot. My mother passed last year and she was always up for discussing what happened there.

I’ll try to summarize. This took place when I was 11-18 years old (ugh, I’m 56 now, don’t want to think about the math!) on the outskirts of Rainelle, West Virginia. My parents bought the farm which included a mountain top where I had the best and the worst memories of my life. The people that sold the house to us, joked around that the man’s father died in the house and that the ghost would visit them. It didn’t take too long before we moved in that activity began. My dad laughed it off, but never made fun of us when something happened.

I had my own room in the back of the house where 3 orbs of light would circle around in a tight pattern on the back of a dresser that abutted my bed. I was always terrified seeing them, but being raised to stand up for myself, I often got out of bed, searching where they came from. I’d hold my hand up and the lights didn’t fragment, as if there were just coming from the back of my dresser. Didn’t come from a window either, so I told my parents about them. After hearing me tell the same story, over and over, my mom stayed with me one night and she saw them too. Scared her pretty bad, so she went to get my dad. He didn’t see them and ran outside thinking we had a peeping tom. Of course there wasn’t anyone outside, but I always had a feeling that the lights weren’t human, but they were alive. I know, weird. My grandmother and her sister came for a visit and they stayed in my room, not believing me or my mother. They ran out screaming, relaying the same story I’d always told. This happened mostly in the fall and winter.

These next 2 events changed our family, and we eventually moved out. During a summer break from school, I was 16 and my mom, my sister and I were watching tv. Mom made us grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch and we were eating in our living room that was covered in a godawful puke green former shag carpet. Real 70’s throwback. I was sitting on the floor when something caught my attention, rolling toward us. It was the lid from the can of tomato soup, rolling on it’s edges. I remember mom, my sister and I watched the lid roll past us and then fell over in front of our tv! We didn’t say a word, then mom started talking. She said she’d left that lid on the electric can opener. That lid had to have rolled off the counter, about 5 feet through our linoleum floored kitchen, then made a 90 degree turn onto the carpet, where it rolled another 15-17 feet before it stopped. We were spooked. My dad came home from work and laughed it off, thinking we were joking around.

The last major event happened about 6 months prior to moving out, changing my dad’s mind on every incident we’d told him. There were a lot of little things happening weekly, but nothing like the lights, tomato soup lid and his own encounter. My parents were in their bed, awakened around 1 am they said later when retelling. We had a Boston Terrier that liked to sleep with them, however on this night she wasn’t with them. They both woke up and looked at each other, when their blanket was being pulled at the foot of their bed. My dad said he did a soft kick and yelled out our dog’s name, thinking it was her moving their covers. He was shocked when the dog ran in there from me or my sisters’ room. He told mom, it was probably the dog leaving and they laid back down to try and sleep. The same thing happened again, this time our dog yelped and left their room. My dad was mad by now, got up, turned the lights on and looked under the bed, closet, checked the room and even took the blanket and sheets off the bed. When he was satisfied it was nothing, they remade bed and tried to sleep again. My dad, when recounting this to us, is still visibly shaken by what happens next. Just as they were dozing off, the blanket on the bed was being pulled again. Him and mom slowly sat up and was watching the blanket move. My dad tried holding the blanket and felt the strength of whatever was pulling. They both said while watching that it looked as if someone was slowly pulling it from them since it was gathered/bunched up at the bottom. My mom started praying and my dad yelled for it to leave them alone, since they couldn’t see anyone, just the blanket being pulled. It did stop, whatever it was, but spooked my dad enough that he put the house up for sale.

The house was sold six months later, and we’d often sleep in sleeping bags in our living room, huddled together until that time. We kept in contact with our neighbors and they told my parents that around 2 months after we left, the new homeowners wife came running out to their house and screamed, “They sold us a haunted house!” and cursed my dad for not telling them. We never told our neighbors what happened in this house. This really did happen to me and I think it affected me and my mom more.

We both had strange things happen, me more than her. I’ve been struck by lightning in front of my daughter on her orientation day at college. I’ve had lightning bolts strike my car, a fire ball tear up the ground where my grandfather saw it with me, a large UFO when I was 4 years old, and 3 years ago a giant light orb coming from my neighbors yard toward me on multiple occasions while walking my puppy during the night.

My mom and I often discussed if the house was haunted or if it was our family. Our family is devout Christians, mostly Baptists, and also believed that all of these events were real. My mom always told me, “Of course there are aliens and different beings. My God isn’t so small that He can’t create other planets. They probably have their own Bible too.” I miss her terribly.

Anyhow, I’ve been wanting to write for a while, especially hearing your guests talk about the lights. Didn’t have a reason, other than sharing my story. One day, I may write a book about my crazy life, but for now it feels good to let some of this out. If you want to contact me, I am willing to speak about it and possibly some other things that has happened to me.”

6 Responses to “They sold us a haunted house!”

  1. Mario P

    I would love to hear more as well. Weird events seem to follow some places and people like hitchhikers. And I can only imagine how these early unexplained events affect someone for life.

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