May 2

2016 Arkansas Bigfoot Conference

Robert Swain talks at the Arkansas Bigfoot Conference. I did not even realize that Arkansas had a conference, I have had several people who have had encounters from Arkansas. Take a listen:

2 Responses to “2016 Arkansas Bigfoot Conference”

  1. Daniel D

    Actually there is a lot of accounts from Arkansas, aside from the Fouke monster that is, everyone has heard of the Beast of Boggy Creek. But my father lives in Northwestern Arkansas and he had a sighting many years ago back in th early ’70’s I believe. He and his friends were out riding ATV’s near where beaver lake is today and they saw the creature on top of a bluff, it watched them for about two minutes then walked off into the woods. There is still a lot of sightings in that area to this day but people in that area are hesitant to talk about it.

  2. Jacqueline O

    I know my comment is not directly related to this video, but why have we not heard anything about The Big Thicket Watch lately?
    I’m curious to know what Bob, Mo, Tim, and the gang are up to…I hope Bob’s health is okay, or he hasn’t received anymore more threats?

    Does anyone have any information?

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