>>Editors Note: “Cigar” discusses that in 1967, he found rifles broken in half, missing people, a torn up camp and Sasquatch tracks where the people went missing yet does not think Sasquatch is the cause of the people going missing. Am I missing something here?
The YouTuber writes “Mysterious “Bigfoot Encounter” Of California a old friend of mine tells the story of his dealings with “bigfoot” in california nearly 50 years ago.Cigar as we will call him wishes to remain anonymous which is why he covered his face during this interview . Cigar is of the mind set when it comes to “bigfoot” just let them be and do not try to hunt them down” If the video below does not play click here
r v
Spooky. Fifteen fully-armed men disappear without a trace, together… I think I’ll just stick with my bushcraft knives and a multitool when I go out. What were those rules again? “Never go alone and always go armed.” Looks like good ol’ Sasquatch doesn’t give a crap about our rules. RIP
Carol S
Nah RV
The rule is to make sure the person you bring with you runs much slower than yourself!
Dave S
15 fully armed men came in, carried out the mission, cleaned up the mess and were evacuated w military precision. Usually the simplest explanation is the correct one. 18 – 25 inch tracks this guy can’t read a ruler either. Probably the Bigfoot was 20 feet tall also.
r v
Well I can outrun most kids. See ya Timmy! Mu hu hu ha ha ha ha…
r v
And old people. See ya Grandma! If you gun it I think your cart can move faster than Timmy…
Bruce M
Seems to me 15 bear hunters got caught off guard and were beaten to death and taken for food. May have beaten them with their own guns. Sounds like the camp Bob Garrett found.
Robert P
Timmy’s doomed!
Tyler D
If he wanted it anonymous why didn’t they just do an audio interview instead of him covering the upper portion of his face? I thought it was kinda funny
Tyler D
That’s a lot of people to just vanish without a trace, it just doesn’t seem plausible. But hey anything’s possible, if I was those searchers I would be scratching my head not knowing to make heads or tails of that site
Robert M
I think cigar thinks there is only 1 bigfoot; hard to believe people think that.
Kenneth M
I wonder why he is called “cigar” Is it to protect hisday job as a preschool teacher or??
r v
Ha ha Kenneth! Actually it’s Ted Nugent. He can’t afford one more bad sound byte at this point.
Jerry B
Seems very far fetched, do some research and see if 15 people did come up missing, I believe this would be reported on every news channel.