Mar 20

Watch: My experiences with Bigfoot

The YouTuber writes “My experiences with Bigfoot possibly following me home”

17 Responses to “Watch: My experiences with Bigfoot”

  1. Charles B

    2 mile is nothing for a stray cat, let alone a large predator. Human habitation doesn’t seem to be a deterrent either. Humans provide more food (gardens, pets, garbage, etc). They may not have followed him home, just been scavenging.

  2. Milton L

    In the entire narrative, there is no mention of the location – not even a clue, unless we are expected to guess where this occured by a person’s regional accent (or lack thereof).
    Nobody expects a street address, but please – some idea of the location puts the story in context.
    If the You Tube contributor fails to mention the location, then PLEASE put this up in the title area.

  3. r v

    They DID follow us home. They let us know by hitting our house so hard I still wonder how there was no visible damage. I thought it would come off the foundation. This was at five in the morning after a night my brother and I went off into the Eldorado forest with night scopes and night cams. This was in 2002 or there-abouts. We were doing our own thing, just out scouting before there was such a thing in the media or the internet.

  4. r v

    I’d heard them every night coming down the Upper Truckee River basin between us and the south Tahoe Airport, where we lived off of Pioneer Trail. Our lust for the truth and discovery trumped our fear. We went into the dark of the forest every other night. We tried to bait them with raw fish, and anything we could otherwise think of. We had many experiences, including wood knocks, even years later at Lytle Creek in SoCal when we were prospecting – screams outside our tent. It’s as if we’ve always had some kind of attraction in our family regarding Bigfoot.
    We found tracks at Ebbott’s Pass that we gave to Freides (never got my casts back nor found out what happened to them). We recorded “juvenile” sasquatch sounds from my back porch that came to be known as the “Tahoe Scream” and got passed off (at least partially) to the BFRO in good faith, used in the Skookum Meadows expedition, and subsequently were re-invented as the “Taos Screams” and passed off to JC Johnson by the same organization with a story. (The story was that the BFRO had cornered a juvenile up a canyon).

    I’ve seen so much bad-side of humanity in the search for Sasquatch that I’m just done even trying. Anything I find (and the things that I have, as in physical evidence) I’m just going to hold onto like the old homesteaders. Communities kept, and still keep, the truth to themselves. Because you Just. Can’t. Trust. Outsiders. Especially Hollywood (which I work in now, BTW, after leaving the Sierras).

    Jaded, and gone. But I will always keep my eyes and ears on the alert when I’m out there.

  5. cyndie r

    r v: Its nice to hear you sound like you are feeling better. Your adventures sound much more interesting (and faster paced) than this You Tuber. Do tell. I used to live in Placerville. I know they all over the Sierras. My aunt had a sighting at their cabin right off highway 50.

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