Apr 18

Watch: Man gets Charged by a Gorilla

I want to thank Toby J. for sending this to me. The YouTuber writes “If you get charged at by a massive gorilla, just stand there and you’ll be fine! What could be easier?” It has been reported in encounters with Sasquatch that they bluff charge. When this happens most people stand their ground not out of courage but out of fear. The few witnesses I have spoken to who have been bluff charged say they were paralyzed with fear which is a good thing since the general consensus seems to be that if you run, it no longer becomes a bluff charge but a charge. Standing your ground seems to get most primates including Sasquatch to back off. If the video below does not play click here.



460 Responses to “Watch: Man gets Charged by a Gorilla”

  1. r v

    Dance with the devil long enough and you’re gonna get burned. This guy’s an ego-maniac. What happened to the baby? Did it live? He was taunting the group and the baby was the last straw. I think of habituation situations, the possibility of death along with the comment “Casamere knew him for many years”. All of his work and he could have still been killed. Game over, man. People need to take this seriously. I need to take this seriously.

  2. diana m

    hmmm. I’m wondering what the reaction would be if a human female was caring for a baby BF? Would the matriarch come investigate? Would there be different reactions if the baby was a female or a male?

  3. randolph w

    What an interesting post. Much must be sacrificed for much to be learned. I do think he dodged a bullet, but we’ll worth the example. I think standing your ground, just as he did is good to a point, if a person’s curiosity leads them there. If you need answers then you need some tact. Awesome video.

  4. r v

    Watch: Man gets Charged by a Gorilla –

    “I need to see some ID.” “But, you’re an ape, or something…What?” “Give me your driver’s license!” “Fine. My credit’s good. Chill, dude.”

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