May 22

Watch: Interview with retired forest ranger

The retired forest ranger asked to have his identity hidden. He has an interesting story about hitting a Sasquatch. This is part 1



This is part 2

30 Responses to “Watch: Interview with retired forest ranger”

  1. Steven B

    A-Dubs…A-Dubs…A-Dubs – drives me freakin’bat-s**t. Would have been priceless to have them knocked unconscious and have photos taken of them in “compromising” positions with the dead type-3 for mass internet, TV and newspaper distribution.

  2. Gail d

    That’s why I do not think a dead Sasquatch would not prove anything; some forensic scientist and geneticist who works for the government knows what this is. They would get their hands on any carcass and ” poof” it would disappear. Whatever pathologist was commissioned to examine it privately would be soundly threatened or “disappeared”.

  3. Kent C

    There was a time in my life (…admittedly quite some time ago) when I would have dismissed a story like this as “paranoid ramblings”.

    …..But I have seen too much of what “Big Government” is capable of to doubt this story now!

    NO ONE is beyond their reach! …….Walk these “trails” with care; as there are much more sinister things in today’s world than BF!!

  4. Dave T

    The gov’t absolutely, unequivocally knows what these things are and is keeping the information under raps. They will also do everything they can to keep it there. I don’t know how this is ever going to be proven with them there to block it at every turn. Unless……. Wes it’s time for you or Woody to run for office. If we get one of you guys in there, we’ll make some headway and get some answers. Just tell the public more free cell phones, more food stamps, etc. It worked for Osama Bama, they’ll fall for it again.

  5. Debbie C

    I believe this actualy did take place.
    When it comes to Bigfoot/Sasquatch, UFOs the truth is forever held silent
    from the public.
    Why is the government allowed to do this in the first place?
    I’m one dingy redhead that doesn’t get it.

    Great find and post!

    • Kent C

      Debbie …….I’m glad to hear you asking the question; “Why is the government allowed to do this in the first place?”

      They can do it because they have, with our passive approval, created a “Big Brother” type of government that believes that it is necessary and proper to monitor and control every aspect of the lives of the poor, simple masses they rule.

      The strategy is simple: “Give people something they want, give it to them for free, and you convert them to passive, dependent children.”

      ……..Anybody want a free cell phone or some more food stamps???

      It took a long time for this situation to develop, and it will take even longer to put things right: ……But the fact that you are asking the question means that one more “Good Guy” has joined the fight! ……Welcome!!

      Asking that question is the first step in a difficult journey.

  6. Dave T

    The American people as a whole are idiots. They’ve created this gov’t that dictates to us what they think we should know. The gov’t has all these fools convinced that they knows what’s best for us and don’t question it or you’ll lose your job, lose your pension, or we’ll audit you. We’re screwed because the majority of the people are sheep and the gov’t knows it.

  7. Steven B

    It is truly sad as well that these Cretans go to bed each night, sleep soundly, get up, look at themselves in the mirror, and still call themselves “Americans”. I’ll never understand how their guts don’t wretch with all the wrong done, lies told, people bodily injured, emotionally damaged, psychologically traumatized, and even people falsely accused, harassed, impugned and, perhaps, “disappeared”.

    But then again…like a friend once told me about a totally different thing…”Steve, in order to understand them you’d have to be like them.” I guess I’ll stay in the ” bed each night, sleep soundly, get up, look at themselves in the mirror, and still call themselves “Americans”. I guess I’ll stay in the “I’ll never understand zone.”

    • Mark B

      The end justifies the means. We see it all the time. And I’m sure they sleep fine at night because of that means. It’s for our own good don’t you know? (Sarcasm)
      I feel for too long now we Americans live under the illusion of freedom. And the present administration in charge has compounded the problem. But enough about that , lets go to a clip….

  8. Steven B

    I need an editor – the end of my last paragraph should have read: “But then again…like a friend once told me about a totally different thing…”Steve, in order to understand them you’d have to be like them.” I guess I’ll stay in the “I’ll never understand zone.”

    Steve B, RGV TX

  9. Richard C

    Chilling interview and is just a reflection of everything we’ve learned over the last year with Wes and crew. What’s bad is that local police departments are also being influenced to “not tell the story”, keeping their citizens at risks. The government (Fed) gives lots of money to local PD’s, and are probably holding that over their heads to insure that they comply. What’s needed is more of these people need to come forward, perhaps in the same manner this individual did. I’d love to see an ad go out, requesting that any/all police officers that have been threatened with the loss of their jobs or with loss of retirement benefits by the federal government in order to cover something up – to come forward with their stories. I had hopes that someone in the press would investigate these allegations, but I’m starting to think that they’re in on it as well. Maybe there’s something else that’s keeping them from telling the truth about these things, that we’re all unaware of, but it just doesn’t seem right that people (small percentage) risk their lives going into these areas, where these things might want to feed or kill them, without knowing the risk. Irregardless it’s wrong and unlawful for government officials to threaten people with loss of jobs or life, no matter what the “justification” is. It’s dangerous for them to be getting away with that.

    • Kent C

      Richard……… I think you have a very clear “read” on the problem!

      The only thing I will add is that we can forget about the “Mainstream Media” as a source of aid or information: ……They are simply the paid “Audio-Visual Department” for the Government.

      We have a long, up-hill struggle ahead of us! This is no longer a case of “bring in a body to settle the question”!! ……..If even half of what we hear is true, the Government has a dozen bodies “on ice”! The public and legitimate science are being excluded from the real facts by “Executive Order”!

      This is the REAL challenge we are facing!

    • Pete M

      Hi Richard, I couldn’t agree more. I still got my pension and I still have all my guns (for now anyway). My wife and I contributed over $80K to free cell phones and food stamps last year, makes me want to puke when I think about it! That being said, “they” do like to threaten people, and it does make me mad. I’m a native Texan and do not agree with their tactics and methods. My first question, before I even would have agreeed to “voluntarily” get in the car would have been “who the fuck are you guys?” As far as the media? They treat it as a big joke. Look at all the YouTube posts with smarmy, smirking media heads, laughing about it as if it’s one big comedy piece, while the actual witness is dead serious.

  10. Richard C

    Kent, couldn’t have said it better. I think it’s a crime that the Media doesn’t do it’s job (in all matters), our freedoms are protected by honest unbiased views regarding what’s really happening in our society. That seems to have disappeared. There’s a lot of money out there being spent to keep it that way.

  11. Harvey78

    Yep sounds like the real deal. Not sure if the others will come forward. Silencing 4 people is easy just copy paste – tax audit – criminal investigations relating to sex crimes involving children – meta data search to uncover all your dirty little secrets – overt surveillance involving all family members – media tip off to crazy story – and finally pictures of loved ones going about their day sent to your home. The government employee sleeps well thinking they are doing the right thing because they trust what they were told from their manager. Discredit – Isolate – Destroy. Just pay your tax and watch TV ( Move along, nothing to see here)

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