Brian The Floridian writes “This is my visit to Expedition Bigfoot in Blue Ridge, Georgia. This is a museum dedicated to the Sasquatch as well as a research center dedicated to finding out about all things Bigfoot.”
Brian The Floridian writes “This is my visit to Expedition Bigfoot in Blue Ridge, Georgia. This is a museum dedicated to the Sasquatch as well as a research center dedicated to finding out about all things Bigfoot.”
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Charles R
I received a message from my sister in Florida a couple months ago that her son Michael was visiting this museum. He also has visited some place in Western North Carolina. I may have sparked an interest in him back in 2011. I took him and 2 other nephews of another sister out for an all nighter in the Huron National Forest, MI. to try and call one in. We may have suceeded as we got a stone thrown at us around midnight.
Robert C
I visited the museum back in 2021. It was awesome!My girlfriend wasn’t excited to go because it was a little out of the way coming home from Tybee Island. But she loved it as well! I say it’s well worth the admission fee!