Oct 22

Tonight’s Show: 50 Years Of Hell

The witness has agreed to come on the show. The witness describes events that took place on a property in Oregon. More than Sasquatch was going on but she describes seeing this creature up close along with other family members. Her father came home late one night and cut down a tree, he said a demon was in the tree. Her uncle had also seen strange red eyeshine from the wood line.

The witness describes hearing her name being called from the woods on more than one occasion. In 1968 she was playing in what they called the hog house. She writes “My cousin and I climbed into one of the stalls to play, the afternoon sun was producing a lot of light and dust motes.  The stall we were playing in had the small side door which was pushed open by the blackberry vines, this would be our saving grace.

I remember the smell of old hay, summer and the berry vines.  My brother and cousin J, were on the East side of the hog house hanging out there.  From the South side of the building where the oak trees were, a very large black animal came in.  It was on all fours, was black and huge.  The boys began to scream, as they did this the animal sped up moving towards where my cousin and I were.  As it got to the opening to go down the stall lined walk it stood up on 2 legs, that’s when I saw it.  I actually heard it before seeing it.  The monster was making the weirdest sound, it was like a deep guttural blah blah blah, but very fast and I had the feeling it was startled.”

13 Responses to “Tonight’s Show: 50 Years Of Hell”

  1. Deedee H

    Wow that’s crazy scary! Being an Oregonian myself, now I’m curious to know where in Oregon this was too! Looking forward to tonight’s episode Wes, as always! TGIF ????

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