Jun 11

Tonight’s Show: I Thought It Was Some Kid

Tonight I will be talking with Steve who is from Mississippi. Steve said “I grew up in the country and a lot of strange things happened on this property.

We would hear strange vocals from the woods and several times we thought someone was on the property because we heard what sounded like two men talking but could never make out what they were saying. I even followed the talking sound to where I thought these two guys were but never found them.

One day a buddy and me went hiking around the property and we were coming up this incline and my friend stopped dead in his tracks. He was ahead of me. I was not expecting him to stop so my face hit him in the back. We were facing West as the sun was going down and I see this figure about 4 feet tall, it was black on black. I thought it was a kid and didn’t understand why he was dressed in all black. I realized this kid was hairy and had long arms. The creature reached for my friend and he pushed me down the hill and said “run as fast as you can.” I took off running before I did I looked back and this thing was giving chase.”

5 Responses to “Tonight’s Show: I Thought It Was Some Kid”

  1. Linda B

    So excited to hear this episode. You don’t hear “run as fast as you can” very often, pretty intense!. Had a nice hard rain today and folks hit their basements in northeastern Kansas with an incredible storm that pushed through. Cooled everything off . Yay!! Sitting in the garage with open doors and a cold one, thanks for the fun Friday nights Wes! Hope you are feeling better! I’m thinking it’s allergies.

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