A listener writes “Early June 2005. I was with my brother and a friend following a remote tributary that links the estuary of the salmon river chasing steel head that were dropping back into Lake Ontario.
As we got farther back in the woods roughly a mile down essentially a game trail that paralleled this tributary I was hut by the smell of rotting meat. We started to come across deer bones and skulls.
I told everyone in the party to be aware of the potential of a den of coyotes. As I turned a corner on this trail I was stopped dead in my tracks like a primal instinct. All my hair stood a up like electricity was flowing through my body. This sensation was followed by such a low guttural I guess you would say growl that I turned around and asked my brother and Ryan if the heard thunder.
They were both aware of the sound and started to become edgy because we all realized whatever the sound was wasn’t thunder. I proceed to move forward approximately 15 more feet and again I was hit with this guttural long rolling growl that went through my entire body. Again I felt static r through me. The sound cut through me like a knife. As I looked to my right to try and make sense of what was causing this sensation I see what I can best describe as a cow eyeball without the whites of the eyes peering at me through a small bushy tree.
Now I knew I was in the presence of some animal. At this point I was no more than 50 feet from this creature. It was squatting behind the bush peering at me through this opening in the brush. We froze all in essentially a standoff while the creature would sway from one position to the next to get a better view through its cover tree without exposing itself. It did not have hair around the exposed parts of the face through the brush. The color of the hair was similar to the account of another man on your show. He described it as darker than an orangutan which gave me goosebumps.
I am 6 foot tall 280 solid guy and I would estimate this creature approximately 8 foot tall because at the distance we were it was just shy of eye level in its crouched position. At this point I tried to tell everyone make themselves look big as possible and start walking backwards. The creature did not move or respond to vocalizations or our backwards movement. When we got out of visual range we all ran. The creatures response was almost instantaneous. It started crashing through the woods like a freight train. It was loud enough that I could hear it moving through the woods over 2 big full grown men running and a 14 year old boy. It had sounded like it was paralleling us the entire distance until about 100 yards before the first major clearing. We were all a complete mess. I have never returned to that location again.”
Jan W
Great encounter. The swaying is always scary and I believe is the first indication of the creature working itself up to a potential attack. And BTW: FIRST!
victoria b
David D
Sorry to hear about your encounter, little brother. I don’t reckon that you had any fire-power with you, being that you’re in Canada. Heaven forbid that the Govt. up there would actually want you to protect yourselves’! You could always come to the U.S., man. Well welcome our Canadian brothers’ with open arms! Then we can teach you how to shoot and all that good stuff. Fricken Governments’!
Mark T
Two full grown men AND a 14-year old boy… LOL.
Robert P
Great story
roger s
Geez! All that grief and he was just letting them know they were encroaching on his space.