A listener writes “It was very early in the morning, maybe 1 or 2 am, day 3 of a five day backpacking trip, and I got out of my tent to relieve myself. I walked ten or 15 feet to go behind a tree, when I felt dizzy and had a strange urge to walk up the hill from our campsite. I had walked maybe a hundred yards or so up the trail, when I saw something squatted down in the trail about fifty feet from me.
It had one fist on the ground and was looking at me intently. I noticed then, that even squatted down, it was as tall as I was (5 foot 8 ). It was at this point I realized I wasn’t looking at a person, but I felt frozen to the spot and didn’t want to make a run for it. We stayed this way for a few seconds, then I heard something big crashing down the slope towards us.
The creature looked in that direction, looked back at me, made some sort of a grunt/guttural yell at me. When it yelled, it felt like it was telling me, get the hell out of here, something bad’s coming down that hillside. It stood up and loped down the trail away from me, and I made my run for it to the campsite. I sat by the fire with my hunting knife in my hand, jumping at the slightest noise, till morning. The next two days of the hike I didn’t say a word to anyone, and I’ve only told my longtime girlfriend and one good buddy about it since. Wes, what do you think it was i saw? What do you think was coming down the hill? Do you think I was in danger?”
Patricia R
This is one of the creepiest stories yet.
It seems to be a simple enough story , but did that creature somehow give him the feeling he was being watched, and that is what compelled him to walk further from his camp, where he could see it. or be seen by it?
He said he felt dizzy. Was that infrasound?
And then the whole tone of the experience changed, when it seemed to warn him to run, when the noise from something else was coming.
Maybe it was a curious juvenile, though a large one , and something bigger was coming to make it get away from the human, so it ran and warned him to go too.
I would like to hear this witness tell us more.
Patricia R
Becca E
Well put. I would as well
Greg T
Anyone want to buy a tent? I think mine is up for sale. I’ll use the money to buy an extra blanket to cover my head with.
Becca E
Ha! Shoot over
Robert D
That’s so funny
Robert V
Maybe the other was a dogman. I gave a feeling sasquatch and dogman don’t like one another. There are cases of sasquatch acting “nice” if only for a moment. Or the crouching sasquatch realized a bigger sasquatch was more deserving to eat the camping than the crouching sasquatch. Bob
Charles R
Interesting thought. Could the Bigfoot help protect folks from the dreaded Dog Man? However I do not believe for one minute they are out to eat us. Just my opinion based on many thousands of encounters,
Jacqueline O
Charles, are you referring to sasquatch or dogman eating us?
I would like to know if anyone is aware of an encounter where someone VISIBLY WATCHED a squatch eating a human…and not just killing, or biting, or chewing, or ripping apart. I have no doubt they kill, but I need more evidence regarding this topic.
Wes, do you know of any? I am very curious, and if you happen to come across a report, it would be one hell of a story!
James M
Maybe a Dogman.
Teresa V
The first thought that popped into my mind was perhaps a mountain giant.
David D
Danger? Na, ya goose! More than likely just a goofy ground, gofer! What the heck do ya think! It’s no wonder so many people go missing! Danger? Do ya think?
Danial K
This person in the story talks about a “strange urge to walk uphill”. In the Missing 411 books many times a missing person has disappeared in an area or in a direction where they would not have normally gone to. (Very strange!)
Robert V
You are correct….thought of that….infrasound fills a lot of the weirdness of the 411 books.
Renee H
Good poiny
wendy s
Thank you for sharing your experience. That’s really strange how events unfolded. Did you have any idea of what was commuting down the hill? Was the Sasquatch that was staring at you fearful of what was coming??? Thank you again. Wes, what is your take on this. Can we hear this experience on the show?? Thank you for all you do. I have learned so much from your show. You are the best.
wendy s
Coming down the hill, sorry. Lol
Robert P
Sounds like a another good one.
Karen C
Wow, what a story, I’am thinking Dogman trying to run off the squatch from his area…
Jane M
If they were using infrasonic sound to hunt, perhaps it was as simple explanation as the rest of the hunting party (bigfoots) and deer or other prey being hunted were heading that way. Perhaps camper was effected by infrasonic sound and after investigating, the single bigfoot signaled him to move on, since he was not that threatening being solo in the woods and he’d rather eat a deer anyway…..seems more plausable to me.
Kay S
I wonder what’s big enough, and mean enough to scare a big Sasquatch? It was about 5.8 crouched remember? Whatever it was I don’t want to meet it! Scary.
thomas w
he probbaly saw a juvey and the smash and crash was mama squatch or daddy squatch as much as i want to believe it was 3 alien beings in a crashed ship or something it was probbaly a case of where the most logical answer is the right one.
Jacqueline O
LOL…That was my thought as well, “ma and pa gittin redy ta put a foot in tha younguns ass!”
Your point about the “Forest Bride” is intriguing as well. I’m sure you already know about Zana and her son Khwit, although she bore other children as well (many who died at birth). There were some horny-ass men in that village…bow-chicka-bow-wow!
thomas w
id like to hear some opinions on squatches making and having a Forest Bride out of some human kidnap victims. I keep thinking of all the kidnap victims and what happens to them. Im wondering after really putting some thought into this, if some of the “cave man” looking things being seen and reported are actually some of the young children that have been abducted by a squatch or a tribe and forcibly raised and become feral and thats what folks are seeing…id love to talk more about that
michael n
Thomas, I’d have to think there would be cases of that. If im not mistaken there was a case in Russia? That the girl was abducted and came back pregnant. She had the child and the community knew about it. She raised it and took care of it.
This story is about as creepy as it gets tho. Thanks wes.
michael n
I dont know too awful much about invasions but I know that it is used as a weapon. Could there be a side to i nfrasound that makes you travel to where the sound is coming from? If so that is scary. Almost like being hypnotized.
michael n
Infrasound not invasions. Damn you auto correct
Darrell O
There is something on the hill!!!