Jun 1

The Chinese Wildman

The Yeran is a legendary creature said to reside in the remote mountainous forested regions of western Hubei. The creature is often called the “Chinese Bigfoot” or “Chinese Yeti”.

Excellent retro documentary about the Chinese Bigfoot or Yeti, known as the Yeren.

4 Responses to “The Chinese Wildman”

  1. NW Mike

    Just thinking here…if Chimpanzees are 97.4 percent like us, and Bigfoot or Yaren are more like us, what percentage of human are they? If they are 98% or 99% identical, would DNA tests be able to reveal that? Mitochondrial DNA reveals the mother’s lineage. Could a mDNA test tell if something was not human, if it was 98-99% human? I think that a nDNA test can, but that one is very expensive compared to the other one. It seems that the Chinese and Russian scientists are farther ahead in studies of relic homonoids (Bigfoot, Yeren, Almas) that most of their US counterparts.

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