Jul 12

Strange Mystery Of The SS Ourang Medan

The SS Ourang Medan was a supposed ghost ship which, according to various sources, became a shipwreck in Dutch East Indies (modern Indonesia) waters, or elsewhere, after its entire crew had died under suspicious circumstances, either in 1940, 1947 or 1948, depending on the newspaper source. The story of the Ourang Medan has, to some degree, become a legend.


3 Responses to “Strange Mystery Of The SS Ourang Medan”

  1. Lisa B

    I’ve never heard of this ship. It sure is bizarre! Even the dog was affected. I wonder if the movie is available to watch. These kind of stories always fascinate me, just like the Sasquatch stories do. Thanks for sharing Wes!

  2. Kathy B

    I have always thought the Philadelphia Experiment was futuristic. The navy playing with something they did not fully understand.
    Maybe the trials worked in the lab but not for the whole boat.

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