Jun 14

Strange Experience While Camping

A listener writes “My encounter happened in the summer of 1999 or 2000 I don’t remember exactly. My oldest sister was dating her current husband, who has worked in logging for most of his life.

They invited me to go camping, at a somewhat remote lake, on the Oregon/California border. My future brother In the was fighting a large forest fire mostly on the California side. He fights forest fires when hes not logging. My sister had her two children with here there from a previous marriage. We stayed a few days there camping.

There was a lot of smoke around the lake and campground. One night around 1:00 or 2:00 am in the morning I heard bipedal very heavy foot steps walking towards or camp. The camp sat right next to a two lane road. That went past the lake. And onward into the mountains for many miles. Mostly logging roads. Everyone was asleep. But this heavy walking I heard. It sounded like it was right in our camp. I was too frightened to look out my tent to see what it was. The next thing was one of its foot was right next to my tent. I hit it with my hand. And the creature made a deep grunt.that sounded like it was standing at lest 7 or 8ft tall. I hit it again, and it made another grunt. Its foot felt like it was like a human’s foot not what a bears foot would feel like.

The next I heard it walk toward are colman camp burner. It sounded like it was rummaging through our food supply. I was very frightened. And could not sleep tell almost sunrise.”

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