Jan 9

Stalked By Something

A listener writes “I was 15 in Bridgeport Texas when I was staying with a friend at her house. It was Fall early year 2000-2001. I was staying the weekend with her & her older brother was in town.

For the sake of their privacy I will name them Jane & John. So, her brother “John” offered to burn us some CD’s for music (that’s what we did back in the day lol) and in order to do that, we had to walk about half a mile to 3/4 mile over to their Grandparents house where he had his computer stuff set up to do all that. It was late, about 11pm to midnight when we decided “ok, let’s walk over.” There were 1 of 2 ways to get there… one was to take the dirt road around and the other was to take their walking trail they had made between houses over the years through the woods & tall grass.

That was the shortest route so we opted to take that. They had made that walk many many times before. Anyways, we started out and about a quarter of the way there, I could hear something not too far in the distance behind us to the left hand side of us. So I stopped and told them to stop & listen….. didn’t hear anything more, so we kept walking & a little further on, I could hear it again.. so I told them STOP SHHHH LISTEN…. this time we heard a little rustling & a pop… so at that point “John” said “I heard it, we have cows back over that way. Probably just one got out.”

MSo we kept walking a bit further and at this point we’re about half way to 3/4 of the way to their Grandparents house when we heard LOUD crunching & heavy raspy breathing! We ALL stopped in our tracks to listen. It sounded SO close , like it could have reached out & touched us, And I told them maybe we should move off over to the road, so we started to head toward the road so we had a bit more visual distance rather than walking through on a trail.. once we started towards the road, we could hear what sounded like something following close behind us.

We got to the edge of the road, and stopped once more to listen and what ever it was GROWLED at us! Once we heard that, we bolted in full run the rest of the way to their grandparents house, we hit the back porch and got inside. We all agreed we were NOT walking back that night.”

4 Responses to “Stalked By Something”

  1. Linda B

    Whew!! Very scary!! I think of all the times we use to play outside in the woods along the pastures behind our house and we never saw or heard anything at all. Only once was there something weird, the cows were all running in sync like when you see a small flock of blackbirds that wing for wing move the same direction together even as they change directions. It was probably a mountain lion in the pasture but you never know, that was the late 60s. We ran for it and bolted in the back door to tell our parents something is scaring the cows!
    I’ve gotten so that I don’t even walk anywhere much unless there are sidewalks now, although I did make three laps around moms field last week where there has been squatch activity so maybe I’m getting braver! Lol

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