Jan 16

Skookum Creek With Ron Morehead

A skookum is a variety of mountain giant or monster similar to the Sasquatch or Bigfoot. In the surviving Chinuk-Wawa spoken in Grand Ronde, Oregon, this variant is pronounced differently—skoo-KOOM—but when used in English with this meaning, it is pronounced the same way as the “big and strong” meaning.

Skookums were bad spirits or devils of which crows, eagles, owls, blue jays, various beasts and reptiles could be representations. They could inhabit people and cause serious illness.

Strange Brau writes “After filming was done for the Skookum Creek Strange Stroll, I was anxious to get back and check the “gifting area”. So Eryn and I invited family friends Ron Morehead & Keri Campbell had up the location. Ron is a wealth of backcountry Sasquatch knowledge, and Keri has had her own experiences near this area with the phenomena, some of which I discussed in the previous episode.

After today, I feel good about pursuing this area more privately and will be doing some overnights in the deeper parts of these woods.

Enjoy The Skookum Creek Bonus”

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